Beware NC Tank Drivers on Waterson

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DashRendar, Mar 11, 2013.

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  1. Vinny

    is harassment and will get you and your squad/platoon members banned
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  2. Aghar30

    I find it even more amusing that he thinks the threats of a DVS pet outfit have any weight.
  3. huundar

    Anyone else read the OP's post and instantly imagine a 11 year old ADHD kid?
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  4. IronWarrior

    Indeed and this just makes me want to make an account on his server to FF him as many times as I can.
  5. Aghar30

    please do, and record it, see if you can get the prepubescent rage over the local chatter too, would be youtube gold.
  6. xNPCx

    *Insert 1950's style PSA- Rules of the Road*
  7. Aghar30

    naw, red concrete
  8. Luighseach

    Do Sunderers count.

    My rules of driving if your in the road your fair game. I will not go off the road and somehow get my tank stuck on a pebble to save a life. Just respawn. Also I do not have 360 degree vision so If i back over you its your fault. Also if I drive over you when off the road I must have not seen you and thus it was an accident.

    Also one of the few threads were PSA actually applies. +1 for that
  9. Devrailis

    This pretty much. Almost 20% of my deaths last week were probably from NC tank drivers, driving off road I might add.

    I'm pretty much starting to prescribe to the rule of punishment. Bad driving requires punishment until good driving habits are beaten (read: TK'd) into them. If they don't learn, they'll have fun watching the respawn screen, a lot.
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  10. MyOdessa

    Another attention ***** OP.
    When I see you on Waterson, I'll run you over, just to see you rage.
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  11. Aghar30

    what are you doing anywhere near a road, you pilot a max in biolabs, how the hell could a tank ever run you over :p
  12. Devrailis

    I've been run over in places tanks have absolutely no business being in, you wouldn't believe. If a BR 10 NC lightning could run me over in a Biolab, I guarantee it probably would have happened by now!
  13. Aghar30

    Considering I have flown mags up into Biolabs on my galaxie, I think i need to get some lightnings up in there too.
  14. Ghosty11

    I've seen a Magmower in a Biolab once! >.>
  15. Devrailis

    Don't be giving the TR and ideas now. Last thing we need is Prowler HE spam in the one refuge immune to them. :p
  16. Aghar30

    my best so far is 2 mags and an ammo sundie on the southern pad at a biolab worked really well till someone missed the LA that used the jump pad to blow the sundie.
  17. DashRendar

    This. I have learned good walking habits, why haven't some players learned good driving habits?

    Then again they are probably just trolls and would climb their lightning up the highest mountain just to TK the infiltrator sniping from there if they could. If you are not a troll then this does not apply to you.
  18. Aghar30

    Mainly due to the fact that when it comes to physics, gameplay or real life, a multi ton vehicle has the right of way over a 100+ lb person. You being the squishier of the 2 need to be very careful of something that might not even be able to see you, and can turn you into a pile of goop.
  19. xNPCx

    Question: What if my "W" gets stuck and I can't stop, also I am screaming through proxy chat that my brakes are cut, is that ok?

    Another Question: Pop quiz, hotshot. There's a bomb on a sunderer. Once the sunderer goes 50 miles an hour, the bomb is armed. If it drops below 50, it blows up. What do you do? What do you do?
  20. notyourbuddy

    I'm tempted to run you over in a Flash or land a Galaxy on your head just to see what will happen. But alas, I'm afraid we are on different servers. This news saddens me. :(
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