Nanoweave armor - experience ?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Aeroloulou, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. Iridar51

    Actually, you can choose "Not to get hit by SNIPER". Can't you read, ffs?
    Here's the thing.
    You remember all those license agreements you have to accept when installing programs?
    "By pressing *next* you agree to blah blah blah".
    Same here. By not pressing movement keys in planetside 2 at any given moment, except when at allied spawn zone or warpgate, you agree to get headshot by sniper.

    Long story short, don't stand dumb and you won't get hit in the head.
    If there were a specific K/D ratio against every class, I'd gladly show you my KD against infiltrators, I'm sure it's quite good, because I rarely get killed by them, and if I do, I die with the knowledge I could've avoided it if I didn't stand/sit still.
  2. vaxx

    Point being your statement is still dumb, ffs. You cannot CHOOSE to not get hit by a sniper. That fact you said your k/d against them its probably quite good, means you have been killed by a sniper. Obviously not by choice.

    Want to make your statement less dumb? Something like "you can avoid getting hit by snipers as much by not standing still.". You cannot choose not to get killed by something in PS2. You can do something to improve your chances, but its not a freekin choice.
  3. Iridar51

    Oh yeah, **** me for my word choice. Way to go.
    You stand on the road, and car with blind driver is moving towards you. You can move, but you don't. You just chose to get hit by a car.
    Or say you did move. You just chose not to get hit by a car. That's all there is to it. Why make holywar out of this is beyond me, you obviously understood me.
    As I said, times when I got headshot by sniper I wasn't moving when I could've.
    Besides, all snipers are infiltrators, but not all of the infiltrators are snipers, I've been killed by infiltrators with pistols, SMGs, knives and claymores, but I rarely get killed by a sniper. Again, I don't understand why do you make this personal.
  4. PaperPlanes

    Nano needs to be changed to a small arms resistance instead of simply being extra health.

    The problem with extra health is it becomes too hard to balance around it. It's either going to be largely useless (like it is now) or if it gets a buff to the extra health, it will start to become too good of a jack of all trades ability because with enough extra HP, people would prefer it over flak armor. If you buff nanoweave a bit more it will give you the ability to survive an AP mine from full HP, in addition being able to take extra bullets from enemies.

    Make it a small arms resistance instead, then people choose between survivability of bullets and survivability of explosives. Or they take neither and gain extra ammo or extra grenades. Adrenaline Pump also needs a huge buff or, instead of a buff, should be a free built in LA trait.
  5. vaxx

    Someone saying why they think Nanoweave armor is good, and their point was it saved them from being hit a sniper, was replied to by your little gem "You can choose not to get hit by a sniper". Not making it personal, just putting out my opinion like you did yours.

    Your analogy doesn't fit either. I bet all the people that have been hit by a car CHOSE to do so. :rolleyes: You know, like a person a bike commuting to work, the pedestrian crossing at a cross walk when someone runs a red light, they should have chose better.

    So no, I obviously didn't understand you.
  6. Kahlev

    High nanoweave also has saved my from dying to prox mines, which as a ninja style LA is a big deal as I'm often the first friendly unit to go into enemy areas and thus much more likely to "find" them.

    Speaking of which, I really wish they would give LA or Infil some sort of ability to find prox mines, some of them are IMPOSSILE to spot. Maybe the recon dart should show them up on minimap or something, or LA gets some sort of heavy xray vision scope that can look through walls and spot them and other stuff. Something, there seems to be really no 100% viable counter except flak armor otherwise.

    And on the subject of Adren pump, look at the date on that video, I'm 99% sure that it's been fixed since then. And on my full on ninja setup I use it quite well to run down enemies that I'm tailing, who otherwise I wouldn't have been able to get close enough to in order to mow down quickly with my SMG with suppressor/soft point ammo before they could react.
  7. Syphers

    Oh no it does make a difference most of the time I drop them and I got nano 4
  8. Eric Smith

    That, quite simply, is not true. Sure, standing still for any length of time makes it much easier for a sniper to get you, but as I said the good snipers wait for you to stand still for just a moment (I've had this happen more than a few times) and the great ones just need you to move slightly predictably (running in a straight line, as opposed to constantly strafing right/left and jumping frantically). I've also been nailed when I'm jumping and get hung up on something and can't seem to get unstuck (trying to get up a hill, manage to get wedged into a place you can only move backwards out of, takes a second to realize that but in the meantime you're dead).

    In short, there's no way you can "choose not to get hit by a sniper." You can reduce your chances, sure, but you can also reduce your chances of dieing to a sniper using Nanoweave 4-5. Me, I'd rather do both than rely on one or the other.
  9. Terran537

    In beta (yay, beta!) there was a suit slot cert for Infiltrators which highlighted explosives within a certain radius. Upgrading it increased the range.
  10. hotWHYre

    I take nanoweave on every single infantry loadout. But it's not such a gamechanging mechanic... Neither is flakarmor in my opinion. You can take some more bullets with nanoweave and i survive an AI mine with my level 4 nano just like with flak, though i have less health left than with flak.

    There are people who complain, that you only are able to take 1 more bullet and that flak is better because the nanoweave bonus is too weak. But most of the time a tank gets the jump on you, you die anyway because of direct hits or 1 more tank round either.
    So there are some pro and cons for and against nano/flak armor and it's just a matter of your personal opinion what bonus you want to have. I simply like it because it maxes my chances in an one on one gunfight.

    The extra ammo cert is not worth certing as long as you run with the zerg or with your outfit because there is allways an ammo pack just around the corner.
    When you go lonewolf or are running a shotgun/sluggun loadout the extra ammo will be perfect for you though.

    The other nice cert is the grenade bandolier. Just look at Paqu's videos of LA gameplay. A downside of having 3 grenades and maybe 4 medipacks/2 C4 blocks is that your inf ressources are going to melt faster than an icecube on tatooine though.
  11. Farlion

    I prefer it over anything else, to be quite honest. Since I'm usually on my own as LA and rarely if ever get hit by a grenade, flak won't do me any good.
  12. Emotitron

    If you are getting shot at by vehicle HE rounds/rockets or ghost capping bases and tend to not see prox mines in time, switch to flak.
  13. GalacticBulge

    I've used both, but prefer Nanoweave on my LA since the way I play doesn't subject me to many explosives. I exclusively run flak on my Medic (amazingly useful for quick revives while being shelled into oblivion).
  14. Metal Insomniac

    I personally run with Adrenaline Pump on my LA. It's cheap, and only needs one level for full effectiveness. I play very aggressively, and flank a lot. This makes speed an important factor, highlighting the use of AP.
  15. Ganjis

    I use it at rank 1 on classes that I haven't bought anything else for. 1 point for an extra bullet seems good to me. On engy I have flak. On HA I have extra rockets. I will likely get extra magazine for LA soon, unless I get (and like) stun grenades, then I may get extra 'nades.
  16. SgtBreastroker

    Nanoweave is quite nice for surviving those moments where you would have died. It doesn't happen a lot, but when it does you are usually grateful that it did. If you can cert to Level 4 nanoweave then do it. ONLY cert into the Level 5 nanoweave if you are absolutely overflowing with certs.
  17. blzbug

    One of the nice benefits of flak is that you KNOW when it saves you. You run over the AP mine....BOOM!....Hey, I'm still alive. Hooray Flak! Nanoweave may provide more overall utility, but it is in a less direct way.