[SECRET] Mysterious ROAR in the mountains

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by drNovikov, Mar 26, 2013.

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  1. drNovikov

    1. Warp to Esamir.
    2. Go to H-5, mountains south of Mani Biolab.
    3. Approach the big violet spikes.
    4. Scout the area.
    5. Listen.

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  2. Teegeeack

    Noticed this. Scared the bejesus out of me the first time I heard it.
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  3. kkibg

    Gonna try it out. Maybe it's the old Vanu?
  4. Jaes

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  5. CletusMcGuilly

    lol, not sure it's so much a secret anymore. It's been there for about a week. I think there's also one in Amerish too.
  6. TheRealMetalstorm

    it's the EEK MONSTER
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  7. Jaes

    Right now I'm looking for a cave or some sort of easter egg that'll make a monster appear damn it!
  8. RadarX

    I know the Developer who put this in has been dying for someone to find it. This will make them extremely happy!
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  9. Ash87

    There are raptor noises on Amerish too, someone told me that the other day. Kudos to that guy too.
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  10. Arquin

    There was also one on Amerish that someone found and youtubed.

    Is this a sign of things to come?
  11. Jaes

    Have them make a cave with a giant beast in it please! It's only natural after adding the sounds for one!
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  12. C0L0NELH0GAN

    Its the next "Weapon/Vehicle" they will offer as common pool item- Thundersaurus Megazord
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  13. hawken is better

    Yeah, someone posted a video of this a few days ago.
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  14. Jeralamo

    thought you were trolling and the next second i jump out of my chair:eek::eek:
  15. Jaes

    I know right?!?
  16. Sturmwaffles


  17. phreec

    It's the Black Beast of Caerbannog's lair. Stay away!
  18. BlueyTheWolf

    I catch the sound of the dastard ^^
    To make it upload and download friendly I kinda cut the video and placed view and sound only.
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  19. Sturmwaffles

    Multiple audio bites, I think.

    Posting the video of my experience soon, will edit this post with link.
  20. MiZrY

    What the @#$% was that?!?! :eek:

    Redeploy...... uuummmm redeploy NOW!
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