Combat Despawning

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Deladin, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. Deladin

    need to go.
    and everyone that thinks its ok to despawn a vehicle right before it gets destroyed needs to get slapped in the face.

    There needs to be a built in timer that prevent despawning of a vehicle for so many second after taking damage. It stupid that three or four HA spend 30 seconds trying to take down a sunderer or MBT, and only to have it despawned and everyone getting ZERO xp for it.

    And anyone that does this, are pathetic, disgraceful FPS players and if I had it my way, you get perma-banned. We don't want that kind of poor sport loser gameplay in PS2. If you dont want to go down with the tank, then get out and move away, but despawning it just to prevent the other players from getting the destroy XP is not strategy, its just you being an *******.
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  2. KAHR-Alpha

    Sir, I think you might be taking this game a bit too seriously.
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  3. GraphicJ

  4. cfnz

    No denying it's pretty cheesy but it's not something that really bothers me personally. As long as the vehicle or aircraft is off the battlefield I'm less concerned with how it occurs. I image changes will be made at some point to stop this, it'll surface as a higher priority once some of the more critical issues are sorted.

    I see the bigger problem as people being so hung up on XP (or kills) that this sort of thing upsets them.It suggests to me that the reward system needs looking at.
  5. Deladin

    I am not hung up so much on XP, but when you spend half a minute trying to take down a tank or sunderer, only to be denied any XP for the effort is more of a slap in the face then anything.

    And frankly should not even be a big fix. This excuse people use to give SOE reason to not fix these small, but annoying things, is frankly ********. I would understand, IF THEY WERE ACTUALLY WORKING on fixing the major issues, but they are not. They spend more time making balances changes that no one asked for, ignoring bugs that have been in the game since Alpha, and putting in more and more weapons that again, no one is asking for. Yet they never balance what needs to be balanced, they refuse to even acknowledge some major bugs that have been in for months, and what they do put into the game as a fix, is usually to fix something they ****** up with the previous patch, again, something that no wanted asked for, or was even needed in the game.
  6. BengalTiger

    It goes to the absurd when an airplane loses control and flies into the ground right before the killing blow.

    On Saturday I nearly killed a fully crewed Galaxy, but when it caught fire it just went down and hit the frozen river it was flying above before I could shoot it that one more time.

    50 meter drop, nose down 30-45 degrees, and 150 XP for a kill assist...
  7. Morgante

    I'm gonna be the lone voice of dissent on this one. Game players will ALWAYS seize the advantage for themselves and maximize the disadvantage for their enemy. This "dirty trick" is just small part of the "unfair" things that players already do to each other. Five popular methods include:

    -attack from surprise (shoot them in the back)
    -use explosives to get more targets with one attack (spam AoE)
    -use cover to neutralize their counter-fire (be immune from their attacks)
    -flank them to deny them their cover (prevent their immunity to your attacks)
    -outnumber the enemy (and spawn camp if possible)

    So why would you be even remotely surprised that they would deny you any useful advantage, be it xp, resources, territory or "hard earned" progress on their hit point bar? If players had a choice between fair combat and unfair combat (in their advantage) they'll almost always choose the path least resistance/most xp.

    This denial of resources absolutely parallels reality in warfare. It's called "scorched earth."

    Until the devs say otherwise, this property of the game is "working as intended." Honestly, I'm more amused at your effrontery than trying to defend the tactic.
  8. furballhero

    I was on the verge of destroying an 11/12 Galaxy and the Pilot DESPAWNED IT, killing everyone inside and I didnt get the credit for any of it. THIS should not happen.
  9. Deladin

    Despawning vehicles has NOTHING to do with any of those tactics. Those tactics are part of the game as a FPS and can be countered by a smart team. There is no way to block a despawn or a suicide, none, nothing, zero, zilch. It's a guaranteed way that will work 100% of the time to be a poor loser. There is also no advantage do doing this at all. In the grand scheme of the game, it makes no difference to the flow of a particular battle if a tank is despawned for blown up, but for the individual that worked to achieve it, it is both an insult(and sadly that is the number one reason people do it, they want to insult the other player for beating them) and a potential loss of lots of XP.
    I bet that 99% of the players that do this have ZERO intention of preventing XP or resources, they are just pissed off that someone else got the better of them and want to make the person that did so get nothing for their work, and not because they are thinking strategically. If everyone in the game were to use the tactics you mentioned, then it would be an exciting game.

    But if everyone started despawning vehicles or suiciding to prevent the other team from getting kills or XP they rightfully earned then everyone would say **** it and quit and then where would the game be? Even if there was no XP at all, players would STILL do this, same as with any other game, where players will blow them selves up with their own grenades to prevent someone from getting the satisfaction of killing them.

    There is a HUGE difference between outsmarting, out playing or out maneuvering your enemy, and just plain being a dick and despawning or suiciding because you can't suck it up that you just got beat.

