GU4 Time?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KarMaSk89, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. KarMaSk89

    Do we have any update on GU4 at this point. As a outfit leader on EU servers soon this will start to cut into prime time. Was wondering wether to cancel our operations or not. If my time keeping is correct it should of been updated 1 hour and 30 minutes ago.

    Just didnt see any posts so wanted to know if i missed something through twitter or anything??
  2. Eclipson

    They haven't said anything yet. I hope it comes. If its been delayed this long already, it may get pushed back until tomorrow, as usual.
  3. TheRealMetalstorm

    This is typical, previous hotfixes and GUs have had similar delays. just cancel evening ops on the patch date.don't expect tomorrow to always be free anyway, gamebreaking GUs aren't too alien to us. Remember "magrider only day" and "prowler railgun week"? Waiting for Flying Vanguard week after GU4 just for the hilarity and balance. Also, I want flashes with front mounted zephyrs.
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  4. f0d

    probably delayed to next week
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  5. tastyBerryPunch

    I heard Planetside 2 is being cancelled and they're closing down the game.
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  6. KarMaSk89

    GOD NO. What will i do? Oh ARMA 3!
  7. TheRealMetalstorm

    Reminder: Let's be patient. Remember Prowler Railgun Week? Or Magrider Domination Day?

    Give the devs time, get used to delays. We all procrastinate anyway. Meanwhile, it's Friday soon!
  8. Soylent

    All servers will come down for a Game Update on March 13th at 6:00 AM PT. Soooo, I guess it's been 2 hours ago? XD
  9. Zitroxious

    they will go down in 5 minutes
  10. Nickhead420

    And they're off!
  11. Grayson

    They are just playing a bit with the can't blame them for it.
  12. GSZenith

    wait what amg A storm is coming! it will be made of tears.
  13. tastyBerryPunch

    Guess it's time to troll forums, till we get the update.
  14. Tombombadil

    "The server is shutting down in: 09m:59s. Shutdown Reason: Servers coming down for an update." This was @ 8am PST.
  15. LordMondando

    Yeah I wouldn't do ops on a Patch night. It'll probably be up by the time people are getting home, however will it be bug free enough to have a large outfit run ops without a hitch.

  16. Nickhead420

    That's the plan
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  17. Zaik

    The patch is already available for download, there's no un-doing it now.

    They just posted the excessively optimistic finish time on maintenance as usual.
  18. tastyBerryPunch