Oh come ******* on. This **** again? What I had to do last time this was seriously considered was bad enough...
I have been taken from full health to burning in one second in the middle of my own territory from flak.
I am, of course, referring to the utterly ridiculous flak in this game.
Searhus is the volcano island, right?
Or how about reasonably buffed tanks, AA that doesn't instagib ESF's from across the map, and a community that doesn't take ******** to new and...
Found the dev/mod alt.
NS pistols have a more-than 1 second TTK, while ES pistols have significantly lower TTKs.
WTF? NC has lower TTKs on their weapons than both VS and TR. Their tanks are inferior to other faction's ES vehicles, and their ES weapons suck.
I'm on board if Vanu can have hoverbikes.
As always, I am against nerfs unless a nerf is warranted, such as the old ZOE.
I'll certainly be taking a look at it. That may actually be the one positive change. Except for whatever made the AV nests disappear.
Separate names with a comma.