The air balance patch messed up the performance. Many people have experienced performance issues with the latest patch, but daybreak is "working on...
How come sas-r is in your "worst nc weapons" video and tsar is in "best tr weapons" video? You do realize that they are the same thing.
Why don't you make TR character and try using AMC for couple of hours and then think if the nerf is necessary.
You will that find keeping distance is pretty hard inside capture point room.
Well you gotta keep your aim on the target and then reload because the mag size is very small. With light PPA on scythe you don't even need...
Thats nothing compared to my conc kills. [IMG]
There is no worst faction. Some things are just better than others on other factions and some worse.
Imo magriders are just fine as tanks and tank vs tank. But i hate it when 90% of time magriders are used to float top of hills at bases and just...
There is no way to win vanguard 1v1 with any vehicle in CQC as you showed us. Since its been like that for long time the other faction players just...
I can already imagine Valkyrie doing low altitude drive by over enemy sunderer and dropping engineer with pizza boxes on top of the sundy.
Yeah i agree also. Besides there aren't any gamebreaking / OP implants. I dont know why people are so mad about em. My favorite implant imo...
You just probably have changed class and haven't placed the implant on that class's implant slot. The implants are like loadouts, they aren't...
Separate names with a comma.