The LA class is the most over powered class in the game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Brickwalker, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. {joer

    I see you have finally seen the light my son! It gladdens me that your annecdotal and most likely made up story will help get this class nerfed. Did you know I will not be able to work out today because of my son and daughters school open house? Odds are after it, rather then doing what I should and going to the gym at 8pm I will instead log on and play my accursed light assault. THIS WILL NOT DO, today is the day I am suppose to up my reps by one.
  2. UnknownSolder

    Problem is they make less noise than a infiltrator who is intended to sneak into a base to "prep" it for their team. If I can hear them cloak before they are even close I know there is one in the area... however LA make such little noise they are almost better at sneaking into bases than an infiltrator.
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  3. {joer

    What sort of disruption can a LA cause in a base? Shooting people.
    What sort of disruption can a infil cause in a base? Think for a moment shall we? I think one problem with this game is people think I WILL ALWAYS PLAY THIS ONE TYPE OF CHARACTER AND CLASS.

    When I want to cause havoc, I always go in as an infiltrator first, then once I've done infiltrator things I do engineer things, and then I do LA things. I will switch many times in the course of an attack until I'll have an entire squad trying to get me, I've normally destroyed a tank or sunderer, have every turret hacked, took out a few ESF's and several have died to proxy mines.

    You can't do that going in as a LA.
  4. SgtRolling

    I personally think they should start with ammo pack, not letting them have a utility to start is kinda lame. :p
    Or even better, don't make 2 sticks of C4 cost 600 certs!
  5. Compass

    LA + ammo pack = OP.
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  6. UnknownSolder

    Its hard enough for a infiltrator to sneak in cloaked due to them standing out like a giant crystal ball when using med-high graphics. Now they make a loud noise that you can hear over turrets hammering away. LA makes this quiet little noise. Im not saying either class is useless or UP or OP. But you have to admit its pretty silly a LA is near silent but an infiltrator who is intended to be sneaky and stealthy makes 5x the noise. Its almost better to go in uncloaked in most cases and hope they are not paying attention to the guy without a dorito over his head simply because anyone paying slight attention will notice the cloak sound especially if nobody in their squad is an infiltrator.
  7. {joer

    It seems there are two types of wrong when it comes to the LA.

    Group one wants to "fix" it by making it OP. I'm guessing they are not very good at playing an LA, and think it needs some toy to get "free" exp like medic res and engineer ammo.

    Group two wants to "fix" it by making them useless, I'm guessing because they are not very good at playing LA and hate dying to them. They want their targets to be predictable.
  8. UnknownSolder

    And group three thinks HA are UP and need a huge buff to an already ridiculously overpowered class out of the box.
  9. {joer

    Play an infiltrator like you have no cloak. Despite the noise handicap the cloak does help quite a bit. I play like I do not have a cloak though. I use cover as much as possible and stay out of high traffic areas.

    Now if this base is heavily camped then yes, you don't have a chance, but thats less to do with the noise and more to do with the number of eyes.

    When I'm going 1-1 with a infil the reason the cloak sound tends to give them away is they use it at stupid times. A lot of players think "always cloaked = best" so they will cloak for no reason directly other than to be cloaked. For getting to a base on foot, its great as the noise isn't an issue, but once in the base dont' be doing the cloak toggle unless you are pretty sure you are alone in the area.

    I'd like to see some improvements to the infil class, but the complaint that LA's are better infiltrators is wrong. LA's are better at getting into a camped base, and better at killing people, but they do not bring to the table the one thing infiltrators alone can do and thats hacking. You can mimic what an LA can do often with a drop pod.
  10. cardboardbacon

    Agreed, so the problem is with the infiltrator's cloak, not with the LA.

    Many players agree that the infil should be the first in line for a revamp:
  11. UnknownSolder

    Oh I agree that when used right cloaking does wonders. I just feel that bringing the sound level up on the LA wouldn't be to such as disadvantage to ruin the class but bring a little bit more realism to the game. A real life jetpack sounds like a airplane taking off but the LA pack sounds like an exhale (Not saying make it as loud as say a galaxy but it could use a tad more volume). I think sound volume is the only change the LA needs. The infil needs a bit of work like a cloak that isnt as noticeable (Not entirely invisible but shouldn't stand out like it does) slight reduction in cloak sound. And might as well bring their life up to match the rest of the classes since it would only change damage by 1 or 2 bullets.
  12. Chipskream

    What is this except a attempted hidden brag by OP? So you killed guys in a game where you kill guys. Good job.
  13. MasterCheef

    I doubt the OP played LA enough to unlock 2 c-4.
    good story though.
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  14. TheArchetype

    Sorry buddy, but no.
  15. quicKsanD

    Infiltrators shouldn't have a sound to cloak. That I think would be fine. I can already see them enough you don't need the sound to find them.

    Light Assault doesn't need to be changed this class is fine the way it is. They don't need a nerf or buff, anyone that can't get kills and be effective with the class is just bad.
  16. Itermerel

    if LA was overpowered, I think you would be able to at LEAST make it to 1.0 kdr

    just saiyan
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  17. a Shadow in the Dark

    Soooo.... I just logged in to give you this trophy.
    Near the bottom it reads :
    Best. Post. Ever.

    Also, you win the internets, congrats!
  18. Wrel Developer

    You sound like a new player that's overly impressed with himself.
  19. CoffeeBreak

    I think he was the sniper that got killed at the end of the ambush in the story...makes more since considering the "LA are OP" thread is actually a "Infl cloak sound is too loud and i'm jealous of the LA" thread.
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  20. GImofoJoe

    Yep, heard they plan adding duel wielding to LA. Can you imagine the carnage of 2x SMG or shotgun?? It's like a mini NC MAX!!!! With JET PACK!!!

    BUT I LIKE!!!
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