A SCATMAX tries the Mercy (yup)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Laraso, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. Laraso

    I can absolutely garuntee that was me playing the video. It's posted on my channel, and if you look in the video you'll see "LarasoTR" pop up several times within the killfeed.

    Here's a link to the actual killboard if you're still not convinced.

    It's identical to the killboard screenshot in the original post, as I haven't touched my TR alt since I posted this thread.
  2. Goretzu

    They are less powerful than pellets and accurate in so far as slugs are when fired from the hip in a shotgun (i.e. not at all, as they are random with the CoF).

    Again with a scope they are incredibly accurate, but MAXs can't take advantage of that.

    Slugs largely suffer from all the negatives of say Mercys, but suffer MUCH more from misses, clip size, damage per clip and reload time.

    If by "incredibly powerful and accurate" you actually mean "less powerful and accurate than dual Mercys" then I would agree with you, otherwise I don't.
  3. Tekuila

    They can still one shot up close and take someone down faster than a mercy at range as well. You sound like you've never even sued them. Also I recommend getting extended mags and all your problems disappear.

    Also I'd like to add the cof of cyclers are just as random.
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  4. Radec594

    ??? Really?
    I've always seen TR players praising the Mercy and saying it was the best way (if not THE only way) to go with a MAX in TR, which is why I purchased them both almost immediately..?

    If there's someone who complains about them I'll go as far as saying he's either a troll or has no clue on how to play a MAX in this game.

    Now that in understandable, but unfortunately this kind of threads only produce one type of outcome from faction fanboys: "nerf *OPsubject" right now it's so OP!! look at the video!!", so it gets misunderstood pretty quickly.

    As for the ScatMax, in all honesty, it never bothered me much; I've often won 1vs1 MAX duels against NC, and when fighting in a Biolab I always try to keep myself out of their reach, aka using LA and staying on roofs.

    Although I do believe if SOE went as far as nerfing it THAT much, there must have been some statistical data to support such a decision, if anything should the nerf be too hard, the numbers will show that in a month or two and it'll be tweaked; have a little faith.
  5. Bape

    tr/vs maxes were fine there is no way in HELL a nc max can top what he just did in that video yes maybe he can charge in kill 2-3 then die but what dumb max player does that? I don't use the NC max no more it completely useless now lmao I can't believe they nerfed it so dam hard because of the whiners.

    I can't wait for the max update just pray to god they don't give us dual Gauss Saw or we NC will show you real QQ.
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  6. Bape

    The video clearly is just showing a TR max can dominate better then a NC max can. Hes showing how range can be an advantage over shotguns and try to tell the tr/vs to get the stick out of their *****.
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  7. Ganelon

    Ahahaha Carv and Trac, good one.
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  8. r1stormrider

    Try to dispute it instead of laughing. Oh wait, you can't. Jokes on you.
  9. Ganelon

    You imply that he made a good argument to start with, he didn't. All we have from him is anecdotal proof which isn't worth ****.

    Oh, and the Orion is statistically superior to the Carv in every way barring clip size. Not to mention the Soltice's superiority over the craptastic Trac.
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  10. SteamTrout

    Difference between NC and non-NC maxes:

    1) You can react to TR/VS MAX and die. You can die and react to NC MAX. The fact that Mercies/Crabguns don't instagib does not matter much because of lag. You will still die most of the time. So yeah, TTK difference is there but it's not gamebreakingly huge.

    2) NC MAXes suffer from a lot of overkill. You unload into a few infantry guys, you kill them and then you have to reload because you wasted more bullets than needed (lag/imperfect aim). TR MAX can just keep on shootin'.

    3) NC MAXes are literally built for CQC. It is not unreasonable to assume they'll be great for CQC and **** at range (hint: they are).

    4) NC MAXes were OP against other MAXes. Instead of doing the right thing and rebalancing AI MAX weapons to be anti-MAX we have the current band-aid. It did remove the clear advantage NC.

