Why the TR is failing Jaeger

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by TerminalT6, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. SiosDashcR

    Haha, hopefully the latter becomes true - I'd prefer the unison instead.
  2. PandemicLegion

    I'd disagree. There is still a ever prevalent hate that some players of specific outfits have against other outfits. Just take a look at this forum itself, Jaeger outfit recruitment. It is a clusterf*ck of TR outfits bashing each other. Hell, even the OP here is contributing to the hate that many people have here on Jaeger. Not only on the forums, but ingame as well. It is less common now, but I remember clashes in /yell and /tell led to mass teamkilling of opposing outfits players. Do I wish it would change? Hell yes I do. It seems like I'm one of the few around here that actually value other outfits on this server.

    BRSN, Bearsnakes, smaller in size, but have saved my platoon and squads from a slaughter in countless occasions.

    TT6, Terran Team 6, one of the bigger outfits in TR, I admire their cooperation with other outfits, and their overall teamwork and realization that TR exists to fight the NC and VS, not other TR outfits.

    HSTL, Hostile Paradigm, personally having been a member there for a short time, I can't say I regretted it. I had a lot of laughs with the officers there, and enjoy their laid back style of gameplay.

    ARGO and ARMX, outfits that have just started to grow, always fight in force, and have been a great help with their armored pushes assisting infantry on the ground.

    V1C1, though a tad unorganized as they are dedicated to only using ingame comms, still pull off some impressive feats for an outfit their size using the resources given to them.

    There are many other outfits out there with their specific highlights and lowlights, but what I'm trying to get across is that TR as a whole needs to stop seeing outfits as what they aren't in comparison to one's own outfit, but what they are as an individual outfit. Every outfit on Jaeger is equally responsible for the feats we have pulled off in the past (we, the TR, have the most triple caps on the server, god damnit), why must we continue this QQing and hate between outfits when, if we teamed up and worked together, could kick *** again?
  3. AgentStark427

    Here's the thing: No one cares about KEEPING Amerish or Esamir. We go there, we cap, we leave, Vanu come and ninja everything. It's a vicious cycle. The merger between Waterson and Jaeger will actually make things WORSE!!!

    Here's what I see on Jaeger:
    TRAF - They get stuff done but they're momentum stops after a continent cap to go somewhere else. They lack the concept of continental defense until the last minute, but still the most impressive outfit. Maybe a little too impressive given they have a strict CoC.
    TT6 - Going through changes but are a force to be reckoned with. When they finish their changes and start getting more players, they'll excel once their leadership commits.
    ARGO - Never worked with them as of yet.
    BRSN - Or them.
    HSTL - I'm currently working with these guys. The leadership seems nice enough and they seem to want to change things, but they are just too lazy to implement protocol. Good intentions, shoddy execution.
    V1C1 - For the love of god, someone shoot me. This is the worst organization I have ever ran with. No cooperation, just follow the yellow arrow. They actually told me that! I'm battle rank 36 and they had the gall to tell me what the platoon symbol was like a noob! At least HSTL has a freaking spine. These guys don't even have a brain worth using.

    And this is how it is. Once most outfits get through their transitional period, they'll evolve into real teams that can compete and flourish as communities. Others that just do softcore gaming will inevitably get the most members, but will be the biggest waste of space on the server.

    My opinion? If you're not going to work with your fellow TR and communicate, you shouldn't have the right to manage 48 people!
  4. GraphicJ

    Come on over to Connery. ;)
  5. doombro

    Damn straight. :cool:
  6. TheRaptorFence101

    Yeah, i remember you...you were kind of a jerk when running with V1C1. Not refuting your post, cooperation wise they're nothing compared to the likes of HSTL or TRAF. Just don't be nasty to everyone you meet online. There's something for everyone in PS2, and if you don't particularly like a certain outfit then you don't need to run with them, even if they are zerging with markers.

    As a general question to the forum, are there any outfits that DON'T require Teamspeak or VOIP? I'm not a fan of it personally. I like listening in and follow orders, but I like to keep mum most of the time. So less VOIP the better.
  7. Ronin Oni

    Heh, I know there were some growing pains, but as you immediately followed with in the rest of your post, we do pretty damn good together now....

    Though I will admit to avoiding flying in the same airspace as large air operations usually lmao

    Unfortunately, as someone else mentioned... I think we have a somewhat lacking public force. Mayhaps more use of /orders might help direct the randies in a productive effort
  8. Ronin Oni

    I think many outfits may require presence in VOIP, but not participation...

    namely, listen so you can hear orders.

    V1C1 doesn't even require 3rd party voip... they use in game comms so you don't need to do anything (besides not turning off ingame voip)

    Personally, I love VOIP... we love chatting it up as we play... Our comms are less serious than many.

    Our biggest problem is we have a bunch of members that don't even join TS... but those who don't usually do well enough at least following the markers.

