You... uh. Well. You're either trying entirely too hard to troll, and it's not even very amusing at that, or you should probably stick to games...
I think the coolest part is how it was downvoted almost three times as much as it was upvoted, but it was still put in anyway. ...Oh wait, that...
Lol, what? The default SAW is awesome in CQC. It's essentially a slug shotgun. Even with a compensator on it I can still get hipfire kills at...
There isn't a "best" gun. But if you want one that's well-rounded and decent for most situations, then stick with the Gauss you start with.
Geez, I see threads like this all the time. Different people complain about different guns just like different people do well with different guns....
You're probably expecting some sort of long-winded bravado laden statement about how our outfit is the best of the best and what have you, but...
2/10. Too obvious.
There isn't a difference in my FPS when I have AO on and when I have it off in large fights. There is a performance hit in general between...
Give your GPU more to do, to put it simply. As nitram stated, bump your graphics to "ultra" settings (4) in the UserOptions.ini file. After doing so,...
I'm sorry, but what? Your belief is that on minimum specs it is a guarantee that a game will run consistently at thirty frames per second? Not...
I wasn't, no. I was at work.
Everyone fights at the Crown, because everyone wants it. King of the Hill, y'see.
It is kind of depressing when we still manage to take Amerish whilst doing such things.
Separate names with a comma.