Lancer kill stats bug?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by treeHamster, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. treeHamster

    So far in the past 30 minutes I've killed 2 lightnings (empty), 1 Mossy (empty), 1 Flash (2 people full), 2 Flashes (empty), and it's listing my kills with the Lancer as 2. Shouldn't it be 7?
  2. Izriul


    You killed 2 people.

    Same with the vehicle turret. I have around 850-1000 kills in it (got auraxis medal some time ago, for some reason it's on 500 for that) and yet, I've killed FAR more vehicles with it, but 90% of the people jump out.
  3. treeHamster

    But vehicle destruction counts as a kill for weapons. That's why I knife mana turrets as it's an easy knife kill.
  4. InvalidCast

    Are you talking about the player stats page or the in game medal count. I'm pretty sure they are different because I got my 100 kill medal for C4 long before the stats page said I had 100 kills. The player stats page is definitely player kills excluding vehicles.
  5. Leichow

    i got a medal when i tk'd someone...
  6. treeHamster

    So it's giving out medals correctly, it's just not keeping track of kills correctly. I got my bronze medal for hitting the 10 kills mark (a few kills ago). So the tracking is off and needs to be fixed or it'll make accurate knowledge of your kills with it impossible (as it only counts people killed and not vehicles).