Mallory server, what's the situation there ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NightmareP69, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Gribbstar

    In all fairness I re-checked the outfit size stats last night and we MACS now have around 30 more members than ATFI listed according to PSU stats. So I must eat my words from earlier. I do know we have many inactive though and only ever manage 2 and bit full squads on any given day. I think we need to cull some dead weight.

    To the other NC leadership on Mallory (and any Ceres NC) please stop organising battles at the crown. It sucks the whole NC player base into a pointless defence of 2 resources and loses us the rest of the map. The times us MACS have been fighting hard to beat back the enemy elsewhere only to see all the backup we had dissappear with a single shout of "attack the crown"... This followed by the crown falling to NC and us getting warpgated...

    I hope you understand my point and I look forward to turning the map blue with you all. :)
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  2. GamingForFun

    glad we could help ;) thanks for some nice response^^
    yesterday was pretty coordinated because of our pub players actually tried to follow our orders. 2-3 Mac players were also playing with us when u were trying to cap amerish or esamir.
    we already asked em if ur interested to play with us and at least they told us that they would like it.
    im happy about the server merging, a lot of fresh players and for sure more fun.

    theres nothing wrong about it. its your opinion, but i cant agree with you.
    it sounds like every outfit who tried to lead a pub platoon is automatically a zerg outfit (for the most part).
    i think we re helping our faction in a good way. getting all those people away from the crown and get all those good players who want to play more coordinated.
    but its kinda true that it was pretty difficult in the beginning. people are running around and doing their own thing. yesterday was the opposite. a lot of people we re trying to do what they actually have to do. we were also splitting our squads to get different areas or defend with some special tactics.
    we have good days and we have bad days. we cant run a organized platoon 24/7. our platoon-and squadleaders need a break and thats the time when this platoon is suffering a little bit.

    yep , we re heavily recruiting. we were 20 players in the outfit over 1 month ago, but like i said before most of those "new" players just vanished again or just dont bring anything to the table.
    effectively we are just not enough people, otherwise we would ve tried to play with an ATFI only platoon + a pub platoon. but thats in the future, dont know if it works out.

    And yes we organized some rushes against the crown, but only because we have fun doing something together with all the other nc players. in the end we are a faction and have fun doing something together;)
    of course, it hurts a little bit if pub players stay there, but we always pushed forward and didnt stay at the crown. and we lost the crown one hour later against the vanu... good thing i guess;)
    anyway, i hate the crown too. zerging for certs is just not part of my game. but we have to deal with it. with or without the crown, its parft of the game and we cant force our pub players to move away from it, we can just offer em playing in a team and show them how to play in a different way.

    btw. if our outfits would coordinate attacks together ,we would play much more effective. so just start playing with each other instead of blaming people for not being there^^

    just my 2cents, no offense btw.
    im happy that we can exchange our opinions in a normal way and im sure ATFI is willing do help wherever and whenever they can.

    see ya
  3. WacKo

    Looking forward to this server merge!

    TR >
  4. †Ashley†


    Mallory earlier today. Though the moment TR finally reacted a TR prowler zerg pushed everything back to the tawrich tech plant.
  5. Paqu

    This is how it looks now.

  6. †Ashley†

    Yep you summed it up perfectly. Though i was surprised to see the TR so low at 36%. Its the lowest i have seen them for a very long time.
  7. Niller

    Nevermind, i saw the total bisqiut UES video without annotations, and he told about how VS was cheating there. But later i found out that wasn't true, because i saw it in the annotations. But they where still annoying.
  8. †Ashley†

    I was a bit shocked by TB during the event. To claim Vanu cheated, i can understand why but he never apologized about making the false claim. Especially seeing as all he did was complain about how unfair it was when he took the trophy home and had the lowest score. If anyone had the right to feel cheated it would be Vanu. I know the trophy was a vote and simply SOE intended full well for TB to win, as they wanted TB as the poster boy for planetside 2 which is fair enough. It doesn't help the dying population at all though for Vanu/
  9. Cull58

    I am not looking forward to the influx of TR on Ceres.
  10. †Ashley†

    I know.. it seems they decided to put the two servers with the lowest vanu population together.
  11. Meckross

    Vanu pop died after the GU2-nervhammer. I basicly log on once a day to check the map. All I see is Vanu-worldpop 2x% Amerish - dead, Esamir - dead, Indar - Crown.... logoff.

    Seems like the merge wont help on the pop... all we can do is wait for transfertokens to leave the dead servers behind.
  12. Backf1re

    I was just thinking that, strange to see TR pop drop lower that expected.

