Since TTK won't be raised just give us Shotgun Armor like Flak Armor. I would be willing to pay SC.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rustler, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. smokemaker

    Or you can use your intelligence and think about how you can over come that ever so OP killer.
  2. Vorxil

    Rocket to the face. Only way to stop a OHK weapon is with another OHK weapon, right?
  3. Gary

    Pump action shotguns require 8m or less to one shot a heavy... an smg works well beyond that range. So what a weapon designed to dominate close range does it well... I have used the pump action myself and whilst it does a lot damage up close the slow fire rate is definitely a punishment.. Miss and you are likely to die. Other times i have blown through a group of 5 or 6 people who do not pay attention and let you come up from behind them killing them 1 by 1, you can do that with any weapon...

    Not sure on the DPS but again this is in an ideal situation right on top of the enemy the dps is going to be huge, but as the range increases the damage drops quickly to the point of it not even being worth shooting. The SMG on the other hand can reach beyond this range, also can be quiet and not reveal you.

    As the SMG starts dropping off due to range the Carbines come in.. As they start dropping off Combat rifles come in. Ofc using any of the weapons at any range is possible but not very effective.
  4. LordMondando

    Wait whats the problem with dying again.

    Giant space war MMO: Warning contains ganking.
  5. VexTheRaven

    This is kind of the same argument that was given by the air ****** before air took a nerf bat to the face.
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  6. VexTheRaven

    8m is really goddamn far when the only time infantry is really important is close quarters. Especially when jetpacking LAs are pretty much unhittable and can close the gap quickly.
  7. Mindcrime

    Im sorry but if you're too stubborn to use the right weapon in the right situation you deserve to get one shot. There are lots of different weapons in the game with all kinds of characteristics. Shot guns are meant for close range. Don't like it? Stay 10+ meters away and lol all the way to the leader board.

    The shear amount of whining from this community is unbelievable. Learn to use your resources to your advantage and stop being a baddie.
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  8. BlueSkies

    For those of you making the argument that shotguns should rule <10m fights, a little extrapolation might be illuminating. Think forward to about a year from now when everyone has so many certs even the free players have every gun in the game. Biolabs, towers, any outpost with lots of buildings (so lots of doors and corners), etc, will be nothing but shotgun fights. That sounds really boring.
  9. Kronic

    Lol it's a freaking shotgun. If it's not OP up close then what else can it do? The majority of you don't even realise how many times you've owned a shotty user past 10m or you're simply ignoring/downplaying it. Pump actions are fine imo, they work well in their intended role and are awful outside of it. L2p. However if you really wanna nerf them, just reduce their rof, I'll admit for the amount of damage you can put out per shot it probably does shoot too fast.
  10. Xasapis

    It's already pretty boring. Everyone is a mini NC-max right now, which makes the infantry fights boring. In any case, the op did not suggest any changes on the weapons themselves, but rather an addition to the armor choices. Right now we have a number of choices that are ok-ish and a dominant choice (flak armor). Perhaps a redesign of all the infantry armor modules is in order. Lets see:
    • Advanced shield capacitor: Decent for mid range combat with cover made obsolete by vehicle spamming and flak being a better option for that.
    • Flak armor: The armor of choice in the era of splash damage. Negates proximity mines, protects somewhat from vehicle indirect fire and other splash sources like grenades etc.
    • Grenade bandolier: More grenades. I wonder if anyone is certed or found a use for it.
    • Nanoweave armor: Secondary choice after flak armor. Provides more life.
    • Ammunition belt: Useless
    • HA munition pouch: Useless
    • Engineer utility pouch: Allows carrying a second effective mine (2 pairs of 2 mines) and 4 stacks of C4. Useful for ambushes due to the way explosives work (you can only place as many explosives as you can carry).
    If SOE insists on cheesy no-skill weapons, they should allow for hard counters as well.
  11. Arcanotechnician

    This. I've been using an autoshotgun for ages, but this makes perfect sense.

    The other suit options would need some buffs, but some of them could use that anyway.
  12. SinerAthin

    Do not forget about us MAX users either!

    It is redicilous how effective these Shotguns are vs MAXes.
  13. SharpeShooter

    yes but air really did not have a leg to stand on! as you lock your self into one thing, an example of this AA max units if you go AA your locked into shooting air until you change out! But if you go shotgun to counter other people using shotguns you can still kill other people! I honestly don't see the problem I hardly ever use shotguns and I think they are fine!

    I would love either flak armor get adjusted for shotguns or give us actual shotgun armor.

    For the last 3 or so weeks as I am an aggressive objective player, that seems to be almost all i am facing players with shotguns anymore. level 4 nanoweave armor with resistance shield and Still insta gib'd by a shotty when i turn the corner and I am even firing into him at the same time.

    it seems to be the new fad now I have run into location on matherson where the entire outfit we faced was using only MAX's and Shotguns (CML of the NC).

    I don't need soe to nerf the shotguns or anything but give me the option to upgrade my soldier to prevent insta deaths by their spam.
  15. CaligoIllioneus

    Shotguns are vulnerable to range. A lot. If you're a shotgun LA and you climb at the top of the building and there's another LA on the other side of the roof, you need to get out ASAP or die.

    That's how you win against shotguns, you either ambush them or engage them at range. If you follow the player blindly, however, he will just turn around a corner, wait there, and instantly kill you. Don't let the shotgun user choose where the fight is going to be.

    Play with more intelligence, and shotgun issue solved.

    P.S.: If you're having problems with shotguns and biolabs, the problem is the biolab. Biolabs are meatgrinders for any weapon, for explosive/rocket spammers, and for Scattermaxes.
  16. pnkdth

    It all boils down to one shot kills. A LA flying around with a weapon which rewards for getting close while at the same time being the class best suited to close the distance. It isn't hard to do with this class. This is probably where 99% of the rage at shotguns come from. Shotguns on light assault = easy mode.
  17. Xind

    Dude. It has it's place.
  18. CaligoIllioneus

    LA is good for flanking and ambushes. Be flanked and ambushed by (for example) a SMG, a TRV-style assault rifle, etc, and you're dead too. If there's a LA on the roof, send another LA there to kill it, do not stay stationary there waiting for the LA to kill you one by one.

    I'm playing a lot of LA lately and they do just this. I drop from the roof, gun down two people or so, I go back to the roof, and when I come back lo and behold, every player is as oblivious as always and there's now a stationary medic trying to res the people I just killed
  19. pnkdth

    So what you're saying is, it is very easy to ambush people with the Light Assault. Something which is made even easier with one shot weaponry(which are suprsingly accurate when flying in the air as well). One thing I agree on though, people need to look up more but on the flipside in a chaotic biolab fight or whatever it is hard to keep track of all the directions at once which is why the vertical angle of ambush is so powerful. People tend to be worried of the MAX or HA coming around that corner, grenades, and so on.

    People like to comment on how stupid people act around towers and so on. I say, people should more often remark upon how easy it is to hit and run in these places.
  20. Pengalor

    You mean like, I don't know, range?
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