Faction Balance as I See It

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by lShegol, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. lShegol

    Lets start with the VS and the NC

    The VS have a superior ESF (Scyth>Reaver) though they are close.

    The NC have a superior Max, yes I know about the whole med vs close range, but a VS max wont insta gib. (Though the unbalance is not as bad as many would make it out to be, I've used both.)

    The Magrider and Vanguard are rather balanced in their present forms, though both are situational

    Their Weapons are also rather balanced, NC has that nice damage in CQB but the recoil gets you at long.

    Verdict: I think the NC and VS are fairly balanced as of now.

    VS and TR

    The TR have a superior ESF (At least by virtue of better rockets, profile, Agility and speed)

    The TR have the better MAX (Yeah its no HackMAX but it is better then the VS one)

    The TR also have the superior tank (Against each other they are fine but the Prowler is FAR more effective against infantry)

    The TR weapons are better at close range, though the VS have a slight edge at mid. The sniper rifles are all rather fair so that's not worth talking about.

    Verdict: Compared to the VS the TR are in need of a Slight Nerf.

    Lastly we have TR vs NC

    Few will argue that the Reaver is better than the Mossie (Advantage TR)

    The TR Max is inferior to the NC Max though not significantly. (Yes I've used both of them, the TR max can actually do stuff beyond 20m)

    While in Tank v Tank combat the Vanguard is only slightly inferior to the Prowler, it is far worse at fighting infantry.

    Against the VS the NC weapons and TR weapons share an advantage at close range. But the TR weapons are quite a bit better at mid range and arguably better up close (as a result of the flinch mechanic and high ROF guns) Advantage TR

    Verdict: (I can feel the Fascist hate for me right now) The TR is superior to the NC in most ways and needs a Nerf in comparison.

    Proposed solution: (Yeah not going there because it will start a flame war)

    Edit: These are MY opinions based on my game play with these things.
  2. MGP

    At first i was like "Hey, let's read this!"
    But then:
    Oh well... nothing to see here.
  3. lShegol

    Edited for clarity
  4. TheBlueMagician


    Look, I'm on board with a few of the points, but c'mon. That ESF appraisal just really discredits your ability to assess balance at all, much less imbalance.

    As I see it, the NC have the best AI MAX hands down, largely due to where a lot of the action for MAXs takes place: buildings. The VS MAX I see as somewhat more effective than TR because it's more accurate. I've played a bit with the TR MAX, but not enough to make a definitive claim. All I know is that I have trouble hitting stuff a lot of the time. And I get good FPS, etc etc. Probably just need to spend more time, but it sure feels like VS can land shots more accurately with their MAX.

    Tanks, I agree the Prowler needs a look. I've seen some people talking about oddly high splash damage, and some other stuff, but ultimately what I feel it comes down to is that the Prowler (and the Vanguard, to a lesser extent) get a fairly passive buff (Anchor mode for Prowler, Shield/Extra base armor for Vanguard) that is active a lot, while the Magrider simply gets to look at what's killing it. They need to give the Magrider a mobility buff, but leave out the mountain climbing, so that it has a fairly passive buff that is always active.

    As for the weapons, eh. I get killed by everyone, everyone gets killed by me. Not sure why people are ******** their pants over whether the TR can fire more bullets fast enough to kill someone before they fire less bullets to kill them. All the weapons seem pretty damn effective to me, but NC probably have a steeper learning curve due to the recoil.
  5. redpoint

    no, nc rules the long ranges
  6. lShegol

    Your entitled to your opinion, and the prowler being addressed would make me a happy vanu.
  7. lShegol

    One point of disagreement hardly discredits everything. I also do not believe any adjustments are needed to weapons. Additionally Id say if I had to pick I would like to use the NC Max, Prowler, Mossie, VS guns and VS look; dat *** ;)
  8. Deavonere

    I could argue with you about almost every point You've made, but instead I will just post this to prove to you that VS MAX is fine.

