AMS not get level 4 blockade.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jokkie, Apr 7, 2013.

  1. Eric Smith

    In order to do that the Sunderer either needs to be previously damaged or you need to hold off repairs long enough to let the fire finish it off (which takes about ~30 seconds). 2 C4 will only bring a full health Sunderer down to being on fire, it cannot actually destroy it in and of itself.
  2. Gustavo M

    You are right. But It will give me enough resistance to rush behind cover so friendly engineers can repair it.
  3. Cougarbrit


    Quite often sundy drivers will up and abandon their vehicle, expecting a simple good position or steady stream of spawns will make it invincible. Then their dreams are shattered as one lucky/skillful player breaks his way through the lines to their sundy and blows it the hell up. I've been a victim of this in other forms (AV Mana turrets with 0 missile render and 0 explosion, Dalton Libs with the exact same problems, rocket pod ESFs that no one bothers to attack or help me repair against, sneaky C4ers that put my sundy into the red and everybody is too selfish to repair it themselves because it "isn't their problem"), and I still do occassionally abandon my sundy, mostly because I'll feel that I'm needed on the frontline and my ego demands it. But if it does die while I'm away, it's my fault as much as the teams.

    So more and more, I stick with my sundy, hell I'll even sit inside it and spend all my time on the bulldog. Or if there's another AMS in the area, instead of abandoning my own AMS sundy and risking losing it if I die and the other is destroyed, I stick in it also, I might position myself away from the fight, ready to deploy to keep the fight going, earning bugger all xp for my patience. Sometimes I'm needed, sometimes not. This is the duty required of an AMS driver. It is not your personal cert farm. It is your factions lifeline in a battle and deserves all your respect.

    TL;DR for lazy asshats: Your AMS is the most useful thing every faction has, but it can't be invincible, that's simply not balanced, if it takes one man to use, then one man to destroy is reasonable in my eyes. Defend it with your life. You have more of those than you do sunderers.
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  4. Saintlycow

    Bonus points if the Flash has Wraith. Also, you still haven't invited me to the outfit yet...

    My new strategy is to pull a flash, stick c4 on it, switch to infil, drive the cloaked flash to the ams, unload all but one shot, then drive right up, shoot AMS, trigger c4 by explosion, and die a glorious death having destroyed the AMS.

    To all the whiners who cried about tank mines, all you wanted was to not need to defend a sundy. With the Tank mine nerf, blockade armor becomes standard. Before, you would pull blockaded if expecting rockets and tanks, and mineguard if you were scared of engies.
  5. treeHamster

    Unless I KNOW there is a dedicated engy at the AMS I'm about to spawn at, I always spawn as an engy just in case it needs repairing. If it's all fine, I just switch over to the class I wanted and go on my merry way.

    The point is though, it's YOUR Sundy. It'd be REALLY nice if other engy's that're spawning would take 5 seconds and assist in the maintenance of your Sundy but considering how a lot (if not most) of the player base seems to be highly selfish, don't expect the help. Certainly don't expect someone else to do YOUR job.

    NOW granted, back with the old Tech Plant, I would say you could setup your AMS and leave it inside as a free cert farm while you go fight elsewhere as there wasn't a TON of risk it'd get blown up by AT mines, but those days are LONG gone with bases so easily steam rolled these days.
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  6. Cougarbrit

    I don't mean just other engis, I mean other people in general. I mean, there's a goddamn terminal on either side, it's not hard to change class to something a little more useful and actually help out. Instead I'll often find about a dozen HAs milling about while me and maybe, if I'm reaaally lucky (or at least rolling with my outfit), I'll have another engi or miracuously two with me, to try and keep the sundy alive. But I generally find I'll still get out DPSed, in do-or-die situations against AT Tanks or Libs, and I'll see those same HAs both fail to take out the threat in any reasonable time if at all nor switch to engi and help repair.
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  7. WalrusJones

    I... Wait. Why is my thread unwatched now.

    I may have missed a lot on that thread, I personally thought it totally died off without any interest from anyone.
    We are going to need to do recruiting soon.
  8. Tobax

    That's it, tell everyone to drive with bloackade and fully loaded, makes the AT mine kills all the better when that Sundy has 12 people in it :p
  9. LonelyTerran

    Can't have your cake and eat It too.
  10. Phrygen

    yea... its a shame that the APC is such a target.
  11. treeHamster

    This is on part with the stupidity/selfishness of most of the player base. If I see a Sundy smoking and no engies, I'll generally switch to save the spawn (especially if it's the only one). If I see it burning I always try and switch as fast as I can to try and save but doesn't always work. Then again I'm there to win the war not some person stats padding.
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