The numbers show how OP NC MAX is

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blue4tw, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Ash87

    Test server should be up in the week. We can hope this makes an appearance.
  2. Ash87

    No, your obscenity got censored.
  3. Mxiter

    I know the numbers
    SOE just needs to change TR/VS actual weapons stats and no add new ones(just flamethrowers and punch/sword/hammer for the fun ;) ) .
    Max can't ADS; so even with a nerfed smag (a bit less accurate and higher bloom) they'll perform to 0-10m less than NC shotguns but a bit more at 10-15m, very badly past 20m but having a real firepower to lead the assaults.
    Still be better that actual max that are imbalanced.

    That will also balance the future NS flamethrower when all NC will cry about havn't any medium range weapons because none faction will get it anymore.
    Think about it.
  4. FlayvorOfEvil

    And also a TR Max could have gotten those killstreaks too.
  5. Alexander Angelos

    The more there are topic like this the more people will start using a max?

    Just because you are rat brained to come in close, that's your personal problem.
    Shoot them with a rocket launcher
    Not a HA? Throw a grenade?
    Organize a squad of HA to take down a MAX crash.
    If you think about it, NC max are good in CQC, what is effective in CQC? Many things. So throw a flash bang or something, and have fun devastating them.

    Or you thought some cheap rat brained tactic will drop down a MAX fortification?
    Also I'll be the first one to say nerf TR max when they will get the fortification boost :)
  6. Frosty The Pyro

    these are kinda fun to look at, and definatly shows something interesting.

    While the NC max enjoys something around a 25-30% advantage at higher BR (~20% at lower BR), compared to the ESF were NC is ~5% disadvantage. However by looking at the play hours and people playing, and average score/weak you can see that the smaller 5% ESF disadvantage actualy would have a larger game impact than the 30% max advantage. And then you look at the MBT tab and wow. Prowlers and Mags are aparently at more than a 33% advantage over Vans, and the number of players/hours/score, is also quite large.

    This would, by the numbers of that spreadsheet, mean the priorities from a balance standpoint would be buffing the vanguard, tweaking ESFs, and then dealing with MAX balance (by buffing tr/vs or nerfing NC). Though with ESF's being closer than MBT or MAX stats it means any tweaking shold be slow and gradual so the timing would be more likely small thins over many updates to help avoid reversing the situaiton. As oposed to sweeping changes in a single update which MAX or MBT could more rediliy survive without throwing balance out of wack.
  7. Colt556

    The way I see it. NC maxes have short range, they have alpha strike potential. They can annihilate the enemy with their shotties, but slow reload time leaves them vulnerable. Spread also means their effectiveness rapidly drops off at range.

    TR maxes would have an insane rate of fire, they'd be bullet hoses with moderate spread. Good at medium range, good at suppressing the enemy, and still good at short range. Although their short range potential is less so than the NC max, however they are more reliable since they put out a consistant damage. Better against infantry than the nc max in this regard.

    VS maxes would have a moderate rate of fire weapon, like they currently do. And would have zero spread and zero bullet drop. Where you aim is where you hit, every time, without fail. This allows them to do stuff other maxes can't, for example, pick off HA's at the crown from Ti alloys. However it doesn't make them weak in medium or short range. On the contrary. Even at medium range, having perfect accuracy is still great. And at short range they're no different than they are now. But short range isn't where they are suppose to be, so that's fine.

    I would also make it so all maxes are nigh invulnerable to small arms fire. It takes a LOOOOOOOOOOT of bullets to bring down a max. Certain certs can mitigate this, for example, armor piercing rounds. But those would make you do less damage to infantry. The primary weapons to kill a max would be explosives, AV weaponry. a scattermax would be pretty worthless against another max, so it's purely AI. If you want to kill another max you have to load up falcons. This also gives an incentive to mix and match. A scattercannon for infantry, a falcon for maxes.

    Every class has a plethora of explosives to choose from. C4, grenades, rockets, AP mines. So the prospect of making maxes virtually impenetrable to bullets isn't exactly some super buff. Instead of shooting at them with a gun, pull out a grenade. Everybody has grenades. This would make MAXes more fearsome, as currently they're just slower HA's with a little more hp. They don't really serve a unique purpose.

