Maybe if you were not such a ****** infiltrator you would have realized by now that tactical game play is alive and well with the lattice and is more...
They need to bring it back to 2 hits to kill an infantry like before. That was pretty balanced considering they removed the firing delay. One hit...
Hey TR here are a couple wheels for you to install on that goal post, it will help you move it since you guys move it so often.
The best part is I have seen a bunch of NC (I think they were TAS) trying to ghost cap bases. I guess they didn't get the lattice memo.
Man the TR tears taste so good. "ZOE maxes are IMPOSSIBLE to hit" **** I guess all those people who had no trouble killing the ZOE maxes today...
Not surprised to see terrible TR players complain about ZOE. Seems they can't hit anything that is moving unless they can lock on to it. I guess it...
Lattice is absolutely amazing. I don't care if it is not ready for Esamir or Amerish yet, just add it asap because going back to HEX system after the...
I have seen a single fracture max kill like six zoe maxes today. ZOE maxes are hilariously easy to kill I am not sure what the QQ's are all about....
Amazing update. Love all the changes. Thanks SOE. One thing we need fast is the promised "not being able to shoot outside from spawn room doors"...
On Matherson: TR: BWC is pretty much the outfit I have the most fun fighting against, the rest are too easy. TE has some really good players as...
Yup ZOE is a complete joke.
ZOE already feels utterly useless compared to the TR and NC ones if they nerf the speed even more on top of what it is currently they might as well...
Tell us more about how you capped Indar single handedly Nathual.
Ahahahahahaha We need a new goalpost, this one has trouble standing straight from being moved so much.
Separate names with a comma.