Hotfix - that was quick!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tigga, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. Bruiserdog

    Think small bases need them too, something underground, so you have a chance of defending it without too much Lib/Small Craft spam.
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  2. Turel2

    Sony is hotfixing like a boss.
  3. Gavyne

    Ohh the smaller bases, possibly. SOE did say this is their first version of the tunnels. They'll be watching for player feedback on them and tweak where necessary.
  4. SlayersGhost

    So the Announcemtn said 90 minutes..Has it been 90 minutes yet.Any more news when the servers gonna be back up?
  5. t31os

    There's another 30 mins or so left, servers went down a minute or two shy of an hour ago.
  6. FireKetchup

    If delivering a working piece of software is "bending over backwards" in your mind, we are at an impass.
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  7. Kastrenzo

    Prowler velocity is -not- a bug. it was intended, all three Heavy tanks had major changes to it, the Prowler had the most drastic since it was utterly useless and for the most part a paper bag.

    1) - FPS issue, people with $3000 gaming computers really shouldn't be seeing their FPS drop by 80% after a patch
    2) - The Burster !@$%storm
    3) - Lockon bugs. Pilots get a AA Missile tracked onto them, LOCK dissapears from their HUD, thinks he's safe, all of a sudden his Reaver takes 1/4 damage. Long story short, AA Missiles become stealthed when th ey shouldnt be
    4) - Weapon sound fixes, Like the VS Flare
  8. FireKetchup

    Also, apparently SOE has it made with this many fanboys. Unless you're all freeloaders, in which case there's no way in hell PS2 will be around for 10 years or whatever their unrealistic goal was.
  9. forkyar

    this and soe does a great job with responding to the issues in the game as in fps etc.
  10. Slyguy65

    Lol i love how they think the prowler buff is a bug...these other people have no idea how bad the prowler are clearly a vanu.
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  11. Wasdie

    Higby also said that this is just the first pass of the tunnels. They want to see how they are used before they make changes to them. Baby steps, not leaps.
  12. Syphers

    Well they released it like this in the first place but thanks to the guys who are working on it right now anyway
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  13. Daioh did get your software. what you are paying for is boosts and certs. you got what you payed for. the service is free, you payed for the same service plus boosts.
  14. Slyguy65

    They wouldn't have had to work saturday if they did their job right in first place...

    You clearly have no idea how office work gets done....if someone doesn't do something right...they pay, or others pay for their screw up.

    AKA the late patch....but your right we should let them fail all their deadlines cause after all...they tried...get real dude.
  15. Killjoy2503

    and while you're at it can you also unnerf the magrider? not that I care but a guy in my outfit, spent like 250hours of his life into it, and yesterday he had tears rolling over his cheeks, due to the massive nerf. strafing ability is nerfed, and diagonally strafe is nerfed into oblivion.
  16. Keiichi25

    Yes... His expectations are way off.

    From personal experience doing Software Engineering while in College... The scale of which current software is begin made is no where the same as when it was back then. Programming even back then, where people were expected to know C and Assembly coding, nowadays, it is Visual Studio and other blackbox type coding. But even back in C and Assembly days, the simple interface and doing something reasonably valid, which is about... Maybe 1/1000, to 1/100000 as complex as what is being done at the time, still took days to write and debug before getting something that would work. The current coding methodologies and black box coding are also not 100% accurate and can still cause flaws.

    The VERY operating system on your computer is full of coding bugs, flaws and security loop holes people have yet to find that some hackers stumble across and write code to make exploiting it that much easier.

    People who I know out there making code that is half *** and buggy as hell and they get paid more than I do for what I do which is technical support, but even I knew some of the basics in coding to point out things they should be doing but all they have learned is from a book and spent more time using black box coding to not realize how to make things a little easier had they tried a different methodology.

    In the long run, coders today will not be 100% accurate. This will always happen because the tools they have are not 100% accurate. They are placed on a time table that is not 100% forgiving or allowing them to do things properly because what controls the project is the people financing it and pushing to have something done at a certain time.

    Some of you have also ignored, time and time again, that IT, any IT system is never going to be 'great'... Everyone treats IT like the red headed step child, abusing it left and right, but never treating it properly or respecting that IT can only do so much when resources are only given to a degree.

    I know this because I WORK in IT... In the last three places I have worked... IT has been underfunded and expected to pull miracles out of its whoha with crap budgets. They underhire IT, under pay IT and expect IT to do the work that requires 3 to 5 times more with a time table that is 2 to 4 times shorter than it should be.

    Consider sometime, when you play this game... How much time it would take you to code just the launcher. Take a stab at it. A launcher that has to pull down data from several sources, correlating that data currently on the system and the system repository, with redundancy to find alternate source repository based on geo location. And mind you... This is only a FRACTION of this game. If you think you can whip it out in less than an hour... You have the right to put your expectation for that fraction. But if you can't... As someone said in Zombieland - It's time to NUT UP or SHUT UP.
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  17. GImofoJoe

    Prowler is working as intended...Rank 4 anchor is giving almost 50% increase in velocity on top of the default 10% buff.
    Being stationary is bad for tank and infantry battles but good for sieges...blowing up turrets from afar. Nice little bonus.
  18. Wasdie

    It's not nerfed, it's bugged.
  19. Turel2

    TY for all your hard work Sony.

    Edit: also all the Servers are locked from maintenance.
  20. Daioh

    all of my what

    this isn't a office, its software development, and farther into that, its game development. you need to get real with your expections. read up on what real game developers have to do.

    you use ellipses alot too