[Suggestion] would Indar be a better place without The Crown?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NovaAustralis, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. NovaAustralis

    Yes. Yes it would.

    If you are a Crown-loving, zerg-farming, hacker, or scrub noob and are just in LUV with TEH KROWN!!1!!
    I suggest you don't read this thread... you will cry and be sad and then feel the need to post some poor excuse of a reply. Just don't bother. Go away now.

    For those of you who actually enjoy fighting on Indar in locations other than the Crown, read on!

    Imagine if tomorrow SOE decided to nuke the Crown...
    If all that remained was a deep crater with a small lake at the bottom.
    (In keeping with the theme of J908 Impact Site.)
    The bridge from the Palisade would be broken halfway across, debris littering the valley floor.
    TI Alloys Inc, Ceres Hydroponics and Crossroads Watchtower would now all have prime lakeside real estate.

    What effect would this have on strategy in Indar?

    - Firstly, there would be less three-way fights in the centre, due to the impassable terrain now there.
    NC vs TR battles would rage along the Eastern edge of the map,
    TR vs VS battles would rage along the Western edge of the map, and
    VS vs NC battles would rage along the Southern edge of the map (much as they do now).

    I.e: There would be more focus on fighting either one faction or the other, not a free-for-all / three-way in the centre of the map.

    - With the 'allure' of the Crown gone, more players will be encouraged to look for fights in other more interesting locations around Indar. (E.g: Howling Pass Checkpoint, Quartz Ridge Camp, Scarred Mesa Skydock...)

    - No longer will un-rendered artillery, missile fire and sniper shots from the Crown affect battles at Ceres Hydroponics, TI Alloys and Crossroads Watchtower.

    - Ceres Hydroponics will become more than just 'the hex TR need to cap so they can attack the Crown'...

    - The Palisade will become more than just 'the hex you have to drive through to get to the bridge to the Crown'...

    - Zurvan Amp Station might not actually change hands every 5 mins...

    In summary;
    battles on Indar will be more widespread, they will be 1 faction vs 1 faction more often and will involve more players more often.

    This can only be a good thing.
  2. Brok9000

    I disagree and I don't crown fight. But many people do. They like it, so why remove something players like?

    At least not until a meta-game is implemented.
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  3. Richard [PG]

    Completely agree.

    Wanna farm certs? Head to the Crown.

    Doesn't matter that you never take a point, until SOE makes point capping and such more XP worthy than a few kills at the crown, people will continue to farm.

    Hell half the time I'm platoon leader half the randoms run right towards the crown no matter how much I shout at them, so I have to kick them.
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  4. Oreo202

    I would love for it to be removed. On Mattherson if the TR own the crown.... it's basically a zerg magnet for TR. It's sad how easy it ends up being to push north when 70% of the TR population is sitting on top of the crown.
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  5. Linc

    Okay, maybe not every hex, but I do agree there need to be more on every continent.
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  6. McGubble

    No no I like placing a sunder on the bridge of the crown on double XP
  7. Pemtaphalon

    I agree that most people stay at the crown, and this makes going anywhere else pointless, literally, you end up in a small zerg capping empty bases for 1, 2 or 4 certs, or you can stay at the crown and farm many certs, I'll admit I do it when I'm close to the amount of certs I need for an upgrade, so make capping bases worth 4, 6 and 10 certs or something, then there would be more incentive then just farming at the crown, I also think you should get certs for defending a base
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  8. illgot

    I love the crown. It allows 3 forces to fight at the same time for an extended period.

    If you do not like the crown for what ever reason, play a different map.

    No one plays the other map? Could it be because they enjoy finding one centralized location to fight instead of chasing and capturing empty bases all night?
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  9. NovaAustralis

    "Oh god why?"
  10. NovaAustralis

    You've just illustrated the exact mind-set I'm trying to remove.
    Basically what you said is "Indar is a glorified life-support system for the Crown"...

    Hang on, so if I don't like the Crown I can just nick off to Amerish or Esamir, right?
    Well, what about all the other locations on Indar?
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  11. centurionvi

    No. The Crown is the only base in the game you can't win with sheer numbers alone. We need more of them, not less.
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  12. NovaAustralis

    Mate, you would be having so much more fun in PS2 if they:

    nuked the Crown, and
    removed XP for Sundy deployments.

    It will open your eyes to everything else PS2 has to offer!
  13. NovaAustralis

    Agree massively that all bases need to be made more easily defended.
  14. NovaAustralis

    Can you imagine how many more players there would be at other battles if half of 'em weren't scampering off to TEH KROWN!!11!...
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  15. Diamond Sword


    I feel like I am taking crazy pills when I see a lot of complaints about bases flipping too fast and metagame tactics, but then the same people cry about the Crown requiring more than zerg tactics to take.
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  16. BlueSkies

    If you remove the crown you will just piss people off and lose players. What they need to do is truly examine why the crown is so popular (easily defendable, etc) and bring those attributes to more areas.
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  17. NovaAustralis

    You could be right.
    Maybe when they fix base design and all locations are more easily defended and result in better battles, some of the emphasis on the Crown will be taken away...
  18. urch

    No. No it wouldn't.

    Why remove a region where 3 way fights often take place? there is not much region where that awesome 3 way fights happen.

    If you want people to stop zerging crown organize a squad/platoon or even cert that faction wide channel and lead them somewhere else.

    There is a reason there are 3 factions in this game, so meh..

    This can never be a good thing.
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  19. DustyMonolith

    How about instead of destroying something that a huge portion of every server enjoys, they make the rest of the continent as compelling and fun to fight over as The Crown?

    I don't fight at The Crown for certs, I fight there because it's one of the few places on the map where huge battles take place thanks to it being the only place on the three continents that's actually defensible. You see big back and forth pushes by the defenders trying to drive off the besieging forces, massive coordinated air drops, huge columns of tanks smashing into one another vying for control of the bridges and hills.... basically at The Crown I'm able to be involved in the massive experience we all want.

    It DOES stink that there's only one territory out of three whole continents that you're guaranteed to find this sort of scale, but until the rest of the map is more than indefensible speed bumps, The Crown is where it's at.
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  20. Twigifire

    Amerish has a crown, have you seen the ascents position! It is in a more devastating spot than the crown with only 1 entrance! It is in a stronger position than the crown, a lot harder to take, but NOBODY ever plays on Amerish. Everybody plays on Indar because everybody plays on Indar, and the crown is in the centre of the map, so really, it's impossible to make another crown unless more people go to Amerish because of the crowns positioning.
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