I don't care that infiltrators have a useless cloak and can't "infiltrate" properly

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheUprising, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. TheUprising

    Because they can 1 shot me from 500 meters away. I know that takes a lot of skill but its incredibly frustrating to just die from something that couldn't be avoided, unless you plan to avoid mountainous terrain in general and sit in you warpgate. Ohhh noo we have lower health and our cloak doesn't work QQ! Well you're 500 meters away from any possible threat other than other snipers so I don't see how all this matters.

    EDIT: the 500 meters was obviously hyperbole, wasn't sure how far they could shoot, apparently its 300 meters.
  2. Wren

    Then rename them snipers?

    Cause they sure aren't 'infiltrators' currently.
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  3. Daioh

    snipers, they are snipers. its their job to take crack shots to suppress others.

    and i don't see whats wrong with the influterator's cloak, i can run to the enemy warpgate, chill, and have a coke behind a tree and not be spotted
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  4. Xaturas

    Maximum rendering distance of infantry 300m at best ...
    Try not to stand in place and that should be enough. Shooting a running straight target requires some skill at 300m, most of the time they will preshoot and you can see someone shooting at you. If you got headshoted, then he was better anyway.
    Basically just learn to not run in straight line or sit in 1 place and you should be fine, any good snipers left this ****** render stuff and snipe with normal weapons that can do that (aka 0-300m weapons ...)
  5. TheUprising

    That would be the best way to go imo, b/c they are fine as snipers. You want to be able to infiltrate like a LA too? Why not give you an overshield and LMG's to top it all off?
  6. Springheel Jack

    Can't be avoided?

    Apparently you haven't mastered the skillset of drifting lazily to the left.
  7. Wren

    Its apparent you don't understand the differences between the Light Assault and Infiltrator classes.
  8. Xiphos

    Somebody is upset because he gets OSK'ed too often.

    BTW sniping doesn't really take skill unless we're talking about headshots on sprinting targets. Targets that stand still are easy kills.
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  9. GSZenith

    The issue is i can HS another sniper 300meter away while he is cloaked and crunched, on low settings, in fact..it is EASIER to find a Sniper than the group of medics huging eachother behind a rock
  10. Recce

    Counter - Don't stand still.
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  11. FateJH

    I die to Infiltrators all the time. Annoying? yeah, but I'm fine with it.
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  12. bluEyedillusions

    I think the person you quoted was being facetious... or maybe he's really that dense.
  13. ent|ty

    Also, most players run around as though they have blinders on, even if it's in the middle of the day in the game, they still don't see you.
    So a cloak is even better, even if people see it once in awhile. At night, its great for traversing a large open area, and cuts down on the chance someone will see you.
    Not to mention the ambush abilities, that we can do without cloak, that becomes even more deadly with cloak.

    Nothing wrong with infiltrator as it is.
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  14. mina5

    dum ***** ..... there is 3 levels of cloak .
    1:walking/running (med visible)
    2 :standing still (semi hard visible)
    3 : on the knees and still ( transperrent ) (it is currently some what bugged . you need to move tiny pit while on knees so lvl.3 cloak activates)

    i have been many instances while on lvl3 cloak it enemy tjust takes cover front of me because he cant see me . or whole enemy squads run by when they are chearching for me . and they even look directly in my position but they still cant see me.

    on low end computers it dosen't work tough .
  15. Tasogie

    best shot I can do si about 350'ish, After that you cant really see your target, But at that range is kind of a "lucky" shot...I did get a headshot ONCE at that range on the move, but I've never been able to do it twice.As for useless cloak, who told you that?, cloak is anything but useless mate trust me:)
  16. bluEyedillusions

    Kudos for knowing more about stealth than the average player. One correction though... it's only bugged if you crouch THEN cloak. If you cloak before crouching, there is no need to wiggle to get it to work.
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  17. Wobberjockey

    protip. that sniper out there at 300m?

    yea 9 times out of 10 he isn't doing jack or squat to help his empire take the objective

    and that's what we infiltrators want to do

  18. TheUprising

    Light Assault doesn't really have a clearcut role right now, hence they are undergoing a rework, but their main purpose atm is to infiltrate bases, hide in nooks and crannies, and pick people off. Light Assaults can't snipe, at least well anyways, so what's wrong with infiltrators not being able to infiltrate? Other than their name of course, which should be changed.
  19. TheUprising

    On low end computers infiltrators while cloaking are very hard to see during all visibilities.
  20. bluEyedillusions

    Infiltrators are supposed to be infiltrating. No. Just... no.

    Look at infiltrators in PS1. Look at the fact that infiltrators have the ability to hack terminals. Are you really arguing that light ASSAULT should be better infiltrators than INFILTRATORS?