    The fact is, there seems to be fewer and fewer gamers with any sense of sportmanship at all. It is up to the developers to police the scum of the game world (hackers, exploiters, griefers) and put systems in place to prevent them, such as a timer on despawning vehicles after taking damage. And to me, this tactic falls under the guise of a griefer, as they are intentionally hamperng the other players game(preventing their XP) with no intentions at all of doing so in a game related manner. As I said, they don't care about taking away resources, they only care about revenge, and this is their way of getting payback. Its the same as a teammate that will purposely follow you around shooting you, or taking your kills, because they feel slighted and are too childish to let it go.
  10. eddemundos

    This 'Despawning' is an issue for me also, as a Tank guy I have had many sunderers who despawn on me which is a bloody pain.

    Those tactics you listed aren't dirty tricks, they are actually real tactics used in real life and are just being cleaver, whereas 'Despawning' isn't a real life thing, and you can do it easily without using much brain power, so I'm very confused as to why you've compared them.

    And I can honestly say that I've never despawned my tank when it's getting destroyed as I'm taking a control point, so that generalization about people chosing unfair combat is therefore bull.

    Ho on earth can anyone defend the despawning stratergy is beyond me.....
  11. vincent-

    I do it because I know I can't keep it repaired alone or it's on it's own and we already accomplished the task of capturing or defending a location. I'm not going too give you the points for revenge. I know when a lost cause doesn't need to get worse. So that's why I deny you my tank or sundy points.
  12. Sebastien

    Thankfully you can't have it your way.
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  13. eddemundos

    Can't you look at what you're are doing? The point of playing Planetside 2: To gain enjoyment/satifaction which is achieved by outplaying others resulting in you killing them, destroying their means of killing you (tanks, Sunderers) or taking control points. In return, you have to except that at times you will be outplayed, and be a good sport about it. You take away enjoyment and satifaction of others, who have likely worked very hard to get in the position to outplay you. It actually takes a tiny bit of effort to despawn stuff (press page down ect) which shows that you are making an effort to piss people off, which make you a real dick.

    Writing this isn't going to change you, but I just want you to know that people like you are real *****, the ones who put effort in just to ruin a game for people. ****.
  14. Sebastien

    Rocketpods =/= working hard
  15. eddemundos

    I'm seriously concerned, how can people defend the despawning of vehicles? Can you actually explain why you think it's acceptable, and how doing it isn't being a bad loser please
  16. JP_Russell

    I seem to see it a lot less than I did earlier in the game's life. Dunno if I'm just lucky or a lot of the people that actually had the cheap enough attitudes to do something so silly burned themselves out from all the psychological energy they were pointlessly putting into denying their opponents' precious XP. Not to say there aren't still tenacious enough people out there continuing to sap their own souls with it.
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  17. MarioO

    If you are shooting with 4 HAs at a tank and it is still able to deconstruct you must have done something wrong. I understand that it is very annoying if someone deconstructs a Galaxy, because these things take some time to take down, but you can't be serious about an enemy being able to deconstruct a Sunderer or even a tank that was attacked by multiple HAs.

    I don't like deconstructing while taking fire myself, but when the enemy is too dumb to kill my tank even though there were plenty of HAs shooting at me I'll drive into cover and deconstruct it.
  18. eddemundos

    I'm a tank guy who from time to time gets killed by rocket pods, and although it isn't particularly hard for them to kill me, it defiantly isn't easy. They have to make two passes (unless they hit you from behind, which is them outplaying you) to destroy you, and they have to hover for a few seconds to shoot the rockets which makes them an easy target. I've shot about the same number of aircraft out of the air with my cannon as have rocket podded me.
  19. Azzer

    I'd be more concerned with taking a vehicle off the battlefield, than getting a few hundred extra exp.

    Hell, sometimes my vehicles will survive with a tiny slither of health - enough time for a friendly to repair it (or the enemy HA ran out of rockets!) - if I simply despawned it, I'd have lost a vehicle that may have survived. People despawning vehicles just to deny a kill may be losing vehicles that would have survived.

    Ask yourself: Are you removing that vehicle to help your team, or are you farming certs?

    If you are farming certs, have fun at the crown/TI Alloys. If you are playing the game to help your team, faction, whatever - then congratulations, you removed the vehicle slightly quicker by making the enemy deconstruct it, and distracted an enemy while he hit page down and deconstruct rather than possibly killing another of your team-mates in those few seconds.
  20. Zapon

    I said it before, and yep, i'm saying it again

    If i use my guns and force a enemy to crash- i should get the XP, it's the same as if i shot him down

    So grant the xp for any kills(like if someone bails out and does not survive the fall) to the plane shooting him, and if he deconstructs, give the xp to the plane anyway For the kill and the plane

    This way, you still get a xp bonus for doing your part- because it's the same as if you'd killed them directly.

    You know, like how AA gets points for deterrence now?

    Guys, this is NOT THAT HARD.

    I'm really getting sick of people calling for ......heavy handed "solutions"- several of which are already causing game populations to dive