[media] video is over 2 months old, nothing new, nothing fixed...
An interesting fix for it, would be to put it more in line with how it was before, but remove your side-arm. my two auraxiums
A fun group to fight against, i would recommend SPV to anyone foolish enough to roll NC. Rhino you'll always be my frenemy
still kicking
Thanks for the recommendation Rhino! =C22= is always looking for new players, I know BWC from PS1 and we're not nearly as military as they are, but...
Updated with new website info!
you can always equip a Ranger on your tank....
=C22= always looking for smart folks. http://c22.site.nfoservers.com/
i like that idea
its a very simple fix if you ask me, leave things the way they are for all tanks, only swap which guns the driver and gunner control. Meaning the...
Looking for more soldiers to fill out the ranks!
=C22= is still looking for new soldiers post at http://c22.site.nfoservers.com/forums/
=C22= does NOT sound like a good fit for you, please do NOT apply.
Just a heads up to the -J folks, C22 is actively looking for recruits to fill out our ranks. Hope to see you on the battlefield!
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