swearing at and insulting GMs isn't gonna help you, now or later. GMs don't have to give a damn about player's problems, they just have to follow...
IMHO the moment you livestream a game you give up your privacy in said game. streams are not private, they shouldn't be treated as such, live...
milk the game till it dies. push casuals down the stairs. buff outfit functions. the usual stuff.
it's too late, they aren't gonna fix it. they are focusing on adding stuff to keep people playing rather then fix core issues, they'll keep doing...
1) enclosed space. 2) aside from exits, no vehicle interaction. 3) no vehicle pads it's a 2.0 biolab, built on the top of the old 1.0 biolab...
adding new continents, weapons, vehicles etc can only keep old players that left interested for a short amount of time, as long as the core issues...
newer players or older players. the most likely ones to suddenly pickup the game to see the new stuff is vets who have done all of the old stuff...
it's not hard to figure out why they joined and then left. they joined because of the new stuff, once the shine of the new stuff wore off they were...
when many players spam **** they should expect a nerf when alot of players get upset about it, you should be thankful they only increased the...
really? then then how come AA guns hit like a wet noodle against aircraft unless you bring a large enough number of them? also in general it's a...
if you know what words get changed into other words and the intended recipient also knows them, is your messages actually being filtered at all?...
if you want an open discussion with people you can do so unobstructed via voice chat or conference calls, the reason why they don't even try to...
free speech only protects you to a certain extent from the government. when you use a private service they have the right to alter or delete posts...
mob mentality is never good for a game as has been stated, imagine mass reporting getting someone suspended automatically till a moderator can bother...
it gets even more petty then that, one time i had a low BR as a gunner and my tank was done for so i bailed out, the next shot destoryed the tank...
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