Freeze Lag, Graphics Glitch, Game Crashes are BACK baby!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OgreMarkX, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. OgreMarkX

    Maybe it's just me, but I am up to 6 game crashes in one evening of play and stutter/freeze lag is baaaaaack! Big battle? BAM LOLOLOLOLOL FROZEN! Come out alive? BAM LOLOLOLOLOLOL Graphics Glitch!!!!

    Whooo YEA!
  2. Autarkis

    Yea, both my brother and I had a stall and then the flickering world bug. We just called it a night.
  3. Bruiserdog

    ya the stutter is starting to come back, really bad around amp stations or around enemies in certain areas. seems its getting quiet on the server except for the NC (Gen server) so calling it a night. NC can stock up again and camp the warp gates.
  4. Itermerel

    havent played in 2 days because of stutter

    thanks optimization