Briggs TR is...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheRealMetalstorm, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. Connal

    If I'm understanding Tersky correctly he's got it just about bang on. TR are doing exceptionally well considering there pop compared to NCs when we had the SE warpgate. And the NC despite having a roughly equal pop with the VS typically struggles to control even its own facilities. Sure they often zerg all the way to the VS warp gate but only when VS is busy Crowning it or the rare occasions the TR forget that Mao isn't actually their home tech plant any more and the VS come to evict them.

    I don't know if that necessarily means the TR have nothing to complain about, they are still outnumbered at any given time, but they're performing well all things considered.

    That being said I don't agree with your assessment of either the TR or the NC. KNTR are the biggest on TR, so it of course makes sense that you see them the most by sheer percentages. I often see KOL mixed in there with them and often the two seem to blur together for me. But if anything is happening elsewhere on the map you can almost guarantee your gonna find either SOCA or IIW behind it. RDBK I've not seen recently, though previously I would have grouped them in with KNTR/KOL

    As for the NC it's hard for me to keep my personal bias out of it so I'll just say that 41BN are hardly the only outfit on NC that get a mention. TTWR that rose out of the now defunct KARP are at least of a similar size and standing and there's 3 or 4 smaller outfits that are usually doing good work away from the main grind fest. It just that the first two are the biggest, and thus collect the most pubbies as they go about their business. That's going to happen regardless of how well organised they are or aren't.
  2. southoz

    lol @ silly Elmos, TR were warp gated last Saturday Night by TROLL, N7VD and VFD
  3. TR4ever

    KNTR's new tactic is to camp the vanu warpgate with strikers until they get really pissed over the destruction of all their precious scythes and mags.
  4. Sen7ryGun84

    [quote="TR4ever, post: 1475441, member: 119867 new tactic is to camp the vanu warpgate with strikers until they get really pissed over the destruction of all their precious scythes and mags.[/quote]
    Nothing tastes better than the tears of angry heartbroken fly boys lol.
  5. Caydn

    lol TR has been warpgated more then once since then
  6. yarp

    if you mean on indar, who cares. no one owns it, been neutral for ages.
  7. LameFox

    The surprising part is that TR even get out of the warpgate. From random ss of character select:

    40% NC, 34% VS, 26% TR (today)
    37% NC, 37% VS, 26% TR (two days ago)
    36% NC, 40% VS, 24% TR (20th)
    34% NC, 38% VS, 28% TR (13th - February)

    I've seen it go as high as 38%, but that was quite a while ago. Also I didn't cap it so I don't know what the others were like at the time.
  8. Stinkasectomy

    and NC has been warpgated more than a few times.

    really, TR seems to be in a much better position than NC at the moment, as they are doing equally well with far less players (VS seem to be beating both of us, but not both of us at once)

    as far as TR being any worse than the other factions, i disagree. as far as all of the factions being leaderless zergs and being crown obsessed, it is aggravating, sure.

    the bigger outfits sacrifice quality of players over for quantity. that's how it is always going to be. I read on these forums(...somewhere) that there is a cap of 2000 players per continent at a given time. if TR have 28% of the population, and there are a 100 good players, then that's is 100/ 560 players being good, more than 1 in 6. NC sure as heck doesn't have 1/6 players being good. i doubt we have 1 / 12 players any good (35% = 700 players = maybe 60 decent players

    join a large outfit if you want lots of team-mate to distract the enemy. join a small outfit to have a few team-mates to kill the enemy (personally i am in a small outfit which works fairly well\

    as a reply to Connal, i can only say what i see. i dont kill/ get killed by SOCA or IIW half as much as i kill KNTR and KOL. and killing/ being killed is the only real way for me to tell who I am fighting. I mentioned 41BN to compare with KNTR- ie big but with individuals who are exceptionally awesomely outrageous. and i see 41BN members all over the place, actually sitting on the point and capping bases
  9. Caydn

    Merely correction a false statement and if you don't care why bother posting :p
  10. TR4ever

    basically everyone is a member of nightrage because we run public platoons everyday and people that play with us no that we like to make it as fun as possible, i've seen how strict some people are with their platoons and in my opinion whats the point of playing the game if you cant have a few laughs while your at it?
  11. SgtBreastroker

    When I was playing yesterday to my surprise the TR had a 33% population equal to both the VS and the NC.

    That didn't last long though, soon it was back to the NC +40% VS +34% and TR +36%
  12. Caydn

  13. hotchipsanga

    Actually, we do use mics. We run our own TS for outfit members and use that usually. One of our officers has trouble with in game voip breaking often, so we tend to not use it unless we are running a public squad.
  14. TheRealMetalstorm

    nice, TS address please, I played with lessonteacher and we both knew our ****, so we didnt need mics to do a 2 man sunderer hunterkiller squad. we did amazing, held out against serious opposition until more friendlies spawned in.
  15. Lessonteacher

    Sorry, I dont have much to comment on the rest of this thread.... The entire state of the game and the fact the fight stays on Indar can be blamed for a lot of how the game is being played in my opinion. I really havent noticed any particular faction to be any better or worse in terms of players and generally feel TR can hold their own even with lower population most of the time.

    Problem lies with the crown, the lack of decent exp for bases, and the failings to do with what people term the 'metagame'. If this stuff was improved maybe we would have less farmers and campers. I also hate the KDR statistic and would love to see kills stay while deaths disappear as a stat.

    Mostly i want to comment about the statements re: JUGA. We indeed do have mics and TS etc as hotchip said above. And the way we played is the norm for our squads as per my recruitment post. I just didnt use mic since it wasnt really required... actions speak well enough if players know what they are doing...

    The TS is visible from our forums at but i had to restrict public access recently send me a PM / sign up over there and ill give u the details.
  16. TR4ever

    Why would you bother taking territory when the games rewards you for camping so much?

    Also with double xp weekend TR is going to hold onto the crown for dear life. i know nightrage has been defending it pretty hard and taking territory when its full of randoms.

    Also the vanu tried a huge airdrop on the crown had to have been 2 full platoons at least but then we showed up and face rolled them back to Ti Alloys
  17. Zratul

    Being warpgated, losing or winning territory, holding specific locations (like crown, alatum or Hvar).

    None of these matter. This game has no real tangible goal and no metagame (hopefully continent locking and other improvements will solve this). Only thing people can do in this game (in its current form) is to do whatever they feel like doing and have some fun. Be it spawn camping, or cert farming, or running in large organised platoons or zerging or even hiding somewhere with an AV engie turret and sniping stuff.

    Population numbers always fluctuate due to various factors and they will return in our favour one day. Idiots are everywhere and by no means exclusive to only one faction. Don't stress over idiots. I never do. I just do my own thing, be it cert farming by myself (or with my outfit mates) or rolling with a larger outfit/platoon.

    This is a giant sandbox. The point is to do whatever makes you happy.

    /end thread
  18. DrakeAU

    I always have a pretty good fight against KoL players, not sure of KNTR, must be on a different time.

    Poor NC, they think they aren't the bro team.
  19. Astealoth

    this is absolutely true. the entire VS community on waterson is between the ages of 6 and 9. absolutely no honor, no self respect, every name is some YOLOSWAGG type name, every faction is some nonsense name like RTARDID WEED SMOKAZ. it's as if SOE pays an inner city elementary school to play waterson VS.