My two cents, as if they are worth anything. If a player is eligible for me to kill them, I should get the credit. XP should be given (though the...
Hold the phone... We (vanu) lost Indar on Connery? Haven't had a chance to log in for a couple days. Hope we have it back by the time I get...
Firstly, camo is great. Way too expensive now that they have removed the single-use camos, but overall they look good, and just a nice feature to...
This is crap. I don't care how more or less powerful the gun is now, because it is an entirely different gun. I did not invest my cert points into...
I agree, 1942 was always my favorite of the franchise (still to this day). And yeah, I'm always suprised when people see the trick you use in...
I C(4) what you did there... Almost worked...
Same can be said about every item in the store. Prices seem a lot more reasonable when you can get 6000SC for $15 and then be lucky to find the...
I thought this was going to be a complaint about how the vehicle armor buff (may have) indirectly nerfed C4, and the OP was suggesting the developers...
Yeah, and...? Destroying generators (and base turrets and equipment terminals) are not a requirement to capturing a base. They are an optional...
VS and NC scientists hard at work improving proximity mine technology: [media] The technology of tomorrow, today!
Couldn't they have just removed the laser from the claymore...? Don't know why balance always has to be achieved through nerfs.
Except it isn't anything like that, because it has nothing to do with a "side quest". The "quest", if you insist on using those terms, is to...
I'm not sure they should give experience for blowing generators or destroying terminals in the first place. The incentive to perform those activities...
Separate names with a comma.