Where is our Cert Point Reset?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Norse, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. siiix

    on the test server, so next patch in the game[IMG]
  2. Poacher

    Personally I think cert resets would be a bad business decision for SOE unless it limits them to an overall maximum allowed per token or better yet only useable in one upgrade skill tree per token. I wasted a bunch of certs before VR went live but that's just the way it goes in gaming.....and life. Full rewinds often cater to the lowest common denominator. In a free game a full cert reset would be like buying a new SkilSaw from Home Depot, building a garage then returning said saw claiming you didn't really need it (this stuff actually happens BTW). So, chalk it up as a learning experience and just keep playing to get new certs rolling in. There are many games out there where a full cert/respec reset is a good thing but I don't believe PS2 is one of them.....unless the cost is rather high. Paying $10 or $20 would be laughably low.
  3. ghettoizm

    Whenever (or if) they implement this, don't expect it to give you back SC for items you bought.. it probably will just give you certs spent and not station cash back.
  4. SiosDashcR

    .. But the hard thing to figure is - What gets un-certed if this happens?
  5. RomulusX

    that's not a cert reset? and that's already in the game I believe
    • Up x 1
  6. PaperPlanes

    Still too high. All cosmetic items should be 250 SC. Anything like a cert reset, name change, server transfer, etc. should be like 400 at the most. All guns should be 500 SC. Unfortunately, SOE has already decided they want to go with the price gouging business model, instead of one that will foster long term player loyalty. They will probably do this with the new Everquest game as well.
  7. Tobax

    Can't see that ever happening in a million years, even the items they talked about refunding for account unlocks were only going to be given back in the forums of certs (if at all), they arn't ever going to hand back SC.
  8. FlayvorOfEvil

    But how will that work?
  9. RomulusX

    Granted, I agree with you, but it is plausible since SOE already rec'd the actual money when you purchased the SC..refunding SC wouldn't hurt the company lol
  10. Norse

    Lock this ya twinkey.
  11. Norse

    Exactly, it should not cost us a dime to redistribute the money and points we spent to test everything. And on top of that the descriptions of what was being purchased was written poorly.
  12. Mekaniz

    I don't understand :rolleyes: How I see it is that you would just select what ability you want to un-cert and that's it - you get 70% certs spent on that ability back.
  13. Shasbot

    These threads are so ******* useless and stupid. Characters in PS2 don't specialise then have their skills capped. You can keep gaining and spending certs until you have 100% of every weapon and perk. There's NO need for a "respec potion" in this game...
  14. Funguy

    I personally think you should only get a cert reset once reaching BR100 - not sc reset but only the certs you had earned.

    Maybe 50% certs reset reaching BR50.

    It'll get boring fast once you unlock everything youve wanted and leveled up your character to max. Being br100 seeing as you have no life already I see why not give them the reset option; or better reset all the stats and take all of the certs.
  15. Galaxycommand

    I've wasted so many...
  16. VSDerp

    i know most likely it will cost money. hope it won't cost as much as a extra character slot.
  17. Norse

    This coming from barney, the last bunch anyone asks about cert point distribution.
  18. Nimbat

    If you could refund your weapons for this item then who the hell would buy new weapons for SC? When you can just refund your crap and get the latest most OP weapons next month, every month.

    I doubt SOE would do that. They'd earn more $$ selling guns individually for 700sc.
  19. Eric Smith

    Speak for yourself. I've got about 1000 certs I consider "wasted" on abilities I don't use anymore and another 3500 I spent on my Max just so he can get instagibbed by NC Maxes, blown to hell by C4, and rocketed to death by ESR, Decimators, and other HA rockets. While I certainly can go ahead and earn another 4500 certs it sure would be nice to reallocate those certs to better fit my current play style.
  20. Eric Smith

    You've spent 20000 certs. You respec and get 14000 certs to spend again. Wouldn't be worth it for me, but it certainly could be for some people.

    Personally I think there should be a free item that costs you 10% of your certs or a paid item for about $5-$10, but I ain't counting on SOE to be smart enough to do either. They'll probably have no free item and have the paid item cost $20-$40, which will mean I won't use it.