Why are pilots still encouraged to grief?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by phungus420, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. Dulu

    Great post.

    Be sure to put it on reddit or twitter if you want the developers to see it.

    They don't read anything here.
  2. Esjo

    I for one, would like to see a game mechanic where you can not deconstruct when being fired upon. Sure, you might not get the pilot killed.. but everyone can eject. Real world pilots have been doing that for decades.

    It could be a timer, just like the tank or max Cert upgrade.. They regen if not hit for 15 secs.. make it so you can't deconstruct for 5 secs if the vehicle is hit and cancel any decon progress if it is hit.

    Makes sense to "interrupt" such a process anyway.. eh?
  3. Rager

    It's a broken system, and people will defend and abuse it. I do it with a smile, because i know it pisses people off.

    I'm just a jerk like that.
  4. aedn

    Vehicle deconstruct needs to be on a 30 second timer. If a player wants to jump out of a plane and suicide its not biggie, or if he has the ejection system in place, he can live and do more damage to the opposing team. however, instant deconstruct should not be in the game, as its to easy to abuse it.

    As far as the player mentality, shrug, its the internet, so i am not really certain why the developers would not anticipate this type of action and have an answer in place.

    of all the issues to complain about in this game, this one is waaaaaay at the bottom
  6. Dulu

    Why? Because it doesn't effect you?

    Playing as an A2A fighter in this game is pointless XP wise.

    G2A ESF's farm infantry all day, but as soon as they're threatened they deconstruct/bail. It's disgusting.

  7. gudman591

    Haven't been deconstructing my mossies (why should I bother), but I always jump out. Call it griefing all you want, I usually survive the bail.

    Also haven't seen a single enemy deconstructing their planes when I'm about to blow them out of the sky. Crash into the ground? Yeah, but that's pretty much could be failed attempt at evasive maneuver.

    Why is destroying ESF only 75XP though? That's a very dangerous thing, it should be worth more then the soldier on the ground.
  8. Dulu


  9. gudman591

    I am sorry, didn't notice you over my shoulder when I'm playing. You obviously know stuff about me.
  10. ent|ty

    I don't deconstruct, I smash into the ground, and I only do it when people use the nub missiles. Please pay attention to the history of people's posts in a topic to get the full picture, so that your replies are relevant.
  11. Zerenous

    As a liberator pilot, I have the 500 cert points ejection seats, so if I'm on fire, I am clearly going to bail out, and encourage my crew to do so.

    I WILL NOT, however, deconstruct my lib. The guy caught me fair and square, he can have it. Besides, if I deconstruct, my lib's corpse won't kill the enemy on the way down! twice now the chasing ESF has slammed into my falling lib when I tell my crew to bail.
  12. LameFox

    Brake, pull up, v-thrust, eject. :p
    • Up x 1
  13. Skadi

    Out of the 100 odd pilots I shoot out of the sky daily, about 1 is a LA
  14. Rodinvac

    To be fair, with the upcoming change to xp, the current issue might stop existing, since you would get experience just by damaging the enemy aircraft.
  15. vaxx

    I am usually a LA when I fly, because I dont like switching classes just to fly. I fly and kill until my plane is red, then jump and go kill on the ground.

    Might be more people like me than you know.
  16. Grotpar

    That's not the problem he's describing.
  17. Citizen H

    Why you are denying me certs by running around and not helpfully lining up against a wall to be shot by me and my team in an orderly manner?

    You are the enemy. It is my job to deny the enemy victory in any form. If I can prevent it, I will not let you have XP, certs or resources to strengthen you and your faction.

    That's not "spite", that's war.
  18. ent|ty

    Or even just gaming lol. There's nothing different being done from games previous to PS2.. it's just that XP and Certs are tagged on to give more frustration to the guys who can't finish the job and cry about it.
  19. Monnor

    I fly a reaver, i do not make presents.
  20. Monnor

    Lock on heroes in the sky.