Connery VS have had a thing for air zergs lately. The other factions both do it less often, and to a lesser degree. Idk about how that fares...
Geez. Apparently this is a sore spot for you
Just imagine this for a second, really. New account? Punch in faction, gender, name and face for character. Create. Spawn in a rather large...
This. As a side note, wouldn't non-bipedal mechs be most effective in the scenarios that legs would be superior? Legs have their purpose from a...
Nice, a lot of good points here. I think what PS2 would probably benefit more from (opinion here, torches down please) would be slow, beefy walkers...
If walkers, mechs or Heavy Tanks EVER make an approach towards the game, be they the BFRs from PS1, or a new concept entirely, what would you like to...
I always keep a darklight on my pistol for this EXACT reason lol
I'd play on Hossin if it wasn't such a ghost town. Every time I log in, it's being ignored by 99.9% of the player base while 0.1% of one specific...
Now that you mention it, I did run into a VS AP mine that didn't go off... that might be related. Really makes things interesting, at least
I'm just gonna go ahead and bump this...
I've never heard of that bug. I've never seen it, either. Was it fixed?
There should be a troll item at the end of that directive chain. Perhaps a cat that fires lasers out its backside...
I could actually get behind this. I could only see it getting removed from Medics, however. With HA being an AV class, the devs would most likely...
Separate names with a comma.