Or do they carry over, letting you maintain the lower cooldown the longer your streak goes?
One problem I think the TR have is they don't really have a shock and awe factor. Like the NC have railguns, and burst shoguns, and have a cool...
Anyone notice that when the TR get something cool, NS will eventually have something just like it?
Feel this is a nerf to Anchor mode.
Actually the Armistice has a higher dps then even the Cyclone. The Cyclone is just more adaptable in different situations. but if you're...
That's the same with most things. If you play scout in TF2 for a long time, then switch to Heavy or something you feel like you're not moving...
Accidental double post wambo combo!
It's because you have all the things they said in your mind, thus reminding you to do said things.
Iridar is right about slugs, but it should be noted that pump slugs can OHK on headshots. So if you want to roll #MLGPRO quick scope sniper, but want...
TORQ and T1 fill the same role, just in different ways. Both are mid ranged rifles that are very adaptable to any fighting situation. The TORQ is a...
C4 because at least with a galaxy you know it was planned out.
Only time when I die to c4 is either from some pilot running stealth flying all the way to my tank, jumping out then c4 as they fall. Every...
It is powerful in CQC over other LMGs because you don't need to aim down sights, thus letting you strafe at full speed, while still being able...
Try out the Mini-chain gun. If you're going to go HA you might as well go "UNLIMITED POWER!" HA.
Separate names with a comma.