    But the clip shows Mallory on a usual day nonetheless. Esamir and Amerish are just being ghost capped by about 10 people per faction. And will stay that way all night until an outfit decides to jump on and gatelock the continent.
  13. †Ashley†

    Yep, and the gatelocking isn't fun either. So pretty much, were left with a server that is not fun, unless you play TR.
  14. Backf1re

    Well, like all these threads, we just just hope and look forward to the merger.
  15. Tenryuujin

    Ceres Vanu here.

    NC normally hold the top half of the map, TR the left half of the bottom, and VS the right half. You'll also see TR capturing the left half of the whole map.
    Right now the population is at 26% VS, 39% TR, 34% NC. Normally VS are closer to 30% and even above that.
    Esamir and Amerish change between all of the factions, but VS hold atleast one lately.

    Yes, we have less pop. And yet, it's common for one single VS platoon(not full, and with lots of randoms that join and then stay at the Crown) to go north and take Mao Tech and surrounding areas, maybe Impact Site. Although less common, we also go to the left up till Hvar Tech and Allatum Bio. Capturing Ceres is also normal, along with Alloys if we're lucky. Crossroads changes between TR and VS, but I think we've been holding it more.
    Our incursions normally end when the tank and aircraft army rolls in, from either TR or NC. Then we either run or try and fight them... the second one is fun :D

    NC go for Rashnu Bio, TR for Tawrich Tech. They get them, we just take them back.

    I'm eager to get both more allies and more enemies. We're not many, but we can fight. So let's make the world purple.

    (All I said here is from my point of view with the platoon of the outfit I'm in, but The Foundation and other outfits seem to do the same, from what I've seen. )
  16. Testament

    The situation is quite lame on Mallory right now. 42% TR, 30-ish VS and NC. The Terrans are usually found zerging the Northwest (Zaurva, Dahaka) without a any resistance. Once they pull back the NC ghost caps the areas and the process repeats itself. NC also holds the crown for most of the time and around 30% server population is there constantly. The Vanu are usually keeping Zurvan held and pushing out from time to time. However, they are the lowest population faction of the three. There is a nice big fight at Ti Alloys or Allatum from time to time but apart from avoiding the terran Zerg and capping smaller areas that's about it.
    From what I've read on the forums, Ceres has mostly TR players as well so the merge probably won't do much good anyway.
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  17. MrPokealot

    As a crazy optimist I like to think that against a larger foe, the NC will resolve their differences between each other quickly and actually work together to get things done. At least, thats what we should be aiming for because otherwise we'll have to endure this TR dominance nonsense forever.
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  18. Phizto

    Hi, I am MePhizto, outfit Leader and founder of the Maniacs [MACS].

    I am not sure how things will work out on Ceres after the merge. What I hope to see are battles where each faction participates with equal numbers. That way we could have longer, tougher and funnier battles at continents and hexes than what we are seeing now. At least three Terran outfits use zerg-tactics by default which is quite unfortunate since the terrans normally have 40+% of the population during prime time. I am pretty sure both the Vanu and the NC are getting quite bored of that constant TR-zerging so it would be nice if the Terrans could come to their senses any time soon. I'd be bored if I was fighting for TR as well.

    When it comes to our outfit we try to do things a bit differently instead of relying on numbers. We are trying to be flexible and we always try to send our forces where they are needed the most. We are also mostly the first line of defense. We care a lot for our members and we train them and tutor them so that they will understand what is going on, how to behave and how to play the game. As far as i know our enemies respect us and they know, once they see our tag, that they can expect heavy resistance even if they outnumber us.

    We have a good relationship with a couple of TR and Vanu leaders. That'd be pintle from TR [WDUH] and iWarsaw from Vanu [UVG]. We have arranged a scrim where all three factions sent equal numbers to a certain continent and area. That was really fun and I have once again been in contact with both pintle and iWarsaw and we plan to arrange more scrims like this in the future. Since there is no Meta-game in PS2 yet we will have to try to invent some Meta elements ourselfes. I am also hoping that the leaders from the following outfits could contact me Vanu [SYG], TR [FREC] and TR [GETR] to see if we can come up with even more interesting ways of beating eachother up. When it comes to other NC outfits I only know of [ATFI] but there might be more of them out there, maybe they are all at the crown. We never go there so we wouldn't know. So if you are out there somewhere you should contact me a.s.a.p.

    I am also looking forward to get to know the leaders and their outfits from Ceres. Primarily NC leaders but also leaders from VANU and TR.

    So, I am excited about the merge with Ceres and I hope we'll see some fair fights from now on. Big thanks to all enemy outfits for all the hard fights we have had on Mallory. I look forward to see you again at Ceres.

    If you are a teamplayer and you want to join an outfit that is tactical and coordinated i'd advice you to team up with us. We have members online pretty much 24/7 so there is always someone there to team up with. But of course most members are online during prime time.

    End of my essay. See you all at Ceres!
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