OK thank you both for the info ..... I knew something changed for me :( .... i am looking a new video card this week best I can do is 2gigs nividia...
ok I have quad-core 3.69 GHz .... 8 gigs of ram.. and that video card which is 1 gig.. last year i use to get ok frame rates on medium settings ish ....
Ok i just read RadarX sticky post about this but his link does not work ... soo should i uninstall game and start over ... ugh ugh ugh
I have not played PS2 in a few months, I went to load the launcher and I get a error message saying LaunchPad.exe is not a valid Win32 application....
Awww Server Maintenance .. I was really enjoying the new James Bond Seat Ejection System for sundies. On a serious note I spammed 5 sundies in...
I am done paying for this game .... This was such a great game .. Until you Devs gave in to the Bloggers an there never ending crying. Instant...
This looks to be great patch !! .. but lol .. I have recently purchased that mana turret for like 1000 certs just because I was tired of being owned....
Lol where do I start, if your skill is anywhere near your professionalism your a joke your obviously a kid with kind of response who know nothing...
Lowered the re-spawn time after redeploy from 15 to 5 seconds Talk about wrecking a game .... You changed this game so much first with spawn...
Only thing I would like see fixed so far is that I have to press any key to cont from death screen, I would like to just be able to click through it....
Separate names with a comma.