    Also: I've yet to see and fight VS MAX that is fully certed.
  9. MasterD

    This video. Every Vanu needs to watch this so they can learn how to use their Max. While I like playing the hacksaws / shotgun max they are only good under 10m. I love actually being able to play a mid-range max. VS and TR Maxes that run straight into a room expecting to go toe to toe with a NC Max don't know how to play their Max. There are plenty of areas in the biolab where you can put 10m or more between you and hacksaws.
  10. MasterD

    Here is another good video on how Max vs Max works out and how useless the NC one is at range.
  11. Cinnamon

    For the ESF I think that hover is the clear best overall performance category for all uses and scythe is best at that as default. Mosquito maybe has an advantage in that you can upgrade hover and still have a superior speed which is also useful. Photon pods are not to be underestimated. Rocket pods are way more flashier but they are inaccurate and you have to land a large salvo to be effective. Reavers are reavers I guess. I'm not currently feeling any huge imbalance any way but I could be wrong I guess.

    For MBT the prowler will destroy infantry, unless the infantry have a brain and perform a good flanking manoeuvre or ambush. When playing against good infantry the magrider has a clear skirmish advantage. Vanguard is probably the MBT tank with the highest skill ceiling. I think that a good Vanguard is something to be feared more than anything due to their stats but many of them seem to lack confidence or feel for good positioning. Solo good Vanguard is the most scary tank v tank opponent, a pack of magriders is the scariest force composition, a firing line of prowlers in lockdown is like attacking an anvil.

    For MAX, dual mercy is quite good and fun to play so I would expect them to be nerfed at some point so SOE can sell us two new full priced weapons. I have no opinion about the VS MAX other than they seem to be dangerous in the hands of decent players in some situations unlike the NC MAX which is just W and left mouse.

    For infantry weapons we are talking about LMGs I guess since they dominate infantry combat. Two of the more popular TR LMGs are the MSW-R which is like a slightly worse Orion and the TMG 50 which is like a slightly worse Gauss SAW. Carv itself is not a bad gun but it's hardly that great. At close range shotguns currently dominate with no faction difference. The mobility and accuracy of VS guns gives them an advantage in terms of flinch and trading shots at medium range. The stopping power of NC guns gives them an advantage at longer ranges.
  12. Grayson

    Do you REALLY think that the reaver is even close to those two?
  13. huller

    your thread is bad and you should feel bad. There is a reason why not too long ago half the posts on this forum were "nerf VS weapons". IF you desperatly need Godmode in order to be sucessfull G.T.F.O.
    • Up x 1
  14. FinWiz

    beyond 20m, yes, useless against other MAX:es. 5m 10m 15m NC MAX lost only because it had to reload. In game they wouln't be standing in one point taking fire.

    In general default MAX is still pretty horrible. NC still has little edge but im not saying it's OP
  15. Rickenbacker

    Agreed. As TR I find that a lot of VS pilots just use their Scythes as flying AI-MAX:es, hovering around at low altitude strafing infantry. You can't really do that with a stock Mosquito.
  16. Tekuila

    I for one love the vs max with dual cosmos.
  17. shakkar

    try it..

    mossy is so much better then the other 2 esfs (in any way), it hurts..
  18. Maruun

    Ehm and what is that video telling us? That when a NC Hacksaw max is standing AFK you can kill it...thanks for the info. You will never get into a situation where you can just shoot a NC Max easly in the head all the time, it will close the gap and instagib you.
  19. PaperPlanes

    The Mosquito is the best ESF in the game. Those who deny it lack real dogfighting and general air experience. Even if all the ESFs were identical in weaponry and stats, Mosquito would still be the best. It has Oddjob syndrome. It has a slim and thin profile from pretty much every angle. Scythe and Reaver have a lot of very wide sections that make them so easy to shoot given the angles people engage each other at in real dogfights (since everything is a VTOL).

    I regularly go on my TR alt with a stock Mosquito (aside from level 1 flares) and faceroll in dogfights. Not to mention fast firing nose gun with high bullet velocity makes it probably the best ambush aircraft in the game (more DPS to start a fight is never a bad thing).

    When you take these to the high levels everything gets better. The Scythe's perceived strengths become far less obvious when everyone is flying around with Hover 3.
  20. Canaris

    thread is full of lies and fail, even if they are only someones opinion