    5) Unless MAXes all feature the same range of weapons (like only mid-range or only CQC) there will never be balance. NC MAXes MUST be good at CQC because they aren't good at range. TR MAXes, to be good at range and not OP at CQC, must have significantly less burst than NC. This will always lead to you dying pretty much instantly to NC MAX. I mean we all love pump actions. NC MAXes have 2 of those. So unless we completely throw away the idea of shotgun MAXes they will ALWAYS behave that way because they HAVE to.
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  11. rumblepit


    this is a new stats site you guys should check out, tracks alot more than the others.
    the person i linked plays a max all the time.look at his stats, kills, deaths, weapons used,so on and so forth.
    hes not even a good player, he just lives in a max.nc max gets you lots of xp for low skill, this is how you know its broken.

    pay attention to what he died to, and then look how many maxes hes killed. we had 1 viable way to kill a nc max before, and that was c4. now atleast we can pop a corner shoot a desy and have a chance.

    laraso bias, plain and simple...
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    seeing a lot more TR MAX players recently, since they stopped crying about scattercannons as much they're starting to realize their MAX weapons are actually pretty good.
  13. rumblepit

    you see more tr maxes now because they arent istagibed by nc maxes anymore
  14. NachoFoot

    For a weapon that can't shoot accurately over 10m, it should instagib. Looks like the TR max is instagibbing everything in the video...
  15. Fenrisk

    Where are all the nerf mercy threads? or nerf Tr max threads?

    There are none? really? not one?

    Yet we have months of nerf NC max threads with video after video of them slaughtering entire squads in the blink of a eye. If the NC max looked at you within 10m your instantly dead. Not the 5m crap i see posted here and they have enough rounds to gib 6 infantry in a row which isn't hard to do when in a base at CQ. (12 with extended right?) It only takes 1 or 2 more spam shots to drop players within 20m. ONLY after 20m do you start getting the edge on a NC max preventing them instant gibbing but they can still gib you if you stay in sight.

    It could be players don't post about TR maxes because their "Time To Kill " is low enough that players can react and do things such as drop C4, Throw anti-tank grenades, fire a rocket. get behind cover, etc. It could also be that a TR max has lower damage per second then infantry using shotguns making the only reason to go max rather moot as your just a walking MMORPG-Tank who's there to take damage and not dish it out fast enough to prevent them getting gibbed.

    That's what TR maxes are used for. Walking hit me signs. We throw a max at you hoping you will aim for it rather then the pump action shotgun squad trying to shoot round its side. It's DPS is 1007? At least thats what was quoted somewhere on here. That means most players do have about a second to react but you don't have that with a auto shotty or pump to the chest.


    Stats ---------------------------------------------> everything else.
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  16. Laraso

    You guys also used those stats to say the TR MAX is terrible, but that clearly wasn't the case and I had a great time using it in the video.

    I wonder if it's a smart thing to take those same stats at face value in regards to the NC MAX.
  17. Chewy102


    Ignore this. I ****** up bad.

    Wait. I didn't **** up. I deleted the post for no reason but be being an idiot! Damn it. Re typing.
  18. Fenrisk

    You had a great time getting assist kills at tank spam city aka TI alloys. The place was being bombarded and you was tickling from the edges. A heavy with a T50 could of done the same.

    Try holding a check point or storming a check point gainst a stream of infantry. You know? The thing NC maxes do all the time and still do after the nerf with barely any difference in effectiveness.
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  19. Laraso

    Yes, all those assists. Oh, what about the 60 kills I got within 30 minutes? Those don't count?
  20. Chewy102

    (take 2)

    Why and/or how the **** do you think that link helps you? Look at it again.

    Class playtime
    MAX 441 hours
    HA 77 hours

    Kills by class
    MAX 1,522
    HA 7,750

    Weapon kills
    Hacksaw 9,088 and 8,780

    WAIT A MINUTE (stopping my retyping of old post due to a mind ****)

    MAX kills 1.5k, but Hacksaw kills 17k. What the hell? 258 Van kills, but 450 Titan 150 HEAT kills and 152 Titan 150 HE kills. WTF? Another page says 152 Titan 150 HEAT kills! WTF is going on with this site? I can't get the same numbers over the pages for the SAME weapons and classes. What the hell am I reading? What's happening here? Am I losing my mind?

    This is either the worst stat site I have EVER seen or I have lost the ability to read numbers and words.
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