    And god... I can't wait for this damn merger.... I want some real action on Amerish and Esamir already.

    Also, from what I've heard Waterson TR aren't very organized... so I think we may really give the Waterson NC a nice lil surprise when they gotta face us :D
  9. Dr. Coathanger

    You do know the amount leadership works right? Either way lots of behind the scenes work going on that you don't see.

    PS: Bring this stuff up next time instead of letting your leadership find it.
  10. Ronin Oni

    I love how people think that organizing a large group of players is effortless...

    Especially when you want to strike that balance between guiding your outfit/platoon/squad to good battles and success.... and letting your players play their way with minimal hand-holding and fair respect.
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  11. TerminalT6

    I was with ARMX from the start. But even with nearly 300 people, we rarely have more than 10 on at a time. Now I'm outfit hopping. Any other outfits shrinking like that?

    Anyway, as a response to a few different people, no matter how the TR handles Indar, at the end of a long session (or maybe a short one) you get a hopeless feeling about fighting in general. A lot of people are discouraged when they're get pushed back to their warpgate, which I understand. But I feel like most TR freelancers, or whatever you want to call the lone wolves, are somewhat ignorant to the whole situation. Someone said it was all about the certs, I believe. Certs are hard to get on the defense.

    I'll put up another example situation surrounding the Crown.
    We have plenty of troops and tanks, sitting on the opposite hill, or at the bottom of the hill. Last time I checked, it's pretty hard to cap a point from there. It's disappointing, because with those numbers we'd have the possibility to take the Crown. So because everyone's busy camping the bottom of the Crown, the surrounding territories get capped and the TR gets warpgated in an hour. (maybe exaggerating a little)
  12. LieutenantHuge

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  13. Ronin Oni

    A good defense against a large offense is a HUGE cert farm

    The zerg has figured that out about the crown... but that's pretty brainless to defend when you have that many people.

    Facilities are defensible... but they require more evenly spread out defenses, and people paying attention to react to a much larger area of potential attack.

    Generators, Satellite spawns, Sundies on the walls, TP rooms, cap points and SCU... with at least twice as many ways in... that are bigger, with more flat approaches, and a whole lotta wall that can be jump jetted over.

    However you have at your disposal quick transport tubes, plenty of turrets (seriously, I see people repairing vehicles under fire but rarely turrets... kinda odd), height advantage on the walls, vehicle and terms & hard spawn point, and bonus XP for the whole fight.

    I've seen large outfits defend them viciously, but randoms just get steam rolled from complete lack of coordination.

    You need AA, you need to control those satellites, you need to protect your gens and repair them ASAP, turrets should all be manned at all times. You need Armor and backup sundies (well, at lesat they usually get the sundies bit right... though more could definitely be placed).

    You also need numbers who will defend it. Set up ahead of the advancing force (ie; when they're capping the outpost leading to it, stop spawning into the spawn trap and fall back to fortify)....

    but no. People instead either die 15x to the spawn trap or respawn at WG to go somewhere else on the offensive.

    how to change?

    ... meh... good question. Off hand I'd boost defense XP.
  14. Dr. Coathanger

    You've never been to a proper Space Australia then, makes the crown look like a joke
  15. Rhinzual

    From the perspective of someone wanting certs, there's no reason to defend a base once it's almost done being capped (as in almost switched factions) because the only big XP/cert amounts are from capping facilities. That big Facility Defended! thing gives me nothing aside from a potential sense of impending doom that the other faction will re-double their efforts and roll out an unholy amount of armor and air.
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  16. KidApathy

    After listening to Zekariah from V1C1 going crazy in /leader yesterday... I lost any respect for this organization, they are plaguing the TR...

    Someone needs to curb this kid IRL.
  17. LieutenantHuge

    You got screens of that? Keep hearing about it.
  18. Zamanoy

    This thread just ruined my hopes, I was hoping the Jaeger TR would offset the fail of the Waterson TR, but it sounds like you guys are even worse, lol. On the bright side the ODAM seems to have collapsed and hopefully those guys end up reorganized with some better leadership.

    Watch out for the Vanu here on Waterson, they are good. Especially VDRS, TBSQ, and PBRD.
  19. drNovikov

    TR's problem is getting used to zerging and spawn spaming.

    Instead of fighting a real fight TR on Jaeger usually pulls more Mozzies and Prowlers than defenders have men and just spam the spawn room with HE, instagibbing anyone who tries to leave it, while 6/6 infantrymen are chilling out on the capture point.

    Being so occupied with spawn farming, TR zerg just forgot the taste of a real fight.

    Edit: There are a couple of TR outfits, who still remember how to fight, not just farm. BRSN, for example, is okay :)
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  20. Rhinzual

    I know how that is. When an outfit gets so big that it eventually gets to the point that very few people are actually logging on. It's pretty depressing really.