Official Phoenix Launcher Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. CaligoIllioneus

    This happens because of how vehicles work in VR, and the rocket is considered a vehicle. In the actual game it works fine..collides and one shots infantry normally.
  2. Mormomboy

    All 3 other rocket launchers? let me see Striker Lancer... thats only 2 others.

    My opinion based on what I have seen.

    Ummm... A group of Strikers will watch airplains deploy flairs or turn a corner, tanks hide behind a rock, and turrets sitting pretty on their pedestal because we can't hit them. If they do not use those tactics they are indeed screwed.
    Pheonixes will hit anything flying and not moving too fast on the x axis, that is not to far away.
    Well timed Lance groups will destroy anything relatively slow moving or stopped instantaniously. Almost 0 travel time means no dodging.

    All 3 have a way to deal with moving enemies Ts2 lock on ( no dumbfire, defeated by terribly high lead on targets/ turrets/ but deadly without flares or cover) Phoenix, can be adjusted mid flight (better for hitting around corners than the other, but apparently no way to tell when you are about to be out of range, or atleast not effectively) And the Lancer super acuracy and fire right and travel time (low damage 3 seperate "missiles" (definition of a missle according to google (An object that is forcibly propelled at a target) that must all hit to get that damage)
    All 3 of them have advantages and dissadvantages, but over all they are fairly balanced, would like a way to hit a max with striker, or infantry in general, Perhaps a fire mode that allows you single dumbfire mode, perhaps you must cert into that? Make it lock on to people so long as it has nearly 0 splash damage, ie it has to actually hit them to kill, one or two shots?
  3. vanu123

    Your joking right, it is by far the best launcher, the VS got the short end of the stick again. Also what do you mean situational, except for medium range (which the TR controls) you have scatter cannons that make it impossible to take a biolab, not to mention your basic sniper is default 1 hit kill headshot, you also have the best tank with the highest armor and firepower.
  4. Puppy

  5. Commandant Cleavage

    Some people whine too much, I'm loving this weapon, sure it has a few tweaks it could use but people act like it's a travesty because they can't steer the damn thing.
  6. axiom537

    If it could hit a moving aircraft, then I would agree, but it is EXTREMELY limited in hitting Aircraft, a galaxy can out run it. I agree it doesn't need more handling. Over-all its a good weapon and I would change anything, yes it is strong against Infantry in the 175-295m range, but as good as it is against infantry it is that bad against Air.

    If it was altered to be less effective against infantry, then something needs to be done to improve its performance against Air.
  7. PartNinja

    Seems fine to me other than the camera issue. Speed could be faster to help vs air.
  8. Galaxycommand

    Super Fun it it had a bit more range it would be even more fun!
  9. Hobblin

    Ah ok, that makes sense. Thanks!
  10. Azriak

    I've just spent the last 3 hours with the Phoenix in real combat situations and agree with a lot of people about it's needed tweaks.

    It is far better at being an anti-infantry weapon than it is as an anti-vehicle. It's turn speed is too slow and/or it's range is far too short to be effective against vehicles. Yes.. it can kill stuff.. and the damage is fine. But the problem is that one of the other rocket launches would be far better in many of the situations you encounter.

    It feels as though it has the biggest downsides of all the 3 launchers:

    You are vulnerable to fire (especially air/sniper) whilst using it - because of its handling it's not always possible to hide yourself well to get to your intended target.

    It's the slowest moving of the three and it requires manual steering - hitting air is very difficult unless it's hovering or doing a low fly-by.

    My solution:

    Take away it's 1hk on troops - make it do a significant amount, but not 1 shot. At the same time, buff it's range by 150-200 meters and increase it's turn speed by 20%.
    If you do one without the other, you will be over nerfing or over buffing it. At the moment, it's a far better sniper rifle than it is a rocket launcher.

