Hanging out at a base you're not going to take just makes it harder for platoons

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Crywalker, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Crywalker

    If you hang out farming while being farmed, it keeps a large group of enemies at that base for the XP, making an organized platoon have to deal with a much larger force than if they could swoop in while few enemies are there due to lack of action. No one hangs around unless there's something to kill.

    So the disorganized mob getting farmed outside the crown is hindering their own faction's efforts to take it.

    Just something I've noticed playing both in organized groups and out. I am totally guilty of hanging by the crown solo myself, and I don't blame people for wanting XP. It's just an observation I figured might be worth discussion.
  2. FigM

    organized platoons often times go capping bases where there are no enemies. That is boring as most regular people just want to fight, not sit around waiting for cap. That is a problem.
  3. Crywalker

    Agree. The "metagame" as people call it rewards sitting around capping empty bases, but few people want to bother with this as it is very, very boring.
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  4. PaperPlanes

    Just nerf The Crown already. It's been a blight on this game for ages. It is solely responsible for people ignoring the other continents and even other parts of Indar. If it wasn't so absurdly easy to defend, we'd have large dynamic fights all over the game world, spanning all three continents, instead 90% of any given server just huddles to The Crown.

    I hate that I am basically part of the problem, but it's the only place I can really get any action and certs in a timely manner. Just level it, turn it into a normal freaking tower, it doesn't deserve a meaning just because it's in the center of the map. The irony is it is useless, it has no special resource benefit, you don't get any more XP for capping it than you do a normal tower, so WHY did SOE design it this way? It's so freaking stupid.

    That goes for Scarred Mesa Skydock as well, the Stronghold, the Bastion on Amerish. I mean, even Bio Labs are easier to take than these places, that's just stupid. People should be fighting for the big bases and getting benefits for it, the game should not revolve around a meaningless tower just because it's on a stupid hill with a ton of chokepoints.

    And you want to add new continents? Hahaha, they will do nothing, nobody will play them as long as these stupid cert farm locations exist.
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  5. Jaquio

    You lost me at "organized platoon."

    The day I see a platoon engage in an organized attack, I will necro this thread and tell you you're right.

    Every time I see a base with "enemy platoon detected" or "enemy platoons detected" it looks like any other muddled, unwashed zerg, except there are more of them. No co-ordination, no tactics, no strategy, just numbers.

    There are so many tactics to take out the Crown, and I have yet to see an organized platoon attempt any of them.
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  6. vilehydra

    So how about nerfing the crown we go and increase the defensebility of other territories? I mean one of the reasons Amerish and Esamir have almost noone on is because it switchs factions so quickly. The combination between the smaller number of territories and the spread out indefensible bases means that those two continents have no inertia to any invading force, it encourages mini-zerging and ghost capping.

    Fighting for the crown Infantry dominance is key, that is a very very rare feature for any of the current bases.
    At SMSD you require air dominance and Infantry dominance to a lesser note.
    All other bases require heavy armor dominance, which is why a lot of infantry players go and fight at the crown, because it caters to their style. Nuttinwrongwitdat.
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  7. Crywalker

    They may not be using advanced tactics but squad A go here, B here and do this, C there and do that kind of thing has been used in the platoons I've been that were created by outfits at least.
  8. Prodigal

    I agree to 100%.
  9. FigM

    There is no reason to nerf the crown. Esimer and Amerish don't have it, why not play there?
  10. Dusty El Lion

    Because we actually want to fight people. The last time Amerish saw any real large scale battles was the UES. Otherwise you are basically ghost capping. I haven't seen "platoons detected" on Amerish outside of UES in literally months.
  11. Brusilov [TR]

    Stopped reading at organised platoon taking crown.
  12. FigM

    So if you take away the Crown from Indar, how will Indar be different than Esimer and Amerish?
    I assume you don't want Indar to become like those 2
  13. Dusty El Lion

    If you take the crown away from Indar then it'll force people to spread out so you get more battles over a wider area. Have you seen some of the other bases? Don't they look awesome for fights? Too bad, everyone is fighting at the crown/ti alloys/Zurvan Amp station.