So I was playing today and I spawned somewhere to pull a Mosquito. I look at the map and see something rather odd, so I make my way over to check...
TL;DR 1500 free certs pretty much worthless due to price increase, lock-on launchers too expensive, non-NC bolt action rifles too expensive. Creates...
Left mouse button then Right mouse button. Though this tactic doesn't work - your cone of fire will remain unchanged as long as you're in full...
Optimisations are pretty hard to get right. I think they're working on ironing out the bugs before they start making the game perform better....
I don't think the suppressor lowers recoil at all, that's what the compensator is for. As for forward grip, that will reduce horizontal recoil (how...
I agree tbh. Not finding much use for the heat scope when everyone is easy to see anyway.
I don't think camo is intended to make you shoot your allies. Unless you're American. P.S. That was a joke. This is called humour. Please do...
I actually just use this setup (I'm TR): Terran Republic New Conglomerate Vanu Sovereignty Took a while to get used to red being allied.
Separate names with a comma.