I want an SMG, but not the NC one...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by moooosa, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. moooosa

    It used to be the GD-7F that I had decided to save up for, but then I found out that the other factions had carbines that were even better than the best the NC had to offer, and suddenly it didn't look so drool-worthy anymore.

    Now we've got SMG's, and they look great and lots of fun in concept, but while TR now have a new toy with the highest RPM in the game and higher DPS than the other SMG's, NC gets something that's worse than the typical carbines anyways.

    Why on earth should I want to work hard to save up 1000 certs (at approx. 20 certs per hour) to spend on something that's sub-par?
  2. Nature

    Because its NC. We are not allowed to have anything thats better than the TR or VS. Not even shotguns... and NC is supposed to be the shotty faction.
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  3. Tricky

    GJ ignoring that ScatterMaxes are a thing.
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  4. Curse_Gamerkin

    You know that NC smg kills in 8 shots? it takes 13 for TR. plus NC has more accuracy, and only have 5 shots less. the NC smg does the most DPS.

    EDIT: VS are the ones with the weakest SMG
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  5. Nature

    Yes we have the best point blank MAX. What kind of an idiot runs infront of it tho? The answer is, about 95% of all TR and VS players.

    Actually the TR smg has the highest DPS. And with the flinching mechanic the higher RoF weapon will most likely win the fight. Comparing the VS dmg to the NC one, it trades a bit of DPS to higher RoF, and better ADS accuracy. Depending on your playstyle it might be a better weapon than the NC but IMO they are pretty even.
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  6. 7Elite7

    People need to think before they criticize. Factions. Are. Different. Okay? They are! Wow! Huzzah! Shocking! VS is accurate very accurate, but has unfortunate damage falloff. TR is high fire rate and high clip size, with mediocre damage. NC is fast reload and high damage, but inaccurate. There are some exceptions to these rules, obviously, but they're a general trend. Another way of putting it-VS guns are super accurate, TR guns are miniguns in disguise, NC guns are shotguns in disguise. Don't complain when your shotgun loses to a minigun at med range. Instead realize that your shotgun has very high damage if you hit with it, and get up close.
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  7. moooosa

    The TR SMG has a ROF of 896 rpm. The NC "SMG" has a ROF of 652 rpm. The fact that the TR smg puts out more bullets is an advantage, not a disadvantage.
  8. Itermerel

    NC SMG has the highest damage per clip, and the DPS differences are very small

    personally I prefer it over the others
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  9. Yil

    Think we'll be seeing the second SMG's pretty soon, I'm holding out to see what those look like.
  10. DJPenguin

    i assume you only trialed the smg? believe it or not the thing is 10x better with the extended mag attachment. it's also the only thing i have on it, using iron sights, no soft point ammo, etc. i use it on both engi and LA. it also suffers a lot less from flinching than say carbines. and i too have the gd-7f kitted out but haven't gone back to it since.
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  11. KariH


    Actually NC max can make pretty good medium range supressive fire if ammobox is just behind MAX. Just not empty both guns same time.
  12. Itermerel

    in case anyone was wondering:

    AF-4 Cyclone - 1815 dps, 4170 dmg per mag
    SMG-46 Armistice - 1867 dps, 3750 dmg per mag
    Eridani SX5 - 1788 dps, 3575 dmg per mag
  13. moooosa

    Hey that's an interesting thought. Have you seen the clip capacity of the other MAXes though? Makes you feel inadequate...
  14. Curse_Gamerkin

    If you dont like NC SMG, go TR and trial armistice. maybe the playstyle is something u need to get use to.
  15. KariH

    I actually tested it. One door and I am stairways and just shoot towards that door. They just keep coming. Eventually they understand that someone is sweeping whole area with pellets purposefully.
  16. moooosa

    OT but I really appreciate it when people actually use their heads in this game. :)

    Not sure what you mean. I already know the TR SMG is better. It puts almost 40% more bullets into the air while still maintaining the highest DPS. I know I want the Armistice. But I've put hundreds of hours into my NC account and I'm not about to start over.
  17. TeknoBug

    The NC SMG is the best of the 3 IMO.
  18. VSDerp

    i wasted my money on the NC one..it was fun on trial version but after using it for a while i started to hate it.
  19. treeHamster

    Flinch and ADS accuracy shouldn't be even looked at on the SMG because if you're using ADS on the SMG for more than 1/100 kills, you're using it ENTIRELY wrong. It's suppose to be an exclusively hip-fired weapon. I only ADS on an enemy that's REALLY far away and is 1 shot away from dieing. Then I'll spray some bursts to try and kill the player limping to safety. Otherwise I hip fire all my kills with it and it's an awesome all around weapon. Now in super close range, the auto shotties will win all but a handful of fights, but the rest of the time, it's a great weapon for CQB especially considering the Infiltrator doesn't have anything better.
  20. Blitzkrieg

    AF-4 Cyclone has the best burst, damage (167) and bullet velocity (375) while sporting the same short reload (1.75s) as the VS smg but a better Standing/Crouching COF than the VS as it has the same COF as the TR SMG, however it has the lowest ROF (652), highest veritcal recoil (0.22), highest first shot recoil (2.25x) as well as highest COF bloom pershot (0.06), joint longest long reload with the TR (3s) and joint smallest magazine size with the VS (25).

    SMG-46 Armistice has the highest dps, sporting the highest ROF (892), the lowest vertical recoil (0.15) largest magazine size (30). It has joint lowest standing/crouching COF with the NC. Joint lowest COF Bloom per shot(0.05) and First shot recoil (2x) with the VS. It has the lowest damage (125) longest short reload (2.275s) join longest long reload with NC (3s) and joint lowest bullet velocity with VS (360).

    Eridani SX5 is the middle ground. Damage (143), ROF (750) and vertical recoil (0.2) while it does have the best reload time gaining the best of both worlds, shortest short reload time as the NC (1.75s) and the shortest long reload time (2.85s). It has joint lowest first shot recoil as the TR (2x) and same COF bloom per shot as the TR (0.05). It does have Joint smallest magazine size with NC (25) and joint lowest bullet velocity with TR (360). But the Eridani has the Largest COF out of all of the SMG's and it's the only SMG to actually pull two directions, where the Cyclone and Armistice recoils only up, the Eridani recoil up and to the right.

    All in all, if I had to take any of these. I'd take the Cyclone due to its good ROF and amazing stopping power.
    If you want amazing accuracy and supreme ROF for your bullet hose, well the Armistice wins.
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