yeah, i also wondered what that button was. now i guess it's Directives then :3
D-Day sure was less massive than Planetside. confirmed. seems like there was never any massive epic battles ever. Higby is basically inventing that...
thanks for a fight for Amerish today, was interesting. also i got lotsa ragetells and hackusations from one of your member even after you kicked us...
i think Mattherson is the one i like the least. other continents are fine. but i heard they are going to merge into a corner of other continent, so...
because heavies are the most useless class :3
allow spawning at any sundy. remove base spawns. instawin for me :3
i would love it if they'd left the option of spawning at any sundy, but totally removed the base spawns. these at least could be killed and require...
when i play the roles that i know wont bring me much SPM, i just don't use implants. or if i already stockpiled a lot of chargers before, i still can...
a second opinion: lately i have been shooting a lot of heavies in the head with my Ghost. in close quarters no less. most of them die in one hit....
the ironic thing is his sundy it the one that is the most underused. the ones that stand almost right on top of point and get blown up in 2...
making 60 certs in one hour is not hard at all and by doing that you can run T1 implants without pausing and also get a surplus of energy from drops...
was getting a lot of frustrated tells and hack accusations from one of your members today. thanks for supplying :3 though seriously, watch for his...
we fly libs and scythes often. the only difference i noticed yesterday was that i got more skyguard kills. seems like the people who knew how to use...
i got 10 T1 implants, 10 T1 chargers while i earned ~250 certs. they were dropping at somewhat regular intervals, certwise. after that i got no...
i was a dark side of every post seeping through the nanites
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