Cary, I was wondering, did it ever cross T-Rays mind to re-create some sort of Pip-Boy for PS2?
IMO too much time is spend on balance, instead of implementing systems that help create a proper metagame. Also, if there is single design decision...
This is a very clever OP plz nerf post. Congratulations.
Yes. The game freezes every time I try to change class or continent.
Unfortunately very low presets don't help vs. freeze on continent change. :/ I give up.
I used the 'very low' preset and now it seems class change at consoles doesn't lock up the game anymore.
This doesn't help against the lookup-on-class-change problem.
I tried that, but unfortunately the game still freezes every time I access the console to change class.
You hit the nail on the head, allthough not in the way you think. We need more such "objects".
It's a bit strange that you expect to counter a vehicle manned by three with a single ESF. Unless you're really good, that isn't going to happen....
I don't crash, but freeze every time I change class on terminal or spawn a vehicle.
Separate names with a comma.