    That is how I'd see MAX units, anyways. Would solve the max vs max debate, too. Since your AI weapons wouldn't be a good choice against other max units.
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  8. Tekuila

    There has been no change can still do this.
  9. Zecthans

    6 Shotguns , 3 on each arm. Swiss cheese enemy. Nothing wrong here, beyond that 10 meters who do you think will win? The VS / TR maxes , one of the only situations where the Scatmax is viable is in close quarters, where as the TR or VS maxes can simply laugh at the scatmax at a distance beyond that 10 meters. You'd have to nerf all of the shotguns in the game.
  10. c0r3

    NC max works if you try and give them a hug. Else they are useless.
  11. Ash87

    That thing about VS maxes makes some sense, but I imagine they would need something akin to zoom for the max weapons... which would be fine. A one armed max with a beam weapon and zoom (Actually that would be ridiculously awesome), maybe?

    You'd have to up max cost, effectively dividing people down between: Those who carry a lot of explosives, and those who run max suites if you up reduced damage vs. small arms fire too much. Why? Because making maxes do less damage to other maxes, yet do more damage to Infantry means that you get the dreaded max rush being much more powerful than it is now. A 12 person max rush could Clear a base, unless those same anti-max weapons did MUCH more damage to compensate for the reduced use of standard arms.

    I'd say conversely, 25% reduction to small arms fire, basic. Then bump it up from there using kinetic armor, so around 30-40 tops. That'd up the TTK on maxes to a reasonable level. Explosives should have no reduced damage (Unless you get flak armor), so as you say, those would cause more damage immediately.

    Raising price, I'd say 200-250. I mean your talking about rolling out a mini-tank for the most part, so putting it's price on par with a lightning, makes some sense. And again, if you want to use more explosives it should be a significant drop in the resources you own.
  12. Colt556

    Pretty much, yeah. A max is a vehicle. It has a CD timer like one, resource cost like one, and spawn limitations like one. It needs to behave more like a vehicle and less like a glorified HA. A lone soldier shouldn't see a MAX and go "lol all I have to do is bunny hop and shoot it in the face". A soldier without explosives should run from a max, run back to his squad and take it down together.

    I'd also say that if you certed into armor piercing rounds, that would bring it back down to what it currently is. So the damage small arms currently do to maxes would require AP rounds. However AP rounds would do half damage to soft targets, we'll use the excuse that the round passes cleanly through the body, thus doing less overall damage. So if you're afraid of maxes but don't really have explosives, you can use AP rounds to take it down. Without AP rounds it would take two or three times as many bullets as it currently does.

    Another thing we could do is to ramp up the repair time. If it takes two or three times more bullets to kill it, it should take two or three times as long to repair it. So while a max can stay in a fight longer, it can't just sit there with an engi keeping it topped up. It will have to fall back and spend a fair bit of time being repaired. So they'd be good as shock troops, but less effective in a sustained fight since the longer they're in a fight, the longer they're out of it being repaired.
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  13. Metaltoys

    Finally somebody gets it.
  14. Panssarikauha

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  15. Compass

    Arguably, MAX numbers will always be more noticeably disparate regardless of experience. ESFs blow up on a dime, crashing into trees and other aircraft. MAXes do not have to worry about death by gravity in many cases.
  16. Phrygen

    Nah... vs and tr anti vehicle max weapons are better than the falcon
  17. doombro

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  18. Goretzu

    The VS certainly is.
  19. Duff_Chimp

    The numbers won't be released until after a fix, if the fix comes. The magrider/prowler/vanguard numbers came after the fix. Personally i've said it before on other threads, i don't think they will change anything until the max update, whenever that hits. But i would be extremely surprised if there wasn't some balancing in their, if not only to make the VS and TR maxes more potent.
  20. Itermerel

    if you're going to post a video displaying nc max overpowered-ness, at least do it properly:

    i don't understand the "buff other maxes" though, here's the same player with vs max, if they buff damage, it would be ridiculous because the ranged damage is amazing