A SCATMAX tries the Mercy (yup)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Laraso, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. EliteEskimo

    If you say so, I'm pretty sure Devrailis has already done it. Even if it isn't 15m, they don't have to be at 5m, that is an exaggeration.
  2. Dagonlives

    Oh my god. WHAT?

    I'll just say it now. The Mercy is far superior to the current scattercannons in almost every imaginable way. That was my first time using the TR MAX, and indeed the first time playing any faction other than the NC, and yet I was immediately able to outperform my NC MAX (which I've spent over 5000 certs upgrading) with a stock TR MAX w/ Mercies. Within my short 30 minute run with the Mercy, I killed over 60 people and earned over 90 certs.

    Kinda screams 'THIS IS OP'. That or you are heavily exaggerating to prove your point... which is what? I suggest you check about 5 comments down from your original for the breakdown on MAX score. NC had a noticeable advantage.


    Avg. MAX score
    NC 28,18
    TR 23,448
    VS 23,517

    Heres the full link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AmUavphHXmIxdFhHUzJfN1VYalRnWS0xMnBUdTJpM1E&gid=23

    I posted the avg score to make sure you'd actually look at it.

    So in short: If your argument was that the NC MAX nerf was unfair, theres data that says otherwise. Not anecdotal evidence, but acutal statistical data tracking the most important value in PS2, which is score per minute. NC MAX suits had a full 20% advantage in score per minute, they had more MAX players, and they played in a suit for longer. Because balanced.

    So since that argument is clearly null, I assumed you were arguing that the Mercies need a nerf. First of all you have no data beyond a single fragger video.

    Heres one from me featuring the glorious leader of the Enclave with a scatterMAX:

    So here is one produced for your faction.

    So I guess this brings me to my question: What is the point of your post? Clearly NC MAXes needed a nerf. So now TR need one so that you can keep the same score difference? Balanced.
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  3. Jrv

    You're seriously misjudging distances. I have to be right in a MAX's face now to kill it in one go without reloading. Legitimately any other range and I'm defeated. Basically, pre-patch I could kill a MAX and his engineers/medics with one clip, assuming I rushed in and got the drop on them.

    Now, I'll kill the MAX, run out of ammo, and get gunned down before I can even reload.
  4. EliteEskimo

    I'll just take your word for it, 8m it is.
  5. Laraso

    No, it's screaming "What the hell are you guys thinking? We just got tons of nerfs and yet you are still unsatisfied? You want more nerfs? You actually think your MAX is that bad? You think you can't perform as well as or better than a scatmax?"
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  6. EliteEskimo

    Yes I misjudged the distances, apparently the Max effective range is 8m not 15m . Thank you for clarifying so I have the right facts.
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  7. rumblepit

    ya know i think everyone was wrong, this includes the entire TR and VS pop, quite a few NC players, and everyone who works at SOE.

    Laraso, even without looking at any data he is able to determine what is OP and what isnt, you no how to balance this game better than the devs and they have access to the data.

    I like to say here and now, i want the person at in charge of doing balance passes at SOE to step down, and allow Laraso to take over so we can have a balanced game.:rolleyes:
  8. Laraso

    Yeah, nice try. Clearly nobody here agrees with me, as indicated by the bottom of my original post.
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  9. rumblepit

    im sure you got the support of many skill max scrubs crying because they cant instagib everything they see now. you should hire them once you get a job at soe
  10. Laraso

    There were quite a few TR and VS who liked it. You've got a closed mind and thus I'm not going to respond to you anymore because it is a waste of my time.
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  11. Syphers

    Compared to slugs it is much more accurate, slugs also have a random pattern that may or may not hit at range, unlike regular bullets it's much more penalizing and at less than 5-4 meters they dont even register half of the time. No slugs = no range. I like my NC and TR MAXs evenly
  12. LanceHavenbay

    I hardly see how just barely 1k score higher makes it OP. Especially since TR/VS would rather cry about the NC MAX than use their own.
  13. Spartan 117

    Hang in there Laraso. Despite all the flaming your getting from TR we both know were right.

    TR has: Prowler, Mosquito, CARV, Trac, Cycler, instagibbing SMG pistol for every class.

    NC now has: Gauss SAW...thats it.

    The numbers don't lie & they show NC trailing in every category. Nerf bat swings both ways & its lining up for a homerun on the TR.
  14. LanceHavenbay

    The NC MAX was good up close. That is how they should have kept it. The thing is terrible fighting off multiple infantry units now. Even worse if there is an enemy MAX around.

    The NC MAX was supposed to excel at point blank range. The better solution would have to made the pellets have sever drop off past, say 10meters. While allowing opposing factions to had a much smaller drop-off.

    The TR/VS Maxes were never bad. They simpyl worked better in different environments. Amp Stations, Tech Plants, outside, down corridors, halls, through doorways to the back of the room.

    The NC max was built to block close quarter choke points, not shoot down targets running around in the distance.

    Good luck killing much after this nerf.
  15. rumblepit

    so do ours,,,,,,, 1 out of 5 shoots misses at 15 ms NO MATTER WHAT.....1 out of 4 shots misses 15 to 40 NO MATTER WHAT.1 out of 3 will misses at 40ms NO MATTER WHAT..... test it.
  16. nella

  17. LanceHavenbay

    I'd just like to see VS MAX be effective at outdoor engagements. :) Tighten the spread to award players with good aim to also be effective indoors. However at distance, even with a damage drop off, you'd hit more rounds, therefore making your performance at range decrease only slightly.

    TR MAX would have a higher drop off and more spread, but more damage. Making it better for mid-range.

    NC MAX would be hard-hitting up close, but not nearly effective as the TR/VS MAX at any range.

    But of course the Devs would rather cater to Q.Qing that think logically.
  18. Laraso

    The flames don't bother me at all. I've dealt with far worse before. Unlike many other people on this forum, I don't make posts just because I feel emotionally driven to, nor do I make them just to fit in with all the other people by bashing whatever it is that's cool to bash at the time. When I do (rarely), I later recognize my own stupidity and apologize to everyone (view my very first thread on this forum).

    Lots of TR and VS (not all!) come into my threads and tell me how wrong I am without ever considering that I might be right, and also without giving any solid reasons as to why they think so. I imagine it is caused by their cynical mindsets. They believe that since a) I'm NC and b) I play MAX, my opinion is automatically rendered irrelevant and anything I say amounts to nothing more than faction bias / whining. In reality I'm simply stating things how I see it. I don't let faction bias control me like a disturbingly large amount of players here do (see rumblepit above for a good example of it), and I'm rational enough to realize when someone replying to me has a valid counterpoint or when they are just talking out of their buttocks.
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  19. Devrailis

    Actually yeah, with the current stats on the scattercannon weapons, even an extended mag full clip won't kill another MAX at 15 meters. 10 meters is a gamble depending on spread and how much the other MAX is dodging, however if the NC MAX gets the jump on the Mercy MAX, the NC MAX will still win.

    At 5 meters though, he's dead dead dead. In CQC, NC MAXes are still dominant.

    I don't find the idea of trading fire at set distances very useful though. It's more realistic to say that the engagement starts at 15 meters, or 10 or 5. Honestly, if I'm in a position to shoot at your MAX at 10 meters, I have every incentive to continue closing the distance over the span of my fire time. My first shot may start at 10 meters, or I may choose to wait until I`m right in your face, but you certainly won`t be taking damage at 10 meters throughout the entire run through of my magazines.
  20. rumblepit

    lol im all for common pool weapons, but yet im bias....... lol keep up the good work... i came in here and i forgot larasos IQ was close to his shoe size.