Why does shooting a sniper rifle give your exact spot away?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KukKung, Apr 7, 2013.

  1. TomoB

    Because it's the trend in every goddarn game nowadays, automatic sound spotting on minimap because it appears to be the only way to make sound suppressors useful as apparently 99% of players are deaf anyway.
  2. Being@RT

    This doesn't change the "detection range", just makes the icons overlap less/more.

    Great feature anyway =)
  3. SenEvason

    Future tech, it can identify the direction and range. Just like real life.
  4. WalrusJones

    Right. Counter-sniping is unprofitable, thus snipers resort to regular infantry.

    Its just like how we needed to make aircraft didn't counter aircraft correctly until we made it more profitable, and safe, then attacking dense swaths of infantry.
  5. xGreedFuSioN

    I play infiltrator as TR and a mix of all the classes except infiltrator (well, infiltrator but not using sniper rifles, SMG's) as VS and infiltrating isnt as easy as people make it sound.
    If you kill 1 person you have to move unless you're 300+m away (I usually stay within 50-150 because of the M77 [100 cert rifle]'s bullet velocity, plus moving targets at 300+m is pretty impossible) because otherwise they will come looking for you, and you are no match with your sidearm vs a shielded heavy assault, especially if you're VS and stuck with the beamer/manticore.
    also if you miss the headshot, theyll spazz the f*ck out and run around all over the place, find cover. they now know where you are via the red indicator of where you're getting shot from on their screen. you have to cloak and move locations again.
    and theres about a 50% chance of death every time you move if you're not being one of those useless snipers that just sits right at 400m from the battle and takes potshots at afk people.

    neither is infiltrating with an SMG. Do you have any idea how easy it is to see people in cloak? they look like a floating glob of vaseline. granted, invisible completely past 40m or so, but smg's dont work past that range anyway. oh and in infiltrator vs infiltrator situations, whoever manages to uncloak first wins.
    if they made it so it automatically uncloaked you when you shot -omg I'd die
    mebbe a little op, but still.
  6. Chipay

    Yes let me for a second zoom out of my minimap and press H so I can't see any of the CQC on my minimap and 1/4 of my screen is filled with map X.X
  7. RD1349

    Yeah the drop once you use a silencer is insane I play VS with their 100cert bolt action and on a range of about 100m it drops about 3/4 of the scope and for a faction that's not supposed to have bullet drop that's a hell of a lot so I don't want to imagine the other factions drop.
  8. CommodoreFrank

    This was a feature in Call of Duty games. Why wouldn't it be here? This is Call of Planetfield 2, right?
  9. ColdCheezePizza

    Why can't I pop heads all day from my sneaky sniper den I discovered without impunity, it's so unfair , isn't it enough that I already have to uncloak to fire a shot. Why you so hard Planetside2?!
  10. vulkkan

    All faction bolt-action sniper rifles ARE THE SAME AND JUST RESKINNED.
  11. Pemtaphalon

    Because it goes BANG!
  12. RD1349

    Then why doesn't any VS sniper rifle have drop without a silencer
  13. RD1349

    Then why doesn't any VS sniper rifle have drop without a silencer
  14. RD1349

    Then why doesn't any VS sniper rifle have drop without a silencer
  15. Bl4ckVoid

    The solution is pretty easy: snipe where there is a fight going on and the enemy simply cannot just walk to you.

    You should not just camp out somewhere on your own in enemy territory.
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  16. Dragonblood

    If this game was balanced, HA wouldn't have the most hitpoints and would excel at killing everything at any range (except super long range).
  17. Dr Toerag

    Saying it 3 times doesn't make it true.
    VS sniper rifles don't have drop because in your head your beliefs are paramount. You are never wrong in your head. You're so right, you get to repeat the same fallacy 3 times in a row.
    VS rifles get bullet drop:

    “All faction bolt-action sniper rifles ARE THE SAME AND JUST RESKINNED.”
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  18. vulkkan

    Sigh. The semiauto has no drop. The bolt actions do. If you dont notice the bullet drop, you're sniping at close range. Go into VR, take a flash and drive far, far away from the dummy enemies in the actual battlefield (not the virtual shooting range). Toss on a 10/12x scope. Aim for the head. Notice that you dont get a headshot. Higher level bolt actions have less noticeable drop due to higher bullet velocity.

    Edit: actual stats. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...PER&sortcolid=4&sortasc=false&rowsperpage=250
    The rifles that deal 400 damage are semiautomatic. The Vanu semis dont have bullet drop. Notice how the stats for bolt actions are identical. IDENTICAL. (XM98=M77-B=NC14; V10=SR-7=LA80; Parallax=RAMS .50=Longshot)
  19. Dubious

    I just tested it in VR, in case it had changed, at 350 meters all long range VS Bolt has drop, its just not noticeable until you try to snipe at long range, XM98 having the worst drop
  20. Liquid23

    honestly it's not that impressive or unrealistic... we already mount things like the boomerang gunfire detection countermeasure on Humvees... even when you are driving in a noisy vehicle in bad weather the sensors can pick up a sniper shot made at you and both visually and audibly through a speaker tell you the direction it is coming from while the computer displays the shooters range, elevation and azimuth... hell a few years ago they already began issuing some IGD (individual gunshot locators) small and light (2 lbs) enough for soldiers to carry personally in the field which do the same thing... they are already being planned and tested to be integrated into helmet mounted GPS mapping display systems as well for both the Land warrior and Nett warrior systems

    give it a few hundred+ years and I'm sure the sensor will be able to tell you what the sniper had for breakfast and when he last pooped as well as exactly where he just shot from