I'm minding my own business on Esamir and building a strategic base to defend and attack Jaeger's Fist and Andvari South Bank. A convenient base...
I have only one question: will 2024 finally lift NSO to a higher level? NSO currently feels like leftovers thrown in the gutter when it comes to...
As a matter of fact, I have done some maintenance on our servers this morning. I work in IT, when all systems are healthy I usually do not work...
Amen. I am baffled by the silence. I have to say I have not seen a blatant cheater openly doing its thing the last few weeks but now with Cobalt...
The lack of a response in the official news and announcements section tells me PlanetSide isn't dead .. it tells me DayBreak is dying. Something bad...
Don't hate on Oshur ❤ I'd be up for it too if given the chance. Ban the flying **** and get back to playing like a regular player
Paging DayBreak devs. In regard of cheating that's been going on for *weeks* on Cobalt, every instance taking hours of being headshotted through...
The reason I asked if it could be anything on your end is because (although an entirely different protocol), after changing firewall settings on...
When I found out, I cried a little and I'm not even medic very often. Medic tool is crippled now.
I agree. I've had numerous occasion where a random comes in adding a vehicle spawn at the worst position to spawn a Flash and drive off. Or basically...
I only play on Cobalt and I haven't seen any connection issues, also from EU. Even in prime time, the worst I got a few days ago was a yellow...
Same guy returned. I just reported it through cheater@planetside2.com and hope it gets taken care of quick.
There are chances of having mod abuse, hence the procedure that has to be followed in order to catch cheaters and have proof of it. The way I see...
Separate names with a comma.