Thoughts on the striker

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Roland0077, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. Scorponok

    nerf the striker are you serious? have you even tried it?...the phoenix blows them all out of the water...
  2. Sinoby

    Well, that was my point pretty much, but Striker due to it's very high damag potential _against libs_ is making liberator's life even harder. I am not saying - nerf the Striker! It is ok against other targets, but flying a liberator near TR force is pretty much impossible right now
  3. Sifer2

    Getting tired of being right lol. If I can see the issue I don't know how SOE's balance teams keep failing to see it. I knew that the Striker would basically be the Annihilator all over again. Pretty crap unless you have an outfit all spamming them. Then incredibly good. And of course people will whine for a nerf just as they did the Annihilator. The thing should not have been a lock on launcher. It should have been guided missiles like AV turret. Then you could make the rockets weaker. As it is they have to be strong since the enemy gets lock on warning an can have temporary immunity through flares/smoke. You make the rockets weak on top of that, and it will easily be the worst of the 3 launchers.
  4. Roland0077

    "not like I fly" ? err 168 hours in my lib isnt good enough anymore is it :(
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  5. Roland0077

    They need to introduce a lib specific fix for the lock-ons. And by fix i mean cert fix, not balance fix. This game needs more cert counters rather then pure counters
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  6. LonelyTerran

    Stop trying to bomb an organized group of Tr then.
    Libs are priority targets.(They die first)
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  7. Sorro

    The problem isn't that large groups of people work its that you now need 60% less people to do the work. 1 Striker equals 1.6 annihilators you can turn a 12 man squad into 2 5 man fire teams with support equaling 16 annihilators.

    The Striker is not a side-grade for the multi lockon weapons platform it is a clear upgrade.

    The other 2 ESL don't have a comparable weapon like the striker does so they are compared to all of them against their strengths and weakness at all ranges.
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  8. Cowabunga

    How to counter a Striker - IR smoke/Flares/Flying down/Driving backwards/Cover/Being infantry.
    How to counter a Pheonix - Flak(good luck).
    How to counter a Lancer - No counter.

    So again what needed a nerf?
  9. Roland0077

    Acrually the anhilator is comparable. U just compared them. What the tr doesn't have comparable is an instant hit no warning lasor or an infantry sniper out of LoS sundie killer
  10. ChaosRender

    I'm not complaining about the striker I ready don't care if it can kill tanks or air, I don't use them. I just find the forums funny because a stronger annihilator is fine, or saying move closer is fine when that is the same thing you can do to stop a phoenix. All i want is people to stop crying nerf to every one stuff, I would rather some of it be OP at this point and see real discussions than just see "Nerf X because I don't like it killing me"

    And yes the pathing is odd on the Striker and I hope they change it.
  11. ChaosRender

    All you have to do to counter a phoenix is get out of its effective range, which is very small unless it being used as a dumb fire, then just find cover.
    Counter to the lancer is get cover, it wont kill you very fast.
  12. y3ivan

    striker is a teambased launcher. 4-5 guys with striker, the skies will be clear of any hostile air. This explains why TR have massive success in the northern desert with unchallenged airforce.
  13. ShureShot

    Counter against Lancer? lvl1 repair tool.

    You need 13.3 Lancer 'rockets' to equal the damage of 1 decimator. That also means a lot of reloading. 11.3 to equal the damage of a Phoenix. 3.3 to equal the dmg of 1 Striker rocket, 16.6 to equal 1 volley/mag of Striker.

    And yes that is uncharged. Fully charged it still needs more than 2 shots (more than a full magazine) to equal 1 Phoenix and 3.3 to equal 1 volley of Striker.
  14. LanceHavenbay

    God luck getting those lightnings up the hill in 6 seconds. All of Esamir tried and failed. Turned into an epic infantry fight. Very enjoyable.
  15. Roland0077

    in 6 seconds the strikers would be lucky to have killed 1 of those lightnings, and thats only if the tanks were unorganized idiots not using cover/eachother to break locks. srsly the Strikers lock-on mechanic is pretty easy to break atm if you use objects to get in the way. and tanks moving at 80kmh or so are pretty good at abusing this weakness. If the strikers are on some redic hill then use aircraft and get right in their faces using the terrain to snipe them and break locks. Happens to us all the time by the actually intelligent pilots. Why I have to bring 2 Burster maxes now lol
  16. UrMom306

    ooo yeah i know exactly where your talking about. I think me and a couple buddies used that a few nights ago lol.
  17. Dawgpound12

    I'll trade you my lancer for your striker.
  18. LanceHavenbay

    Hmm. I see to remember that ESFs move far faster than 80kph, an even when terrain masking get nailed the second they come anywhere within line of sight. Try putting those HA on a hill. Tanks, even lightnings do not have sufficient cover in a large majority of the maps to prevent locks from being acquired from such an elevation.

    This is another reason why I can a problem with A2A. The lock-on-mechanism cannot be thwarted easily if you are up high. Given the damage and ease-of-use for the striker, bringing tanks out of cover in any number higher than 3 is assurance of death for all involved. Not to mention that many tanks cannot accurately direct-hit infantry at the peak of a tall hill.

    Also keep in mind that it is extremely easy to flank tanks with a well organized squad. Telling me that Strikers are not a threat to tanks is like telling me that engineer AV turrets are not a threat to infantry.
  19. Sharmanti

    The pheonix kills lightings faster (not sure about mbts) than the striker
    It 1 shots infantry
    It's camera guided

    The striker has an easier time shooting down aircraft and kills sunderers about 2 seconds faster.
    It can't shoot on anything else than vehicles.
    It has a lock-on mechanic
    It's 100% hard-countered by flares/IR smoke


    Are you ******* kidding me?
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