Well my fellow Infiltrators 2 days to go till the qq begins.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Goodnight, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. CommodoreFrank

    Hopefully, the SMGs coming means that they can make the scout rifles a bit more interesting. The semi rifles aren't too bad, but the auto rifles are just a poor man's carbine.
  2. VoidC

    I hope for scout rifles buff, what ever it is. I would be already happy even if they increase ammo per clip only up to 25 %.
    Maybe extended magazines?
    In showed SMG videos from FOps, it seems they have extended clips, soft point ammo, adv. laser sight, and adv. grip. and NV/NS. If this will be the case at release, I don't even know what to take, adv. laser sight or extended mag.
    A real special ops CQB gun.
  3. Astraka

    I believe they said they give the guns all attachments during testing then remove the ones that don't fit their particular 'vision' for the weapon just prior to release. I hope that it has the adv. laser sight & silencer at least; anything else would be gravy.
  4. pootietang1986

    couldn't agree more. i use my semi-auto more than my full-auto in CQB. if the SMG will be as effective as the carbines i'll be more than happy.
    i won't even bother to use the artemis at all anymore although it'll make me said to have spent my certs on it. i would love to be able to use my serpent (carbine) as an infiltrator. the low health and shield would totally justify that in my opinion.
  5. VelcroPudding

    I love my shadow, I can see how an SMG might be decent, it will basically be a TR pistol no ? so . . . I'll stick with my shadow, the SMG will get the nerf bat pretty quick if it's OP I have a feeling.
  6. sosolidshoe

    Lets be realistic here, if the TTK is anything less than "the time it takes me to kill the decloaking Infiltrator", people will be on the forums bawling like newborns; some people are incapable of seeing beyond their own baseless anecdote-driven intuitions, and such people will ALWAYS claim that giving both stealth and killing power to the same character is OP. I've had people whinging at me in game that Infiltrators are OP because, after ten minutes of careful sneaking, I managed to get into a position to shoot them in the back of the head with my pistol.

    The cloak needs to be slightly more effective when moving, and they either need to increase the duration along with the recharge as you cert into it, or just make it last indefinitely but be far less effective by default and have the certs increase the effect. The Hunter should still require you to decloak before firing, but they should also hurry up and put in this Stalker cloak or whatever it ends up being called, which would allow firing while cloaked at the cost of drastically decreasing the cloak's effectiveness while shooting and for a second or two afterwards, and limiting you to carrying your pistol&knife. And I advocate for such changes as someone who primarily plays Engineer, ie the Infiltrator's natural prey along with the Medic, both because I want to enjoy playing as an Infiltrator on the occasions I choose to do so, and because I want to see Infiltrators that actually infiltrate, hack terminals, and screw with the enemy defenses, which will only be possible once they have the tools to get into CQC, and have a reasonable chance of surviving there.
  7. Pachins

    lol sound is not important.
  8. Stormlight666

    In PS1 infiltrators made noise. It just took skill to make sure you weren't being picked up on. To make it worse there were dark light implants that let people actually see you stealthed. So in PS2 you don't have it rough except for the hideously short cloaking periods.
  9. Good_Kitty

    smg should stand for SHOT MACHINE GUN