[Suggestion] would Indar be a better place without The Crown?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NovaAustralis, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. Idono

    Hehe i can vouche o nthe fact that a massive tank column and air cav will stand no chanse driving past the crown. Cut-Throats and Doomcraft completly obliterated any zerg on saterday.

    We took the crown in 2 min early saterday evening. We had a full platoon maxcrash the place and obliterade any resistance. Once the VS realized what we were doing they started spawning in. At that point we had the 151st roll up the hill taking on all reinforcment efforts.

    After that i made a general call for everyone to get their lockon launchers out and be read for massive counter attacks. A full platoon with the NS Nnnihilator ran around in groups stoping any and all zerg befor they could even get close to the crown. Every armored column that tried to get close to us got destoryed in a matter of minutes. Gal drops never get close because a 40 man group firing missiles at it will completly destory it. It was in fact so easy that while TI alloy was fought over between the TR and VS we just stood on the ridge destorying their vehicles effectivly stoping the TR in their tracks. In the end the VS started to use backhaded tacs. where they teleported sunderes above the top level of the crown. While hackers started to appear. I created a record ammount of tickets reporting hackers, glitchers and exploiters during that time.
  2. TheShrapnelKing

    Removing one of the only truly defensible bases in the game.....

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  3. EvilKoala

    I go to the Crown and Biolabs when I want to find a fight that lasts longer than 10 minutes.
  4. HadesR

    It's ok in small doses .. but prefer attacking to defending it
  5. Pockets

    I love defending and its one of the few places you can run a worthwhile defense at. Until that changes the crown needs to stay as it is.
  6. urch

    "Three-ways are okay once in a while" - no they are okay everytime. its a game of 3 faction fighting each other.. duh.

    "they generally devolve into a chaotic mess and leave nearly everyone disappointed" - isn't chaotic mess the whole point of playing this game? and how could you be disappointed by that? seriously? :eek: war is chaos and would always leave someone disappointed.

    "I have 100% certs in Leadership." - nice to know.

    "The outfit I'm in, [41BN], typically avoids the Crown like the plague, for a lot of reasons." - i know some reason for one it attracts a lot of players and for good reason. to enjoy the game.

    "My point was that so much time and effort shouldn't have to go into convincing people that there is more to Indar than TEH KROWN!1!" - yes it is a stress. i agree on that one.

    listen to peoples opinion, capturing the crown is one of the greatest challenge in this game. it doesn't fall to zergs without a fight unlike 95% of other regions.

    i would quit this game if not for those those other region that doesn't get camped as easily.
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  7. Momo93

    Definitely no, The Crown is the only worth place defending at the moment. Many fun battles are there.
  8. Dusty Lens

    The crown can be annoying.

    When you look around and wonder where the hell everyone on Indar is the first thing you check is if you currently hold the crown and, if you do or do not, if you're defending it.

    The fights there can be entertaining. Heavens knows that the number of kills one can rack up joining a troop of defenders picking off hapless lines of ants is a great way to pad one's epeen and get precious precious certs. But, eh. I guess if that's your thing.

    I guess the Crown gives everyone a chance to feel what it's like to be a scatmax in a biolab. There's a measure of cynicism here, I'm sure. That set in pretty quickly.

    But in terms of being the ultimate place to get a decent brawl? I'll take Vanu Archives any day. The layout of that facility leads to so many avenues of attack and defense that it rewards forces of virtually any size. Or the Bastion, the other crown that allows for tactics beyond Magrider hill and push push push ok some people got bored and left yay we win maybe a maxcrash.

    Who doesn't love the Whiskey Outpost of Planetside? That being the Stronghold. Which is almost always slammed by Sunders deployed in unreachable locations above but is an utter blast to defend.

    There's a lot of cool places to have a fight in Planetside. The Crown isn't really (and I recognize that I'm demonstrating a stupid level of pretension here, level designers) that great. It's a tower atop a really steep hill that provides few rewards for innovation.

    Biolabs and other facilities which currently serve as hilaribad meatgrinders are observing some renovations to increase the tactical options. I'm not sure if the Crown is going to witness the same. If it doesn't I imagine I'll continue to observe it the same way as most. A place where you can usually find a fight, a time sink and a combat arena which offers few rewards beyond a plethora of exp dings amidst a hail of sniper fire.

    Which, to utterly defeat my point of wary disregard, is probably all that really matters to most.

    Edit: But SOE keep the Crown around on double XP days also ban friendlies who blow up my Sundy Q_Q.
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  9. JudgeDeath

    Rarely go for the crown, but no, it wouldnt be better.

    There is allways a flashpoint.
  10. ecomizombi

    I am surprised. You people do know that there are areas that are like the crown on other continents right? You know the reason the only thing to do on Amerish and Esamir are ghost capping is because people only go to the crown. We need a faction wide movement to start fights somewhere other than Indar. The crown doesnt need 95% of the server pop fighting for it all day. Driving back and forth from the crown and TI alloys isnt that fun after the first 50 hours. I need variety.

    If we worked together, we could have fun battles in other places, but that is only a dream. The only way to get people to leave Indar, will be to remove the crown.

