The decimator-g is not tracking vehicle kills as part of the directive kills. The Decimater-B is, as are all the other launchers.
Unlike a lot of other pilots, I'm not disenfranchised with the changes to the Lib. Even after 1000+ hours flying the beast, I think it was good to...
This isn't a brand new idea but the recent resource changes gave us a taste of what it might be like. What if MAXs cost as much as they did before...
Gals were plentiful after the squad spawns became a thing... and even more so after the bulldog got its buff. And because they were all AtG...
Thanks for the tips :). I'll work on how to engage a Gal with my Lib. I just hope I don't run into too many that can effectively engage me...
I'm curious to see how you guys fair with shredder. ESF can still move and dodge with their speed and agility if they need to get away. Libs...
You think that 1000m/s walker rounds don't change its effectiveness at all ranges? Seriously? In theory DPS doesn't change. In reality,...
The title says it all pretty much. Last night I watch Gals actively chasing ESFs all over the place. There was no reason for the ESFs to turn and...
After playing for a couple of hours last night, it seems too good. Here's what I felt it was trying to accomplish: Give a boost to help protect a...
High G - Improves Lib's agility. Good for low flying. Vertical thrust is great for increasing forward speed, increasing height while hovering...
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