The NC/VS cease-fire on Connery is getting old.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BigMacDeez, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Aghar30

    honestly, and I cant believe that I am saying this again....THERE IS NOTHING THE DEVS CAN DO ABOUT THIS. If 2 sides decide the enemy of my enemy is my friend, well that third side is fubr.
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  2. Aghar30

    Course she got her *** kicked, shes using the beamer, that pistol is ****.
  3. Koadster

    Look at any old pics when we had north gate. VS/NC line perfectly straight, only pushing north.. Connery NC/VS dont have the balls to fight eachother, to cowardly.
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  4. Leal

    One theory with the whole 3 faction free for all thing is that, should one faction get too powerful the other 2 should team up, then inevitably back stab one another when the first faction gets weak. I say theory though cause that hardly ever happens, hell you can have a sort of unofficial ceasefire where that does happen, then one group just ups and decides "Hey lets go kick over that other empire's sand castle!"

    What I'm saying is, get a group of people from your empire, make a second account, have a VS or NC character and forcefully break their ceasefire. What are they going to do, report you guys for shooting bad mens?
  5. Lowkey

    What is OP talking about. Everytime NC almost warpgates the TR on Connery, the VS take tawrich (now allatum).

    Paranoia is a funny thing.
  6. CactusLynx

    ITT Connery TR BAWWWWING because they can't deal with a warpgate change.
    Also for the conspiracy afficinados:
  7. Teekoon

    TL;DR - As a Connery TR soldier, I love when the NC and VS work against us. It gives us more to shoot at. Please keep it up.

    Even if there has been some informal or outfit-specific cease fire agreements between the NC and VS, I welcome it.

    As an almost exclusive TR player on Connery, I will be the first to admit that the north gate is a major advantage. You can easily take about half of all the hexes just by having the north gate, and then you sort of have to work for about another 20%, and then the last 30% is a meatgrinder.

    But, again, I welcome the NC/VS cease fire. It's better for the TR. We get more fights that way. I always want more fights and bigger fights. I'd rather have both NC and VS fighting mostly us than have the population evenly fighting (if we had a bigger population, then sure, spread the love).

    It seems like VS wasn't doing their part after a while, because at some point the NC started trying to capture the hexes that the VS had previously been trying to capture all night, which lead to the NC badly overextending several times and getting smashed. From one TR soldier's perspective anyway.

    NC did get really close a couple of times, but I'd put money on the line that says TR won't lose Indar cap for at least a couple more weeks, if at all. And if we hold out that long, then I would be willing to predict that we won't lose Indar cap until we rotate to the HellGate in the canyons. At that point, I think we'll probably lose the cap. As someone who has participated in warpgating the NC many times down there, that **** is damned hard to defend.

    If we didn't lose Indar during those huge pushes the last couple of nights, we're not going to lose it as the population dies back down again post-patch.

    I certainly hope you guys try to prove me wrong, because that will mean some great, big fights over the next few weeks, but I don't think that the NC on Connery has it in them to remove our Indar cap, much less cap it themselves. Only way I see losing our cap happening is if there is a wide scale, official agreement between the NC and the VS. Until the fighting leaves Indar and goes elsewhere (when the next continent is released? when a metagame or continent locking appears?), it's safe to say that Indar on Connery will have only ever been captured by the TR.
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  8. Wren

    There is a VS/NC cease-fire on Connery? Could have fooled me with the NC attacking all of our areas

    Always looks like NC/TR ganging up on VS.
  9. xMihr

    Maybe we have a cease fire with the TR as well. The whole damn thing is a cease-fire and SOE will be forced to shut down Connery because we have attained a brokered peace.

    Or maybe a lot of people are overly paranoid and don't realize that in a game featuring three factions there is a good chance you will often fight on multiple fronts.
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  10. Teekoon

    Wren, when I look at the map, I see the VS having taken plenty of what one might consider rightful NC territory (north of Rashnu, often up to Mao, sometimes even over towards Dahaka and stuffs -- you know, parts that the TR almost always held aside from minor incursions occasionally).

    I don't know what it is, but the NC on Connery seem to get tunnel vision about fighting the TR.

    You guys had often half the population of the NC, but you were kicking their ***** (in terms of territory control) because they're obsessed with us, or something. :)
  11. Teekoon

    Actually, this is about as close to the truth as I can tell. I don't think there are any cooperation agreements between NC and VS. I just see the same names and outfits night after night after night, which means they're not spending much time fighting the VS.

    [Edit: Also, I certainly don't spend as much time fighting the VS. My kills are almost 2:1 in favor of the NC. What can I say, I love shooting NC. So some TR might accuse me of having an informal cease-fire agreement with VS, no?]

