[Bug] 50% Experience Boost Not Working?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by nukularZ, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. nukularZ

    Just a few minutes ago, I was sniping into the Crossroads, and getting 100xp (50% bonus) every single kill. I'm pretty sure all of these kills were not new spawn kills, as 100xp isn't possible for a spawn kill. So what I was seeing was :

    100xp (50% bonus) + 70xp head shot bonus (50% bonus) + 10xp streak bonus.

    But I should be getting 150xp (50% bonus) for the kill. Is anyone else with the 50% bonus (the weekly paid one) experiencing this?
  2. hostilechild

    All i know is with 100% exp bonus between alpha/member i was getting about 6500exp per hour when before when alpha was 10% and i wasn't a member (straight 10% exp bonus) i was getting >6500exp per hour.

    So either the new exp halfed what i get or the exp bonus wasn't working right last night. During double exp i was getting over 25000exp per hour. expected at least 13k last night not the typical 6500 (would be more but wife/kid create lots of afk).
  3. TheDudeMachine

    Same thing happened to me. It IS a bug, because sometimes I would get the expected 150xp per kill. I guess I should be mad, since I paid money for something that didn't work as advertised, but I didn't let it get to me. However, I won't bother buying another XP boost.
  4. nukularZ

    I just did some more testing and something is definitely off with it. It's not registering for "regular kills". I just tried the following...

    1) Head shot kills : 100xp + 70xp head shot bonus = 170xp (I should be getting well over 200xp per kill)
    2) Non-head shot kills : 100xp/150xp for regular or high threat so the 50% is not working for non heat shots either.
    3) Bouncing betty kill : 150xp (the 50% bonus actually registered here).

    I too am getting way less experience than I normally used to, right now. And it's not because of spawn kills. I'll try tank and air next and see what happens, but SOE please look into this asap. Thanks.
  5. TheDudeMachine

    It has nothing to do with the patch. The same was happening to me when I did the XP boost 2 weeks ago. It's just borked.
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  6. nukularZ

    Hm... I've been using them weekly since they went on sale and I haven't had the problem until this weekend, so I assumed it was something to do with the patch.

    I bought more than a handful of them. I'm not exactly happy to hear this has been an ongoing issue.
  7. TheDudeMachine

    Yeah, it sucks. :(
  8. Nak

    Thank you for the report. There is a bug when a single action generates multiple xp rewards where the total xp reward bonus is reported as a group on only one reward. We're working on a fix for this issue.

    In the meantime, you should still be receiving the proper total bonus reward value with your boost. For instance, in the first case listed above:

    100xp (50% bonus) + 70xp head shot bonus (50% bonus) + 10xp streak bonus = 180 xp

    The basic rewards in this case are:

    Kill: 100 xp
    Head Shot Bonus: 10 xp
    Kill Streak Bonus: 10 xp

    Total xp: 120 xp

    With a 50% modifier, the overall reward should be 120 xp base + 60 xp boost = 180 xp.

    Unfortunately, all of the boost values were lumped into the reported head shot bonus. When the bug is fixed, you should see something like:

    + 150 XP Kill (+50%)
    + 15 XP Head Shot Bonus (+50%)
    + 15 XP Kill Streak Bonus (+50%)
    • Up x 2
  9. Big Cyz

  10. Badgered

    Explains a lot! Thanks!
  11. Scatterblak

    Me too. I thought my math was bad. :)
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