I am shocked at how good the Nyx is for VS

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by illgot, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. sosolidshoe

    Huh, OK, I suspect then that our difference comes down to the fact that I start using a bolt-action when I expect to be working outside of medium range, and I only usually try to engage outside that with the Nyx when I don't have an opportunity to switch. The point of the Suppressor is to prevent you from having to relocate as often when operating at ranges where you're more likely to be detected, and it does that job admirably; outside of 80-100m, people will find it very difficult to track you when you go into cloak, and you won't pop up like a lightbulb on IRNV when you come out again, so I see having to compensate for drop/reduced damage to be the penalty that must be payed in exchange for the extra protection you have from enemy LA/Infs that are actively hunting you.

    You're correct that the VS semi-auto sniper holds its damage profile for a slightly longer distance than the Nyx, but that's not really an issue, as eventually you get a feel for the range where the Nyx ceases to be able to get a kill in two headshots, and can switch to going for a headshot to open followed by a double-tap to the body, and I'd contend that the Nyx's lack of scope sway and slightly better scope-settle makes landing those 3 shots just as easy, if not easier, than putting out two headshots at the same range using the semi-auto sniper. It also has the benefit that, if you mess up and miss one of the opening salvo, you can keep putting shots down-range without having to wait for your asthmatic chain-smoking character to catch their breath again :p
  2. Veri

    Exactly why I use the NYX.

    There have been some statistics that say it is still considerably worse than the VA39 Spectre but I have not come across the issue.
  3. zaspacer

    I run as a lone wolf, I hit a lot of random engagements, I often try very odd stuff, and I consistently don't have access to a terminal or (safe) Sunderer to reliably swap between niche guns.

    That said...

    The NO SWAY is a huge bonus and I can see how it could offset the damage reduction. Making the Nyx a better overall tool because of its individual shot reliability.

    ... which is a shame. Because that would mean that I would now want to get FOUR premium priced weapons (Manticore, Sirius, Parallax, Nyx) to play the Infiltrator. AND if the guns really turn out to be that much better than the free or budget priced weapons, then I would have to say VS Infiltrator would fall squarely into the pay2win category or pay+play2win category. Which is a definite lurking monster in the closet for both the class and the game as a whole, and one that will continue as long as SOE flirts with danger by not having a more stable method2win model.
  4. Teegeeack

    Now that a lot more people are using nanoweave armour, I'm seriously considering giving up the Parallax for the Spectre. 50% of targets already need two headshots to kill, and with the Spectre offering the additional value of no bullet drop, it seems like switching to it would be a good idea.
  5. Teegeeack

    Okay, right now I'm loving the Spectre. I get just as many kills as I do with the Parallax, if not more, and when I use the suppressor I don't have to adjust my aiming to account for it.
  6. pnkdth

    Definitely the best of the VS semi-auto sniper/scout rifles. It has a good hipfire as well, something of which the Phantom does not, and the no sway-functionality of the weapon makes accurate shots easier despite having a bigger kick than the VA39 Spectre.

    It is evident that SOE's F2P model is based on having new players get eased into the game with the default weapons, focus on attachments and abilities first, and then populate the game and earn certs to get weapon or buy the ones they want. Looking back at it, I probably would be able to live without a lot of the weapons I bought with SC. It is only the new kind of weapons, like SMGs, shotguns, and rocket launchers/turrets, that opens a wholly new playstyle. Even then it isn't truly P2W as you can, if you only focus on the economical cert tiers get one or two weapons without having to play for too long. On the flipside, you can speed it up by focusing on a chosen few weapons for auraxium medals.

    It is reaching to a point though where there are too many weapons you "need."