To All TR and VS Players: Let's All Join NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Malebranche, Mar 28, 2013.

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  1. Malebranche

    Since SOE made the NC have all the good weapons (Phoenix. cough, cough), let's all stage a protest by joining the NC and TKing everybody! It'll be fun! :p

    EDIT: Or if youre not into griefing how about a flash/sunderer race across the maps? :D
  2. Xasapis

    I thought about it at the time when NC was considered the most challenging faction. Since VS is the most challenging faction to play right now, I see no point swapping.

    (I mean the joining the NC part. Not the TK nonsense)
  3. OddChelsea

    That would make anybody who did that kind of an a-hole. Just saying. Griefing is not the way to protest something. It's not the fault of the NC who is just trying to have fun and gets TKed that the weapon is not balanced in your eyes by SOE.
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  4. Rustler

    Damn This thread is gonna be locked but I already posted a video of that happening lol.

    Did u see it, Ill pm it to u.
  5. Malebranche

    Post it here! Post it here! ;)
  6. TheWhiteDragon

    I'm TR to the end, but something has to be done. It's not just the Phoenix. NC has the best LMG, the best shotgun, and the best max. All their traits that are supposedly weak like the reaver and vanguard don't matter. Air and armor simply aren't influential anymore.

    Welcome to NCside2. This is the worst balance the game has ever been in. I'd take the libfest over this crap. At least op liberators were fun.
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  7. Rudette

    If you seriously joined the NC though, you'd have to cope with accepting fault as a player by accepting that your deaths weren't because of HAX, NC bias, or OP weapons.

    ----- Oh you're not seriously switching. You're just promoting griefing so you can continue to have a scapegoat to whine about? That's right.

    Carry on then.
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  8. Rustler

    I can't, they are on to me but I PM u.....If you want you post it.
  9. Malebranche

    Well, I got really nothing against NC to be honest, I dont want to promote griefing but if everyone is all one side then what else is there to do? :rolleyes:
  10. Nyscha

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  11. Cyridius

    FOTM players moved from VS to NC. When will it be our turn?
  12. Nyscha

    I cant wait to see the more up to date statistics, VS even lower and NC even higher?
  13. Malebranche

    OK, instead of griefing, how about we do vehicle races? :cool:
  14. MayorD

    Air and armor arent influential because you said so? "let me use the facts, that say i'm right, nothing else."
    Well in first place i wanted to ask... Best shotgun? Best LMG? Name please.
  15. PurpleOtter

    I have a better idea. How about all the TR and VS log off until SOE fixes the Phoenix and let the NC go ********** in the Bio Lab of their choice. After it's fixed we (that's the collective "we" of the TR and VS) spend an entire week, on all the servers, doing nothing but warp gating the NC by ignoring each other. I think it would be poetic justice to deny the NC the ability to enjoy the game like they are currently doing to the rest of the player base.
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  16. Pat Cleburne

    That sounds like fun if the game lasts that long. With BF4, elder scrolls online, Arma 3 etc coming out, I don't know if they have much time to salvage this game.
  17. Devrailis

    To be absolutely fair, with the new Nix launchers, NC is already doing plenty of TKing as it is. ;)
  18. Reventine

    You know if everyone did just join the NC, SOE would enter panic mode and be forced to buff the TR and VS to in an attempt to rebalance the game and save it from it's death throws.
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  19. MarioO

    I already wonder why the NC still plays the game, since they are fighting much lower populations... Would be really fun if every TR and VS would leave the game for a day or a few.
    I do at least, but mostly because I can't play Planetside 2 AND download something at the same time...
  20. Mastachief

    Quit crying already you didn't see this quantity of tears over the HE prowler you ***** had for months. Try not standing still problem solved.... not to mention they are already addressing the ability to see troops which will solve any crying because the projectile steers like a boat also the projectiles do get shot down very easily..... firing out to 300m you wanna talk dps... or vulnerability during that flight.
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