Avoiding Rez Stealing

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Razzyman, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. Razzyman

    Greetings my fellow medics. I know there have been threads about rez stealing and how aggravating it is. I've also seen some great ideas about fixing it. I have a question about it here. I have encountered issues before, both when rezzing, and when being rezzed, that you will the prompt to accept a rez, then it disappears. While this issue is less of a problem of late it got me thinking. I will always avoid stealing a rez, if I see someone rezzing before I started Ill stop, or if I notice as I get close that the person has a pending rez I stop. My goal is to get people back in action and I'm not cool with taking XP from someone else. My question is if the rez fails does the person you are trying to rez go back to the dead status? Lying flat that is. Or will they stay in that pending rez position? I don't want to run past someone who bugged and needs a rez, but I don't want to steal a rez from a medic who just went by because someone is taking a quick bite of something to eat or drinking. Is there any way to tell?

    Thanks for any input anyone can give.
  2. Bucketmaster

    First come, first serve?

    Btw I've never even heard about "rez stealing" before. o_O
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  3. Soothsayer

    Rez stealing is an issue for medics and is well described on these forums.

    I don't think first come first serve will suffice, if I have an outfit mate that is being rezzed by someone I know has no points in their med app, I'm going to overwrite their lower qualify rez.

    There needs to be a qualified "first come first serve" where better rezzes can be taken, but if you do this, you open this can of worms where any medic subsequent to the first rez needs to know if they're going to be providing any net benefit for their efforts.
  4. Razzyman

    Rez stealing is when someone rez's a dead player who's already been rezzed and waiting to click accept. You'll sometimes see guys running behind you applying a rez to all the people you just did. When they do that you no longer get the XP for that rez. Even worse, if I rez someone with my level 6 tool and a guy with a level 1 tool is just farming XP behind me by rezzing the same players I tried they will only rez with the low amount of life his tool provides. If players accept my fast rez first all is well but sometimes the Stealer manages to overwrite the good rez with a low health one. Now, when you rez someone their position on the ground changes. I won't try to rez someone in that position because doing so deprives the medic who applied the rez of XP, however if the rwz bugged and the person can't accept I want to get them up. I'm just wondering if there's a way to tell.

    Hopefully that clears it up Bucket ;)
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  5. Zinus

    For xp gain at least.
    Rezing afterwards overwrites the old one but gives no xp (so you can rez squady to full hp etc).
    (OR if the programmers feel like it, they could make it so that the highest level rez applies)
    That's my vanilla solution.
  6. Spartan101

    I think a balance must be established. We need to allow the lower medics to gain their xp for rezzing, (so they are able to get better) but still allow the more advanced medics to provide better health on rez.
    I propose a system that would allow the lower medics to gain full xp for the rez (if they are the first to rez) and give a small xp bonus for higher lvl medics to " top off " the health bonus.

    eg. lvl 3 medic comes along, sees dead teammate and rezes, (wat is it, 50% HP?). I higher lvl medic happens to see the rez in progress and notes that it seems to take longer than his tool (for this example he has a lvl 6 medi gun). 2nd medic goes over and rezes. If the player accepts the lvl 3 med gets full xp for the rez and the lvl 6 med gets a smaller xp bonus for topping rez health to 100% No rez stealing, everyone gets xp and the player is at 100% hp, everyones happy.

    Of course this means if a lvl 5 medic rezes, a lower lvl or same lvl medic cant override the rez, only a lvl 6 could.
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  7. Skin

    First come, first serve. I would rather make sure everyone gets up and healed to full than argue over who rezed who and petty things that fall in that category. Xp is not a rare commodity in this game, it isn't hard to get. If someone manages to "steal my rez" then so be it, at least who ever it was is back up and in the fight.
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  8. kennonfodder

    hmm I see where this comes from, you want more efficiency for the team but I dont agree here, as only newbies in their first days overwrite rezzes. Someone with a lvl 6 heal gun is supposed to have a better overview about the situation, has earned thousands of XPs and does not need to fight with a noob about 75xp (or more when playing in a platoon). But dont get me wrong, if its your friend that is lying on the ground and you want to help him, thats fair enough.

    I realized that often it makes no difference if someone is revived with 50% or 100% of health, as many idiots start to run in panic into the next grenade or enemy positions after being revived^^
  9. Soothsayer

    It's about efficiency, good manners and me helping my outfit out without someone else screwing that up because they are inept or greedy. If behaving with respect towards other people in your empire has to be dictated by game mechanics, so be it.
  10. Badvudo

    If it is not a mass jumbled battle, it is easy to see who is doing the rez. If the battle is hectic and bodies are falling all over the place, I do not look to see who is rezzing, I will rez anyone on the ground and heal. The win sometimes comes down to who has the better, faster medics.
  11. Ticee

    I was thinking something, which was that basically the first medic would get full XP, but then if a medic nerd with a level 6 tool comes around, or just anything higher in general, they could do their thing and get him up quicker. All in spirit of helping the team of course, but they would also be awarded some assist XP, similar to when you assist in killing someone.

    I think it makes sense, as the guy would have been revived in any case, but you would make him revive with a bit more health than otherwise, so you're quite essentially assisting, which should be rewarded, but the original medic shouldn't be punished though.
  12. Razzyman

    That's a good idea Ticee. I would personally not even care if I get the XP, I just want the guy up at 100% I have the level 6 tool but don't like taking the XP from someone else. If I could get the guy up but have someone else get the XP I'd be all for that.
  13. Arcanotechnician

    Meh, I rez so fast with the level six gun that I walk about like a shotgun wielding angel. People don't sit around for a long time at the acceptance screen usually, so I've never really noticed a problem with Rez stealing. Most of the time people are happy they're up.
  14. Absoluth

    Honestly, i don't see "rez stealing" as an issue AT ALL. There is nothing worse than a medic rezzing, then immediately leaving. Vast majority of the situations you're left without max health, or simply in the line of fire. The basic "rise to die again so i can rez you once more, chump".

    Another thing are the speedy gonzales types going around. Just because you can run around rezzing people faster than the other meds, doesn't mean you deserve the exp for everything. Learn to share.
  15. xNPCx

    Can't say I have really noticed this being a problem, but then again I have a lvl 6 meditool so I don't tend to stand around bodies for very long. I have seen higher level players out right TK low level medics though, seems a little pathetic to me.