    TLDR: See last paragraph.
  11. PS2Freak

    agility+range buff, screw infantry ... should it be AV and AA or AI ? range is really not workable.
  12. drNovikov

    Wrong. Dumbfires are MUCH more efective at short and medium range. Trust me, I soloed >3000 vehicles as infantry. With dumbfires you can use cover as well, and your effective RoF, DPS and TTK will be a lot better.
  13. drNovikov

    We also need to get rid of that initial 100 meter no-control part.
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  14. Mormomboy

    The point of the rocket launcher is more to make small adjustmants in flight, your dumbfire shot should be close to hitting it and only need small adjustments. However it is very versitile. The fact that it has the ability to oneshot infantry at all, is something the Striker and Lancer are incabable of, Striker is lock on only, Lancer takes 2 fully charged shots that are not accurate against small targets.

    Hitting air is only slightly less hard for VS due to charging time learning curve, and You may get one shot or even all 5 on an esf, so long as it does not have flares ore fly out of range/sight while firing, it also has huge lead distance making it hard to hit, anything. It is imposible to hit a turret with Striker, except for maybe from above (have not tried yet)

    All in the weapons are fairly balanced.

    In my opion all could use slight tweaks, but I do not feel, at this point in time, Bugs aside. That any one is more powerfull over all.

    One reason is the purpose of each. Lancer, land vehicle sniper, Striker, Only good for vehicles, Phoenex, very multi purpose, but leaves exposed.
    All in all they did fairly well balancing these. Would love to see updates for all of them to make them a little more tempting.
  15. Azriak

    I would thoroughly encourage everyone to go trial each launcher as I did, take it into real battle - not just at the VR.

    oh and btw

    But the problem is that one of the other rocket launches would be far better in many of the situations you encounter."

    I was talking about the other rocket launchers available to the NC, not comparing it to the other esrl's in that particular part. Realise it wasn't very clear so thought I should say something
  16. ya_ay


    I don't see how that would be the case, as you can dumbfire the rocket like you would a regular rocket. Aim, fire, press e imediately and duck for cover, while reloading. That is exactly like the other launchers except with the added ability of tv-guided if you need it at long range. Your ttk should be exactly the same in this case... give or take some minor differences.

    You can use cover with default launchers, but you have to expose yourself to get the shot off, in which time they could one shot you. With the phoenix, you can shoot in the safety of cover entirely and the enemy won't even know where you are at all. Yes your ttk is lower with the phoenix at long range but your hit rate would also increase to compensate.
  17. FieldMarshall

    I was worried it would be as annoying as in PS1 against infantry, but i was wrong. Its even worse.
    1hit kills on infantry? I see more people using it like that instead of its intended role...
    It feels cheap when you are on the recieving end, getting sniped by a weapon intended for vehicles with no way to fight back.

    It needs more range though and a detonate feature.
    Its a good concept and fun to use.
  18. Amouris

    I wanted an anti vehicle weapon, not a another anti infantry toy. Tone down its damage versus infantry, give it an increased range and control.
  19. Tobax

    There is far too much crying about phoenix one hitting infantry and its getting misrepresented, its not a big farm at all its just flavour of the month so there are lots of them.

    The fact is that in order to use the phoenix on an infantry you need to already know where the target is, distance and be able to see it because rightly so you shouldn't be able to bend shots around rocks, etc. So you need these things because the rockets speed and poor manoeuvrability mean that you can't fire a shot and go looking for a target, you already need to know it and see it.
    If I was going to farm infantry I'd just get out a rifle on my infil and shoot them, bullets travel much faster and you get a lot more ammo. So what that the phoenix can 1 shot kill infantry, all the default launchers on all 3 empires can and if your wasting shots on the odd infantry you've going to get rolled by the vehicles anyway.
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  20. Zamanoy

    I like this Launcher, because it can function as dumbfire if you immediately hit E after launch, I dislike my own factions Striker because I never liked the annilhator. I am sticking with the Default and the AG launchers.