March - Max Balance [TR Getting Shafted]

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Pella, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Pella

    TR i call on you to say no to this. Honestly this will ruin the TR Max.

    PS1 TR maxes, Where terrible. I favour mobility, than being a sitting duck for LA with C4, Or sniping HA with there AV's. Honestly if you have any pride in TR say no to it.

    Camping the top of the stairs, Or Locking down outside will almost certainly result in humiliating deaths.

    Up vote my comment. To take it to the top. So least we have a chance for the devs to reconsider.
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  2. Purg

    If you don't like the ability, don't use it. I don't care much for the shield so I won't be equipping it in most situations.
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  3. Oreo202

    Mobility is probably going to end up being the VS MAX's thing, somehow.
  4. MaxDamage

    As a serious PS1 TR MAXbro, I disagree.

    Lockdown was beast, primarily for AA and AV, yes, but AI in smart situations was also sexy.

    I hope NC MAXes use shield instead of charge, I really do, charge benefits them way more than other MAXes.

    TR getting lockdown is basically the opposite of charge,
    "Run? Son. I ain't goin' anywhere." *DAKKADAKKA*
    MAX on 5 minute timer.

    J/K we gon' crack some heads with Lockdown mode.
    Try it first, if you don't like it, then whine.
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  5. Niller

    They should just keep charge for all maxes, which i think they will. If they wouldn't the VS max would properly have gotten it, but since they don't have a special ability for the max yet and wrote it in the roadmap, i doubt that only VS will get it.
  6. Olek

    Much depends on what it does, but one thing I do know is to stay still too long in this game is a death sentence.
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  7. Takoita

    I'll have to agree with MaxDamage on this one: we can't say for sure one way or the other until we get to test it in-game.

    That said, complete loss of mobility should allow some beastly benefits for such a huge disadvantage.
  8. Arcanotechnician

    Since the only max I ever use is the burster, I'm looking forward to getting lockdown. It'll rock there.
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  9. Outreach

    really needs to be a downvote in the normal threads
  10. FieldMarshall

    Meh. Might be good for the burster or pounder camping in the back, but lockdown generally sucked.
    Hope they come up with something else. Like overdrive.

    It only took like, what. 5 Years for the TR max to get overdrive?
  11. AdennTM

    Logged in just to upvote you :3
  12. Compass

    It's not like I said this on day 1 that Anchor was dumb.
  13. LiamPam

    Everyone, quick! TR is getting shafted about a feature that's not even implemented yet, any word has been lost over and where the only information is months old! This injustice has to stop now!
  14. Joram

    To soon to start crying, maybe is as good as your prowler deploy, maybe is bad but the VS one is even worst. Right now if you are TR you should **** and no complay about balance tbh.

    Almost forgot, the AA max is gonna be godlike with that.
  15. Zaik

    Because deploy mode ruins the Prowler, right?
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  16. Falcou

    Either way, If I have to choose between charge and any empire specific ability, I will definitely go with charge just to get away with instagib Scat MAXes hoping they do not have charge aswell
  17. Anvildude

    VS have a MAX ability now? When did that happen? As far as I knew, we're stuck with the basic Charge still...
  18. Eric Smith

    TTK is just too short to have lockdown the way PS1 did. It worked very well in PS1, mainly because TTK was long enough that you could undeploy and seek cover faster than you could get killed and/or you could be repaired faster than you took damage. Locked down Pounder and Cycler Maxes in PS1 could hold a base or tower for hours if worked properly.

    Anchor could be good, but it needs some serious help - It needs a forward shield that significantly reduces bullet and rocket damage. Or it needs to increase rate of fire about 10 fold. Otherwise it'll just be a giant death trap, and one I won't bother using (except maybe for a burster Max, where it could help a lot).