    Also, why do I have the feeling that when continent locking is implemented that everyone will just be locked out of Amerish and Esamir all day due to (still) ghost capping and it'll be an endless stalemate for Indar for the rest of forever?
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  11. urch

    Dakucf did i just read.. there are tons of other way to get people off the crown and Indar, one example is the recent event where all factions must capture a region within 40 mins. it was the bastion in Amerish and i must say one of the best fights i got into. although we lost it since NC has clear advantage cause event started after NC Conquered the continent. we had to capture points to gain resources bla bla, but in the end it sent an estimate 85% of briggs population to Amerish.

    thats just one example of getting people off Indar/Crown. just have to wait devs to develop more of this event :)

    p.s. this suggestion to remove the crown is just rubbish, maybe remodel the region but NEVER will i agree on removing it.
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  12. ScrapyardBob

    Amerish suffers from the vehicle-hostile terrain as soon as you get off the road and try to go across the flat spots. Plus it lacks a major focal point (the Raven/Ascent doesn't count, it's too diffuse and no way to bring vehicles up). Too much of the terrain is difficult to traverse for infantry. Then there is the map design where you need to capture hex-cluster A to get influence on hex-cluster B, but A and B are in wildly different locations, down entirely different roads, and it makes no sense that A would influence B.

    Esamir is okay, but flat and too many locations where capturing a minor facility gives huge territory gains (which is silly). The main draw there is Eisa Tech Plant.

    Both continents *might* see improved population if we get rewarded enough when the per-continent XP bonus goes into effect on the 30th.
  13. illgot

    I fight at The Crown for fun.

    If I want certs I go to empty bases, ghost cap a power plant solo while destroying all the turrets, then repair said turrets after the capture.

    This game needs more focus to get people fighting over a greater portion of locations.

    Maybe a cert bonus for fighting at certain locations that have a lot of defense (say a 25% cert gain when fighting in that area).
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  14. Zan_Aus

    The biolabs are meatgrinders, most of those other bases like Howling Pass or Quartz are only great to defend in one direction and impossible the other. Esamir is a giant boring white plate and Amerish (as the guy above says) is just a painful maze where you spend all your time circling around to get places.

    Indar is not perfect but it is the better of the three maps and again, Crown is where the fun fights are. You guys are pining for a metagame that doesn't exist so the only other option as a player is to enjoy the fight you're in. Crossroads is far more important than the Crown strategically but fights there are terrible.

    You say "why is so hard to get people to leave the Crown". Think about what you are offering:
    1) "Hey guys lets go streamroll Tower XYZ with some tanks and Libs and sit around camping their spawn room for 10 mins while we waiting for capture tickover, bring a good book."
    2) "Hey guys lets go defend this "important" base and be camped for 10 mins in our spawn room by their tanks, bring a bigger book."

    Again, rather than remove the Crown, improve some other bases. Perhaps with the update some other places will actually be defendable and may offer more interesting fights but I doubt it. Unfortunately one of the most idiotic problems is that every base is built in a valley with big hills around it allowing fire into every crevice of every building. Do you really think SOE is going to perform a major rebuild of their entire map topology?
  15. Vortok

    It's fine. It forces outfits/platoon leaders to do something other than "ram our platoon(s) up the middle to take the base" that so many do elsewhere. You can't just footzerg and hope to have much success, have to actually have a tactic or two in mind to take the Crown. I hear Gal dropping multiple platoons is often successful.

    The average person likes the Crown for the same reason the average player in CoD liked the stupid small maps like Shipment, Rust, and Nuketown. They're so small that there's no room to move about and you're always running into somebody. It gives them somebody to shoot at all the time instead of making them learn how to move around the map. Many players don't like those maps much because they're so small it really constricts movement options (and players that can't watch their flank like that most opponents have to come straight at them). A lot of people like them (and the Crown... or Bio Lab meatgrinders) because they don't have to think, they can just mindlessly get frags because it's so easy to find someone to shoot at.

    I was in a defense of Benson Construction (one of those dinky outposts in NW Indar) that lasted 30 minutes to an hour when there was literally multiple platoons attacking it. Like, vehicles circling and constantly bombarding the place multiple platoons. If some of our faction kept pulling vehicles from a nearby base to help instead of just dying out we might've even held it and counter-pushed them. It is possible to defend other bases than just the Crown, if people will actually look at their options and try. It requires effort though. The Crown you can just defend with a footzerg, which is why everyone notices when it's defended and why the defense is usually successful there.
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  16. Sebastos

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  17. Xarx

    It's easily defended by design. I was there day 1 when most of the fighting was on Esamir and most of the people playing didn't even know how to switch continents. It was still a pain in the rear to take with only a few defenders.

    It's also hilarious that you are using the elitist term "pub" when it is in no way warranted.

    The are a few reasons why the Crown has a 24/7 population, because more often than not it's the controlling faction's front line. To push out from the Crown you pretty much need the other two factions to fight and weaken themselves so you can get through the valley of death with minimal losses. Combined with the fact people are naturally drawn to the centre of the map it's no surprise that there are always people there. In the rare event that the controlling faction pushes both factions back so that it is no longer on the front line, you'll find the crown to be pretty much empty.
  18. Bassik

    The only thing wrong with the Crown is that there is only one of it.
    I'd like to see more Crowns... covering the lands like the discarded dumps of some huge animal... eternally groaning under the struggles beneath it's feet. Ah, the Crown, how I love thy.
  19. Richard [PG]

    Sometimes I get PL for Pirate Gaming on Woodman server, trying to keep the randoms with the members of the clan is pointless. Everyone is fu-king off to the Crown, and I end up yelling over platoon chat,"You have five f-cking minutes to get to the platoon marker or you're kicked from the platoon!"

    The fellow members of the group do it right, but the randoms not on TS almost always are somewhere else.