    That doesn't mean that other NC aren't fighting the VS, obviously. But seeing the same hordes of scatmaxes over and over again will make some of the fresh TR recruits think that there isn't anybody else. ;)
  12. Elaan

    Making excuses for poor performance after your tactically advantageous warpgate was dropped into NC hands. Suck it up, fascist scum. Expect the map to look the same until the warpgates swap again.
  13. DaninTexas

    As a 666 member anyone talking about some make believe alliance is wrong. I see purple or red - they get shot in the face. Period.

    To anyone claiming 666 is just a zerg outfit - keep telling yourself that. They are anything but and the reason I walked away from a TR toon with over $100 in gear on it. They are as close to a military outfit you will find in this game. If you are someone who wants a zerg - wants to deconstruct - wants to tea bag - yeah 666 isn't the right place and even in the short time I have been with them - have seen people using 'childish' behavior wash out very quickly.

    Difference between 666 and all the other outfits? organization - we would take you on with 2000 people - or 20. Anything beyond that is lies.
  14. Teekoon

    Poor performance? Shirley, you jest. Surely. Still capped by the TR, I see ...:p

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  15. Wren

    Well thats probably because VS is the lowest pop on Connery, you're probably fighting NC more because they're everywhere (cough666cough)
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    What cease fire?
  17. Vortok

    It was pretty amusing yesterday when the TR couldn't even hold half the territory from the SW gate that the VS generally held. Seems to have stabilized a bit better now, though. Was interesting fighting at Rashnu. There was NC MAXes on buildings I didn't know you could get a MAX onto. Made me wonder if it was something specific to that Bio Lab that the NC knew from fighting there for so long or if it's just a by product of the slight design tweaks.

    NC was out in force like they had something to prove after being cooped up in the SE gate for months. We're probably not seeing as many "NC weapons are UP" posts right now because they're all busy throwing a party in the Indar North WG shouting freedom and otherwise generally celebrating not being in the SE anymore.

    Also, enjoy getting camped by NC MAXes at Allatum for a few months TR. You earned it.
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  18. Aege

    I'm not aware of any cease-fire on Connery, but I will say this to all the TR on Connery.

    The reason I see the TR being the objective more often than the NC for VS advances is that the TR are a better fight. The NC are often ghost backhacking VS regions, and simply disapear in the middle of a good fight (with the exception of a few good NC outfits), which does not help XP generation at all.
  19. Lepalose

    Well I can tell you from watching the map yesterday, the majority of the time yesterday into the morning this morning, there were 'Multiple Enemy Platoons' (the red warning) of both NC & VS on our TR bases.

    Looking across the rest of the map, it was rare to see even "Enemy Platoons" (orange warning) on any NC/VS hexes. With a couple of exceptions, they barely fought over the eastern front at Mao / Zurvan / Rashnu - one of the fronts TR constantly had to use our troops when NC had the southwest gate.

    The thing is, despite the low population (dipping to 22%) and almost losing our last base while zerg forces captured Peris (3AM-ish PST?) there were still certain groups of TR who went and saved key bases from NC / VS hacks. And that is why our continent bonus was still standing this morning in spite of the "gentlemen's agreement" to attack TR.

    Indeed, only after hours and hours of last stands at minor bases do we get relief. And that only happens when one small group (Enemy Squads) pushes the NC or VS too far back in territory that their forces on the TR front finally have to return to deal with it.

    But honestly, this is just the flow of the game - the nature of a three sided fight.
  20. Aege

    Do you remember how the Indar map looked most the time before the warpgate rotation on Connery?

    The VS would spread east toward Crossroads and stop there. Maybe take Broken Arch, but only sometimes hold Tawrich for awhile due to the NC having the zerg advantage from their WG. The bridge from the east that comes across by Regent Rock is a difficult chasm to cross with a large force to bring defenses for Regent Rock, so that was VS territory most the time.

    Regent Rock is a staging point to take Vanu Archives and Crossroad when coming from the west as you can pull tanks there, and I believe is key to controlling the south central portion of the map. The area between Hvar and Crown were generally held by the VS during prime time, but often lost to the TR during heavy pushes. This is what the NC are doing now from the northern warpgate.

    The TR most often owned the majority of the northern half of the map during prime time. This is because of the choke points north of Hvar and Allatum where you enter the desert.

    Now the TR, VS, and NC all have to learn how to defend their facilities from other warpgates. I think it's fun personally. Fighting with the same certed skills from a different assualt point has made it more interesting. Reminds me of a lattice shift.